July 16, 2010

New CHA Stamps + Rub-ons!!!!

We're so very excited to have full stamp sets at CHA this year! In the past, we've duplicated past kit stamps for sale in retail markets, but now we've taken it one step further....we've taken stamps you know and love from kits and have been most popular, tweaked them and added some to make full-stamp sets.This set is called "Jetsetter" and was made based on a kit stamp two years ago: Via Airmail. The envelope frame and "go-see-do" phrase were so popular, we wanted to offer it again. They're different sizes from the originals, so you won't have duplicate stamps if you get both, plus we've added the map and some camera icons (also a popular stamp in the past) to round out the set.
Our new sentiments stamp combines two of your favorites: a favorite font (Addy) and favorite words that can be used for cards or scrapbook pages.
This is our "Natalee" alphabet. Lorie, our dedicated kit coordinator, warehouse specialist, packer and organizer extraordinaire has been waiting a long time to have an alphabet stamp set named after her daughter, Natalee...and this is it!
This "Time Flies" set coordinates with the rub-ons below and has separate hands so you can place them in the position you'd like on the clock...even stamp with a new color. In addition, this set has a favorite item of mine: a journal block!
This Labels Stamp set coordinates perfectly with one of your favorite punches by EK Success. All these are individual stamps, so they can be used with or without the punch.
And, last but not least, my favorite: Doilies. I absolutely love how well these stamp...the images are just beautiful. I can see a lot of these showing up on my layouts.


These clocks are sized to use with some punches you probably already have in your possession: 2.5", 1.5", 1" circles. Not to brag, but that was smart I think....or lazy on my part because I'm horrible at cutting circles.

Next, our beloved tweets have made there way from stamps to rub-ons. These are a favorite of the design team....Stephanie Howell particularly loves the pink ledger ones....I wonder why.

And, the Stars are my favorite....Lisa Truesdell's too. We love them. I know they'll be on probably 50% of my layouts from now on, so please no one be surprised.

Now, we want to hear what you like. Tell me your favorite rub-on and stamp set ---- be specific!!!!!!! We'll draw 5 winners to receive the 2 items you chose. It's like shopping for yourself right now.


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Cynthia Baldwin said...

My fave stamp set is Jet Setter. Fave rub-ons are the wood-grain stars. Fabulous!

Anonymous said...

wow!! i'm loving the woodgrain stars and doily stamps!

katrina said...

i'm loving the woodgrain stars and doily stamps!

Bel said...

Love many of them, but if forced to pick only 1 of each, I'd say the Jetsetter stamps and the stars rub-on's! Thanks for the opportunity! :)

Amy said...

This is awesome!!! Love these! My two favs are the Natalee alpha stamp set and the ledger star rub on! :D Can't wait to get my hands on those!

Vanessa said...

Wood Grain birdies and doilie stamps....wow! Love those the best!

mfitzwater said...

LOVELOVE it! The label Stamps are fabulous and the star rub-ons are a must have...love the woodgrain!

Anonymous said...

I love the woodgrain stars and the label stamps!!! can't wait to get my hands on these!!!

Majic Scrapbooker said...

I've just bought that label punch, so I have to say the Label stamps are fabulous! I also love the woodgrain birds :)

tammy g said...

I love the pink ledger birds and the clock rub-ons!

Shannon said...

Sheesh! You guys have done it again!!!

I want it all, but if forced to choose, I think I'd go with the doily stamps and the woodgrain tweets.
They are simply adorable!!!

Carrie K said...

The graph paper stars and the natalee alphabet...definitely top of the list!!

Lynne C said...

So so difficult but I love the woodgrain stars and the labels stamp set is to die for.

Michelle LaPoint Rydell said...

OMG I LOVE the Jetsetter stampset and the WOODGRAIN BIRDIES!!!!!

Melissa Mann said...

OMG! The label stamps and the jetsetter stamps!!! These are all just fantastic!

somebody who needs to love herself said...

please can I have the Jetsetter stamps and the white ledger birds :)

Erica M. in Ohio said...

What a nice release!
My favorites, boy it was HARD to pick, are "Time Flies" for the stamp set and the star rub ons with the graph paper grid.

Karen said...

love, love the ledger stars and doilies stamp set....this is a super fab release!

Sarah Lou said...

dollies - just darling and tose orange clock rub ons!!! yummo!

Sarah Pendergrast said...

oh wow! holy awesomeness batman!! Love the Natalee alphabet and the chick rub-ons in wood grain, and the doilies, and the label stamps....oh my....

mprondzinski said...

I am soooo excited for these new products! My favorites are the label set and the wood grain star rub ons!! Thanks for the chance to win!

mprondzinski said...

I am soooo excited for these new products! My favorites are the label set and the wood grain star rub ons!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Glenys said...

Wow! Everything looks great! I love the labels stamp set - I use that punch so much. Love all the rubons - especially the ledger birds.

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous! My favorite stamp set is the Natalee set, and my favorite rub-ons are the beige ledger birds!

Ginger M.

Molly said...

Holy Good Gravy Marie! Those stamp sets are awesome- my favorite stamps are absolutely the Label stamps- to die for! My favorite rub-ons are the wood grain stars- I want to eat them they are so delicious!!!

Kate Anne said...

That is sheer torture to just have to choose!! I'd go for the label stamps and the ledger star rub-ons!! (plus everything else pls...)

Kelly said...

I love the star rubons and the Natalee alpha. Oh, that alpha is awesome!!!

Unknown said...

I love the Jetsetter stamps!

Kari said...

seriously. i have to pick a favorite....

*i'm having anxiety just having to chose* LOL
i love them all almost equally. but ...
my heart belongs too...

the ledger star rubs


the jet set stamps.


Kelly said...

the label stamps and the ledger stars! everything is just fabulous though. this is the best release ever!

jendcnguyen said...

IT'S SOOOO HARD TO CHOOSE! But I guess my favorite stamp set are the "doilies" and rub-ons are the stars!! I love STARS! Or maybe the birds! NM...too hard to choose! Thanks for the chance to win! =)

Lane said...

I am swooning over everything, as per usual, but my faves are the woodgrain stars and Jetset - I've been lusting after the "GoSeeDo" set since August of last year, so I'm *estatic* to see it's making a reappearance!

Jill said...

I love the Time Flies set (numbers? clocks? journaling lines? awesomeness?) and the ledger birdies.

Ady said...

I love the Doilie stamp set and the orange, blue ledger stars... What a beautiful collection. Congrats to you... I can't wait to get my hands on the elementary collection. Ahhh

AlissaG said...

I can choose a fave stamp set! they are all awesome! but... if you are making me choose... probably natalee, love me an alpha. and as far as rub ons, I love the multicolored stars!

Darlene S. said...

EKKK!! How did you know I *seriously* needed that "Time Flies" set?! And how perfectly perfect would the blue clock rub-ons be?? I am about to start a layout in a minute that NEEDS these! Oh, I am so totally mad I don't already have those for tonight!

Thanks for the chance! :)

Jody said...

I just adore the Addy stamps and the pink birdies!
Thanks for the chance :)

Paulette said...

I am going crazy for the 'jetsetter' stamps and the wood grain birdie rubons. I really 'wood' love to receive them all. Thank you for adding this to your collection.

Paulette said...

Absolutely loving the 'jetsetter' stamps and the woodgrain bird rubons. I really 'wood' love to receive any of the stamp sets. Thanks for your new collections!

b.ary said...

Sooo hard to choose! Everything is just beautiful! The stars & the doilie stamps would have to be my tops! Thanks for the giveaway!

nailgirl said...

Wow, love the new sentiments stamps the best and the star rub-ons that are mostly white in color! actually they are all fabulous though!! great job studio calico!

Holly said...

Oh my oh my... I just love the jetsetter stamp collection and the wood grain star rub on's.... they will be tagging along in my monthly kit as soon as they are available! yeah!

Jennifer.T said...

My fave rub ons are definitely the woodgrain birdies!
and my fave stamp set is the sentiments, you can never have enough sentiment stamps when making cards.

Josephine Yeo said...

My favorite is definitely the Doilies stamp set and the Ledger Stars rub ons.

Anonymous said...

wow what a great idea... love all esp the jetsetter stamp set and the tweet rubons.... good luck & thanks for the chance to win !

Christina C. said...

omg. fantastic. I must have that jet setter set. must. and the labels. yes.

wonderful stuff

Fey said...

My favorite are Jetsetter stamp set and ledger star rub-ons!

Kimberly said...

Those are ALL on the must have list....LOVE LOVE Lahoooove! Stars are my total fav's!

Kathy said...

I love them all, but narrowing it down...Natalee alpha and the "grid" stars rub-ons.
Thanks for the chance to enter.

Michelle said...

Must have them all when they come out, but my top two are the Addy Sentiment stamps& the ledger and yellow star rub on's

souDulce said...

It´s all so beautiful!!! But if I have to choose, ot´s the Jetsetter stamp and the blue clock rubon.

Olivia said...

So difficult to pick just two but my favourites are the label stamps & the cream ledger tweets :)

Anonymous said...

i NEED the label stamps and the blue tweet rubbons!!!!

Dani L. said...

Oh SOOO cute!!! I am totally in love with these!!!! If I really had to pick I think my favorite stamps are the Label ones and my favorite rub-ons are the brown birds. Pure cuteness!!!

amyjk said...

LOVE the doilies stamps and the woodgrain stars! but it is all so gorgeous and amazing-- can't wait to purchase!

MichelleB said...

No way I can pick just one to love! I know where most of my discretionary income is going soon!

Mariannes gjenbruk said...

I love them all , but I love the clocks the most;-)

Heidi Smith said...

ooooh that is tough!! those stamps are all so awesome and yummy! I think Jetsetter though! I love airmail envelopes. And the rubons are all co cute but the graph stars really rock!

KathyChen said...

wow and wow again! love the new products! My fav would have to be the natalee alpha and the yellow stars rub-ons.

Carrie said...

Decisions, decisions....it's all wonderful. My favorites are the Natalee alpha and pink birdie rubons!

Nance said...

Love that "JETSETTER STAMP SETS". What a treat to own a set of those since I love travel and to have cameras on the set! I can't say how elated I am. For rubons, I would love to try those multi-colored STARS to twinkle on my pages.

Alexandra M said...

AWESOME, i choose Labels stamps and stars rub ons!!

isabel scrap said...

I'm excited about all these products
My fav are Natalee stamps and the stars rub ons

isabel scrap said...

I'm excited about all these products
My fav are Natalee stamps and the stars rub ons

Guillauma said...

The doilies stamps are fantastic, and the Natalee stamps too... perfect alphabeth

Vitoria B said...

OMG !!! I NEED to have them all...
But I'm loving the Labels stamps and all the stars...
thanks for the chance to win

Béatrice... said...

Love the graphic star rubons and all the stamps, my fav is the Jetsetter!

Anonymous said...

I am loving the 'Time Flies' stamp set and the blue clock rubons - but everything is amazing!
Beth Ann

Carmem Lucia Calvo said...

OMG! Only one choice? So my favorites are Doilie stamp set and Star rub-ons!

Laura Stewart said...

love the Jetsetter stamps!!

Jenny said...

I'm so excited! I love the new alpha Natalee &,the stamp set "Time flies". Love love love!

Kirsten Moran said...

All are cute. I really love the clocks!

Jana said...

Ok, the two I have to choose would be the Time Flies stamp set & the clock faces rub ons. Hmm, see a trend here? Thanks!

zgagi said...

Love the woodgrain star rubons. Probably will have to buy all the stamp sets, but for now it's jetsetter.

Happy Now said...

Love that Jetsetter set (and several others, but you only wanted one!) :) and the gold star rub-ons! Awesome!

Unknown said...

These are all amazing!! How can a person be told to be pick just two?!?!? Id have to say the turqouise clocks and then the wood grain stars- have i mentioned i LOVVVEEE rubons???

brooke said...

hmm...especially love the ledger star rub ons and journal block stamps!

Anna Sigga said...

I LOVE the Labels Stamp set and I have the Ek punch so I am soooo gonna get that one!

Those clock rub-ons are fab - I need every color!! :D

Sara Berry said...

These are all so awesome! I think my favorites are the "jetsetter" stamp set and the clocks rub-ons, though. Seems like someone in the family is always traveling and the french stripe stamp is perfect for a great journaling block! I am crossing my finger the lss will have them, if not I'll be ordering online!

Carol said...

doily and tan ledger birds......for starters!!!!!!!

you guys ROCK, seriously, I want it all!

silverkitty4630@yahoo.com said...

The star rub-ons are wonderful... Also loving the ledger!

missmammamurphy31@yahoo.com said...

Label stamps and woodgrain rub-ons rock my socks!!

Unknown said...

I love the Stars made with the grids. Perfect for academic layouts and so much more!

Julie Campbell said...

Oooh! I LOVE the sentiment stamp set! And... all of the bird rub-ons are awesome!

Briana said...

I love the label stamps and colored Ledger star rub-ons. Everything is wonderful!

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