September 25, 2010

Reveal Night Giveaway

Want to win a fabulous Lost & Found prize pack?

Let us know if you ever lost anything of value and if you found it. This might even be a fun prompt to scrapbook about.


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Mary Jo said...

Well, right now my canon point and shoot camera is missing and I cannot find it anywhere!
It's driving me crazy. I think I need to ask my three year old if she has seen mommy's camera when she gets home!

ZoezMom said...

I lost my mom's charm bracelet when I was really young, I do not remember it but my dad has reminded me several times throughout my life. It's never been found to this day and now that she's gone, I really wish I could remember it!

LG said...

I lost my drive to scrap when we lost my father-in-law a few weeks ago :(

Keshet said...

I lost my ipod for a while and was so sad about it! But we're enjoying the reunion:)

Anna K. said...

I lost my Passport and didn't find it until after it had expired! Good thing I don't travel much! :)

clippergirl said...

My engagement ring!!! We were in the car going out for Dim Sum...and I was putting on hand lotion. Well the bad habit that I have is taking my ring off before doing this, and I put it in my lap. I ended up forgetting it was in my lap when I got out of the car. Anyhow, I didn't notice it was gone until many hours later, when we were in a mall shopping. I searched every where, even in the ladies bathroom garbage can...crazy...I was frantic...I thought this was a "sign" (Watching too much "Sleepless in Seattle" at the time). It finally occurred to me that I probably lost it when I was getting out of the car and when we drove back to exactly where we parked the car earlier that day, it was STILL on the curb amongst the dirt and leaves....I was sooooooo LUCKY!!! And through it all, my hubby-to-be remained so calm...we've been married 12 years now, he's a keeper for sure!

lisaM said...

I lost my college class ring when I was cleaning my old apartment so-o-o many years ago. It was also the same time that I was ditching a lot of stuff so I have a feeling in went in the trash - never to be found again.

jesslea said...

My husband hid some chocolates from last Christmas and we still can't find them. He thinks I found them and ate them but I honestly didn't.

Crini said...

When I was a kid a lost my favorite teddy again and again but always found it afterwards and I still have got him today, 21 year later and will never give it away.

Joanna said...

I once lost a denim jacket. Probably not a huge cost, but at the time I felt horrible about it (I was 9)!

sylvie said...

I forgot my (almost brand new) Sony point & shoot in a toilet on the NJ Turnpike... well you can figure that I never found it back.

cindy said...

Several years ago I lost one golden nugget earring in a department store. They were the only earrings ever given to me by my Dad, they were beautiful and I loved them. Sadly I never found the lost earring but I still have the solo in my case. Maybe one day I can have it made for me.

Sara said...

I lost a Christmas present that I had bought for my MIL a couple years ago. I bought it early, cause I was so excited about it and it was marked down so much, then put it away, and couldn't find it anywhere. I tore my whole house apart. Turns out it was in the garage in a box inside a box. We had just moved. She got it for Easter. LOL

Unknown said...

I lost my moms first wedding band, dad bought her a diamond ring for an anniversary and she wasn't wearing the band so started to. I was leaving for work walking down some open stairs and for some reason gave my hand a shake and the ring flew off. (it was sort of big). I looked and looked everyday going up and down when finally several days later I noticed it hanging on a little branch of the bush near the stairs. I was sooo happy.

Lindsey said...

When I was a little girl, I had a doll named Sally who came EVERYWHERE with me. Including Sea World. Where she was lost. I remember crying in my stroller while my parents frantically asked staff how to report something to lost and found! I still have Sally, but she stays in the closet.

Not a lot of monetary value, there, but sentimental, for sure!

Barbara said...

I lost a favorite sterling silver seashell bracelet at church one Sunday and someone found it under the coat rack, and turned it in. I retreived it from lost and found the following Sunday....

Brenda Weaver said...

As a mom I've lost my sanity a time or two. I think that's pretty valuable to me :)
I can't think of anything else right off the top of my head that I've lost that was valuable.

TeenaBugg38 said...

I lost my mind once but never found it.....does that count? Would LOVE to ahve this collection tho :)

Anonymous said...

I was completely devasted when I could not find my Tiffany Necklace and earrings set my husband (then fiance) had given me as an engagement gift. You see I have a tendency to put my jewelry away in closet or my lingerie drawer and for the life of me, I could not find it. It took me about 6-8 months to find it, I stumbled across it as I was searching through my handbags....I tell you what a sign of relief....I later confessed it to my husband....he was happy I found it after all.

what a relief...
Rosie V.

Katie said...

My husband lost our second set of keys, one of which was to my car that would cost us $30 to replace, for 1 key!!! We never found them, so now I always ask, do you have the key? I really don't want to have to break into my own car. ;)

Ally said...

Well, I lost my iTouch - on an airplane. Sadly, I had to buy a new one... which I promptly dropped in the toilet.

somebody who needs to love herself said...

I lost a precious pendant my grandma custom made for me. I was devastated cause she died few weeks before I lost it. Perhaps it was not meant to be.

Jennifer Larson said...

Oh, I lost my favorite pair of earrings at the club while working out. I actually lost them and their replacement there! Alas, never found.

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

OH MY--just today (TODAY!!!) my husband lost his wedding ring for the second time! The first time he put it on the back of my truck while he was working outside on our landscaping....I drove away...LOST! Never found. This time we were at the beach and our dog was in the water with us. While my husband was helping our dog, he knocked the ring off his hand (since it was a bit too big). EH! LOST again! Thanks for the chance to win--I will def. be making a page about this! Hopefully it won't happen again!

Vanessa said...

I lost some very important concert tickets when I was in college. I said a few thousand prayers to St. Anthony and finally found them just in time!

Glenys said...

I lost my passport after putting it away in a very safe spot - which was so safe, I forgot where it was! Searched everywhere for it! Ended up reporting it missing and got a replacement. Of course, after I did that, it turned up!!

Aubree said...

My wedding band -- I would always take it off to wash dishes or bathe my kids. One day it was just gone. I swore that I had left it by the tub. After 2 months of searching, I replaced the ring. 3 months after that, I went to put on my gardening gloves to plant some tulip bulbs. I was startled by something "living" in my glove -- only to find out it was the wedding band I had lost. Apparantly it had fallen off of my finger the last time I was out gardening.

Christie Wildes said...

I left my wallet on the hood of my car when I was coming back to college from home after Christmas. Loaded with my Christmas money and money my parents gave me to put in my account.

Yes, I drove off with it on there and yes, I returned to the plaza. Someone had turned the wallet in with EVERYTHING still in it - cash, credit cards, id.


I kept thinking how my parents were going to kill me! LOL


DeniseNoe said...

My car keys....more than once!

Katie said...

"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most"... but it makes frequent visits :D

Sue Lui said...

I lost a pendant which was very precious to me to a snatch thief. And no, I never saw it again.

Cheri said...

I lost my iPod touch last Summer. I found it a couple of months later between my daughter's mattress! Note to self: don't let your kids play with your grown up toys! :)

April said...

I lost a ring my husband gave me one year at Christmas time. I had recently lost weight and when I moved my hand a certain way, it went flying off my finger. We looked and looked but couldn't find it. :( Then after Christmas, we were taking down the Christmas tree and guess what we came across?? Yep, you guessed it! My ring was laying on one of the branches! It was really weird but I sure was happy. ;)
_ April W

Kelly said...

I lost my beautiful gold watch that was a gift from my hubby while I was pregnant. I think I cried for about 2 days. Never found it.

Alby said...

I lost a ring that my hubby gave me while we were still dating. I thought I dropped it in our condo parking lot. I looked around for a long time but did not find it. Over a year later, I was cleaning the contents of an old bag as I intended to use it that day, LO AND BEHOLD, the ring was there inside one of the pockets!

my paper love studio said...

i lost a small diamond ring when i was young. i remember i was playing with it as i was waiting for my mother to pick me up from school and it just rolled out from my palm and into the garden. we were looking for it for hours... and then finally gave up. needless to say, it was a long time afterwards before my parents gave me any jewelry to wear again.

Michelle said...

Me, myself, I lost a book of checks. Only to find it much later. I also have a habit of putting something away for safe keeping and then can't remember where I put it. My husband lost his wedding right 6 mo after we were married. That was never found.

Meghann Andrew said...

When I was on vaca in the Bahamas I lost small sapphire studs in the pool while playing 'chicken.' My dad had given them to me on my prom night. I was on my senior class trip, so not doing the smartest things. I'm still mad at myself for wearing them in the pool.

Briana said...

I just lost a diamond earring the other is somewhere in my car but I can't find it! I was wearing them for a fun night out and on my way home I touched my ear and it fell out. I found the back but not the diamond. Tomorrow's agenda: scour the car with a flashlight and fine-toothed comb. ;)

Josephine Yeo said...

I lost my very first purse (my favorite, still), with my first ID card and some money in it. I was in a bus on my way home from my cousin's place, fell asleep. Got out of the bus. Reached home then I realized that I've lost my purse. Cried for a day and I still missed my purse.

ArlaMo said...

Lost my wedding ring. :(
Never found it.

Unknown said...

My godmother gave me a ring for my tenth birthday that was a chip off her opal ring. It was just a tiny chip on a super thin but beautiful band. I loved it and only wore it on special occasions. Until Junior High, Grade 10 and it kind of fit my finger. During lunch my boyfriend and a bunch of other friends were playing catch and when we went in from lunch I noticed it was missing. I was devestated and my friends all went back at night with flashlights to see if they could find it, but we never did find it.

Anonymous said...

I have needed to scrap this very topic! My mother gave me a pair of diamond earrings many years ago that I have misplaced a few times, often thinking they were gone forever. And a few times they should have been gone forever. I'll be darned if they don't always somehow find their way back to me - I think they are magical. Making myself a note to get this scrapped soon - thanks for the inspiration!

Rebecca said...

This last mardi gras, I lost one of my diamond earrings...luckily we found it! The post was bent but fixable! It was the first Valentine's Day gift from my boyfriend...I was SO upset.

MeganKP said...

ummm my ipod i suppose, i use it every day on the bus, so it was a real bummer!


Sarah said...

On my 16th birthday, my friends pitching in and got me a charm bracelet. I wore it for a week and it ended up falling off my wrist somewhere without me realizing. I never found it. I was heartbroken!

Lillian Child said...

I lost my luggage on a cruise we took several years ago. Seems they sent it to the wrong room, but it was a full day at sea before they found it and got it to me. And there was NO WAY I was going to spend $40 for a tshirt on board the ship!

Ashley B said...

When I was in middle school, I thought I had lost my house key. I knew I'd be dead if I didn't find it (and never trusted again...) but luckily, after going through everything, it was right under my nose in a backpack pocket but when I thought it was gone, I was really freaking out!

Diana Waite said...

the diamond out of my wedding ring! Long story involving a VERY pregnant me, a toilet paper dispenser, a drain, and a kinds lady. yes, I have it now and that was 12 years ago! :)

mandyb said...

i lost a child i was nannying once....luckily all the talks about what to do we had had -worked!!! i found her with a parks worker!!!! whew!!!

not the sort of thing you WANT to loose!!!! never thought about scrapping about it though!!!

Geralyn said...

A distinct incident that I remember from my childhood was that I lost a paper-doll rabbit when I was younger. It was my favorite toy so it was valuable to me, in that sense. I was so sad; we never found it again. We had a feeling it must fell out of the car one day as someone got in, and no one noticed.

thearthurz said...

I drove off in the car a couple of weekends ago with my home cordless phone and my husband's cell phone on top. The cordless made it all the way to starbucks with me, the cell phone was found safe and sound in the street. Whew - close call on both! :) Thanks for the chance!

Kelly Massman said...

I haven't lost anything, but let me tell you a story about my mom losing the diamond out of her wedding ring (which she never took off ). After a few weeks had gone by after losing the diamond, my dad was walking down the steps to the basement, and my brother said "hey, what's this?" and the diamond was on my dad's pants! They were so glad they found the diamond. It meant so much to my parents! Thanks for a chance to win!

Laci J said...

I just realized my Eclipse movie is missing (from Twilight series) hopefully I will soon find it!

janet said...

I lose my darn car keys all the time!! Actually, I like to call it misplacing them! My family always makes fun of me. I always find them but it takes a few minutes! Oh, and someone mentioned losing their sanity...I know the feeling! LOL!

Christina C. said...

I once lost all my film negatives... founds them in a very unlikely place a few years later. phew!

Gracie said...

I have never lost anything-knock on wood!
I do have a "found" story though which has stuck with me since I was a little girl...
We had gone into town to get a treat and my Dad saw a wallet on the sidewalk. He opened it to see who it belonged to (bear in mind I am from a very, very small town) and it was full of cash-like ALOT! It belonged to a lady from town who was on social assistance and had cashed her cheque and accidentally dropped it.
We drove it to her place and she just cried when my Dad gave it to her. I will never forget her thanking my Dad and the look of relief on her face.

Laura Evangeline said...

I remember in middle school loosing a hundred dollar bill, but then found it in the bushes about a week later!

Rachel said...

I've lost a lot of things, most recently a purple ipod nano, which I never did find.

ShoppingTamii said...

my husband took my wedding and engagement rings to get them soldered (sp?) as an anniversary gift one year, and the same day took my car and cleaned it...somehow while washing the car, he lost my wedding ring...he searched the car and the trash (where the vacuum had been dumped) and couldn't find it. So he had to have it re-made (with bigger stones LOL!).

Valerie Bishop said...

I lost the diamond out of my engagement ring the first year I was married and I wore my grandmother's diamond ring for years until my husband got me a new diamond ring on our 20th wedding anniversary!!

berta / Татьяна Берсенева said...

I recently lost my scarf, which is perfect for the autumn jacket. Autumn came, and I still can not find it ...

Ross Plata said...

In a ocacion lost my wallet with all my cards and credentials, but thankfully found and returned complete, I gave them a big kiss and thanks, and I was very worried about losing valuable things so .... Thanks for the oportundiad to participate, good luck to all!

claudia shadler said...

Yes, having lost something has applied to me several times ... but one in particular was when I lost my new iphone, I freaked out and since I was at work I had to retrace my steps ... turns out I left it in one of the bathroom stalls ... thank goodness no one took it!

C :)

MarcyK924 said...

I lost my kidney function but found it again when my husband gave my one of his - does that count????

Meredith said...

A bracelet! Several years after loosing it we had a large pottery jar crack ... there was the bracelet - one of the children must have posted it into the opening of the jar!

Nitasha said...

Sad to say, but I loose things all the time! The most valuable thing I've ever lost (besides certain memories) is my wedding ring! And, yes, I eventually found it!

summer said...

Not so much lost as had all of my fun possessions in storage! It's amazing what you can live without/forget about and then how amazing it is to find it all again!

Jen L said...

when i was nine or ten, i lost a glass elephant figurine that my favorite auntie had given me. i sat on my floor and prayed and prayed to have it return, and it fell right in front of me. i'd like to make a page about this,as my aunt died a few years later and i still have that little figurine.

Renata Pacheco said...

When my youngest son was 5 years-old, he gave us a fright. We were at our beach house, placing the luggage in the trunk of the car to return home. Suddenly, it began to rain hard, and my husband thought we should wait the rain to pass before starting our travel. We went back inside, and we were playing cards. That's when I noticed that my son was not there. We look around the house, and nothing! We went to the street, in the rain, walked a few blocks away, and nothing. Until my husband stood beside the car and heard a little voice calling. It was my son! He had entered the car trunk, to give us a fright when we open the door, but we stopped placing the luggage at the car and it stuck in there! Yes, he gave us the worst fright he could, but not the way that he had planned!

Chloe said...

The most valuable thing I ever lost was my grandmother... but I didn't get hr back :(

Christine Campbell said...

I did lose a gold pinky ring my mom gave me - twice - two times I lost it, two times I found it but then I lost it a third time and never found it again :( It wasn't terribly expensive but my mom gave it to me so it still makes me sad to think about it but I still hope I will come across it someday.

gamybel said...

My husband lost his ipod Nano about 2 years ago after tearing the house apart for 6 months we bought him a new one, by that time they changed style. Fast forward 2 years and we flipped our mattress like we do every 6 months, about 3 days later, the list ipod falls out on something on my nightstand, sure enough my son said he found it under the bed, it must have fallen and got caught in the frame, crazy!

Lane said...

It's a point of contention who is actually responsible for "losing" it, but my cell phone has disappeared recently - for the second time in less than a year! *Fingers crossed* that it turns up during the cleaning rampage this month!

Julia C said...

My parents bought me some cute gold bow earrings when I first had my ears pierced. A few years back I lost one of them. Then a couple of years ago when we had our kitchen re-modelled I found it again under the kitchen cabinets that were removed :)

Vera said...

I have lost many things over the years, but can't for the life of me remember what they were so I've probably lost part of my mind. :)

Unknown said...

What a great line from MME! I lost a pair of sapphire earrings that my parents gave me for my 16th birthday and no, I never found them. :( Boo

Colleen said...

My keys... all of the time! Most of the time I find them, but I've had to call a lock smith and AAA more than once.

Angèle said...

My weddingring! Yes I found it back! weeks and weeks later in the rubber ring of my washingmachine!

Happy regards, Angèle

Haylie K said...

I once lost my camera and found it in my friend's bag. Not that she stole it- I had asked her to hold it and forgotten about it.

Cheri H. said...

I really can't really think of anything that I've lost/found. Certainly misplaced and found, lots of times!!! Cheri H.

Vanessa, Florida, USA said...

I lost my beloved cross pendant that I wore on my wedding day and didn't find it till 2-3 years later... I had put it away in a safe place and forgot about it! oops! :)

Scrapamum said...

I loose things all of the time. Call it absentmindedness??? Usually it is things that aren't that important but I once lost a diamond pendant that meant a lot. I lost it in a swimming pool years ago and to this day it still saddens me that I never found it. A replacement just would do.

Frank Garcia said...

I lost my Wallet while shopping at a local Michaels for scrapbook gear, it was so embarrasing because I wasn't able to pay for everything. Luckily my boyfriend found it and all was well. But boy what a rush.

Ohana in Bend said...

last week (9/15/10) i could not find my nikon d40x. i searched house, car, studio, porches, my daughters room. i was numb with disbelief. i could not even remember taking it out of the house. my only memory of using my camera last was downloading pictures from a camping weekend with my oldest son and his family (and my precious 3 grandsons', one that was barely a month old). at the end of the fifth day of wracking my "empty" head, i was resigned to not having a camera. my daughter called me at work on monday morning, 9/20, and said that the lady she house sat for a week earlier called and said she recognized my camera bag in the living room and thought i might want it back. I cried, i was so relieved. I thanked the Lord!

Miss Jaster said...

There was this pin back button I always had pinned to my purse for luck.Twice it fell off and I lost it, and both times I found it again, once in a crowded movie theater lobby. I guess it actually WAS lucky!

Ohana in Bend said...

i just remembered another big loss. my wedding and engagement bands. i thought i had lost them one cold winter day when i took off my gloves. my rings always fell off when my hands were wet or cold. and i always tried to be very mindful of these situations. 7 years later, yes, SEVEN YEARS later, while my son Ben was talking on his cell phone in the front yard the sun hit the diamond of my engagement ring and it blinded my son's eye (well, a little exaggerated on the blinding light). he bent over and picked it up. he came inside and said "mom, what's the one thing you pray about every day?" i told him i asked God daily to help me find my wedding bands. he handed me my rings, and again, i cried, actually sobbed. what a great God i serve!!

Linda Flens said...

I 'lost'the saddle of my bike! Ofcourse I didn't really loose is myself, but it was stolen. Imagine wanting to ride your bike home, but when you get to your bike you notice something is missing but what...
Kind of strange, someone stealing such a thing!
Of course I didn't find it back....

Anonymous said...

yes a few years ago i lost the bracelet my boyfriend offerd me for our 6th anniversary, i looked for it everywhere at work, in my car and i finally found it under the sofa....

Tina Nilson said...

I lost my 5 year old son in the middle of Stockholm when I was out shopping... Panic- Terrified. I stopped and looked. Walked here and there- and back... After 20 looong minutes of thinking the worst, he came back. Gratitude filled me up.

nicole said...

I lost my sister in a clothes rack at the store when she was younger. She thought we were playing "hide and seek"...I had to call mall security and I was crying and frantic. The things that little kids do...I tell you!

Rhian said...

I lost my gold charm bracelet on a beach, I never did find it. It was fairly new and didn't have many charms on it, the replacement has now got lots of charms but I don't waer it anymore as I am too afaid I might lose it again.

souDulce said...

Since I have my mind somewhere in the moon, I always lost something, but the most stressful time was when I lost my little niece at the beach in a full sunday summer day. Three minutes, but hard time imaginig many bad things.

Tiffany said...

I lost my dorm keys seven times since i've moved in!
luckily i've found them all seven times :)

Mia C. said...

I lost faith in someone who I thought was a very good friend yesterday, my birthday. After so many excuses from this supposed friend I've had it. I thought there was a special friendship going but that person just decided to throw it to the dirt.

nadinr said...

I lost a really good friend because he couldn't take the teasings from his friends. we never got back to where we were so I still feel sad.

Unknown said...

I lost a beautiful and delicate vintage necklace from 1900's my father (who is in heaven for 18 years now) offered me 20 years ago and I always think about it wondering where it could had dissapeared :(

Kate aka stinkydudette said...

Lost my mojo when my photo printer died on me... Now that I have a new one, I'm slowly finding it back!

Anonymous said...

I lost the diamond from my engagement ring. But found it again :)

cannycrafter said...

I lost my dog once and it was the worst three hours of my life!! Actually it was the builders who had left the garden gate open so technically I did not lose him, but fortunately we found him safe and well. I was so worried!

The Mom said...

My hubby would say I've lost my mind!! LOL!!
I have this little lock box that I have had since college and I know there is stuff in it and I can't bear to get rid of it but I don't know where the keys are. It's been 15 years since college... I guess one day I will bust into it and it will be like a time capsule.

tina said...

I have a brand new car...and I love my keys to it. They've been missing for 2 weeks and I know they have to by in my house someplace, but I can't find them is soo frustrating.

Christina Carnoy said...

I lost my true love when I was 19, found him 12 yeas later on facebook, and just married him this summer!!!

Agnieszka said...

I always loose my umbrella. I can't just count anymore the number of umbrellas I have lost in my whole life :) I’m sure that it is not a matter of being careless or absent-minded. I just think that umbrellas are made to lose them :)

Christa said...

I lost my grandmother's handkerchief after my wedding and still have not found it. Not sure how valuable it is, but sentimental for sure.

Deanna said...

I lost my wedding rings, well actually my dd hid them, and i was sooo excited when she remembered where she'd put them! lol!

Nadia Cannizzo said... I am not so much into material things, I'd say at the moment I have lost my Faith a little, but am working on getting it back!

cbk said...

I went for my first wedding dress fitting and it was a cold, rainy day. After the appointment I borrowed my guys sweat jacket because I was freezing. Later in the day we went to his parents home to meet a cousin who was visiting. She asked to see my engagement ring. Out of the pocket came my hand - no ring. After a half hour of frantic calls to the bridal shop and my mom, looking around the car and the in-laws home with no luck, back into the pocket my hand went. I was in tears. Then in the very corner lining I felt something, it was the ring. It was just a little too big and with the cold, had just slipped off. We laugh about it now, but it was so tragic for that half hour!

Spardha said...

I had lost my cellphone, but luckily at home.. :).. it was under a pillow on silent mode! ;)
Oh and I had also lost my fave prima flourishes stamp set which I finally found buried in my ribbons! :)

Leah said...

I lost a pearl earring that was the first gift my husband ever gave me...and I never found it, but I did get a new pair for christmas (but it's really not the same)

penny said...

In college, my purse was stolen, and the most valuable thing in it was concert tickets for the Police! The purse was found the DAY before the concert - tickets still there! Great concert - so glad I didn't miss it.

MichelleB said...

I lost a little gold bracelet I got from my parents for Christmas one year. I looked everywhere and never found it. Mad me sad (especially since I was the ONLY girl in HS without one LOL!). Fast forward to spring and one morning waiting for the bus...and there on the ground was the gold bracelet! I still have it over 30 years later. :)

Karin BG said...

I lost my wedding band...I had taken it off to do some painting at my friend's house. She searched all over her house and gravel driveway for it. I found it months later in an envelope, where I had tucked it so I wouldn't lose it!

Laura Gedeon said...

I lost my cell phone in a cab and before I noticed it was gone, someone called my husband to let them know they had it! We were able to pick it up the next day - it made me feel really good to know there are good people out there!

Unknown said...

I lost a sweet little ring that hubs got me. I have no idea when/where I lost it, but it has been missing for 10 years. Thanks for the chance!

Kirsten Moran said...

I honestly can't think of anything of value. I am usually the one finding other people's things.

Arjanne said...

I've lost several pieces of jewelry, some I found back and others I've never seen again!

Paula-Scrap Addict said...

I lost my Jeep in the Wal-Mart parking lot with a cart full of frozen stuff on a hot summer day... found it at the cost of our ice cream and a screaming child. I ALWAYS park on the same aisle now - lesson learned!

Shannon said...

When I was younger I lost a sterling silver lighter case my mom had when she was a teenager. Some one actually found it and gave it back to me but instead of putting it away for safe keeps I was younge and kept on using it. Then one day I lost it again. I feel so bad about that.

hokiefran said...

Does loosing my mind count? I'm pretty sure I've lost it, and equally sure I'll never find it again...

Sarah said...

I lost a nice earring a few years ago and after days of looking, my husband found it ouside the garage door in the gravel! :)

Mary Stalder Horen said...

I lost the diamond in my wedding ring. A friend said she could clean my rings - she used a brush and then dipped in cleaner (I had two rings she cleaned.). A couple days later we were at John's parnets looking for some trees we were to transplant in our yard. We were walking in the woods and I noticed each ring missing a diamond (wedding ring - it was my largest diamond). Never did find it adn only professionally had rings cleaned from then on.

Valerie said...

I am constantly misplacing photos I mean to scan and scrapbook. I find them when I'm not working on any projects and make a mental note to remember but then I forget again. It's a terrible cycle - I definitely need a better system!

Julie said...

I've never lost anything valuable. But my dh has a habit of losing his wedding ring in our house. We always find it - weeks after it went missing.

Ellie said...

For me I lost a bracelet given to me my husband for our anniversary. :( He is so awesome & wasn't upset/sad or anything about it he joked next time I'll get you a tattoo that way you wouldn't lose it!. (no I never found my bracelet again)

Unknown said...

Oh my, this is a scrap prompt!!! I always get fabulous scrap ideas from your spot here. My lost and found story is when I had just come home from a cancer surgery and realized that with some weight loss( not have gained those back, LOL)my tinie gold wedding band had fallen off sometime during the night and I had not even realized. My hubby called the nurse on the hospital floor and she crawled thru the bin of sheets and managed to find it for me...sigh. It was our 13th year of marriage too, WHAT?! I am lucky in so any ways. Thanks for the chance to add more delicious MME to my stash...:)

Jennifer L.S. said...

it's happened a few times, but the item usually comes back! :)

judyc said...

Sometimes I feel I spend half of my life looking for things...lots of time looking for lost scrapbook supplies. Many years ago I lost my tickets while waiting on my flight and had to get replacements in order to get home... btw love, love, love Lost & Found.

Melinda M. said...

I lose my keys all the time, but so far, never permanently.

Nicole Michelle Gray said...

I lost a necklace that my husband got me after we had been dating for a year.

Never did get it back.

JMCPhillips said...

My mom lost my 2nd set of keys to my van - she insists that she does not have them, but she was the last one to use them......hope that I don't lock my only remaining set in the van!!!!

Sue said...

I had a small pinkie ring with a garnet stone engraved with my son's name and birthdate. When I would get ready for bed, I took it off and ALWAYS put it on this ceramic ring holder in my dresser drawer. Next morning, I couldn't find it. I looked and looked -- nowhere to be found. Several months later, I was moving things around on the top of my dresser. There, settled down around the top of a bottle of finger nail polish was my ring! Guess I was too tired that night to know the difference between my ring holder and a bottle of nail polish!

scrappinkn said...

I've lost and found more jewelry and car keys than I care to admit :)

ruth said...

Nothing comes right to mind except something my DS lost. Yesterday I was cleaning the garage and found some old sunglasses that he wore at about age 13. He thought they were so cool!! He turns 20 in two weeks and I think I might do a page about the glasses.

isabel scrap said...

thanks for the chance girls !!!

Vitoria B said...

lost my head when I start scrapbooking ;-)

Béatrice said...

Great giveaway.
I lost a bracelet in my boyfriend house, and never found it ! strange!

kathleen said...

I lost my homework a lot ; )

andie said...

i lost my promise ring that my boyfriend gave me a few years ago...needless to say i have not found it and dont have an engagement ring either to replace it :( haha! i keep promising i wont loose something that expensive...but we'll see! :0) fun question!

Unknown said...

I lost my engagement ring after we had been married about 4 years. I looked for it forever, and couldn't find it so we decided to get a new one. The day the new one was delivered, I was getting out a medicine cup and there was my ring, in my bag of medicine cups.

Then my hubby gave me a 3 stone diamond ring for our 10 year anniversary. I looked down one day, and one of the diamonds was gone. We ended up getting a new one put in for $2000, and then a year later we found the diamond in the corner of our hallway.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Amber said...

Geez, I have temporarily lost SO many things of value...but one that particularly comes to my is my drivers license...I thought it was gone for good and got a new one...only to find my old one about a year later! Sigh!

Jenny said...

I lost my engagement ring once 13 years ago. I was frantically looking for hours. After crying and finally confessing to my now husband, he asked if I checked my jean pockets. Yes, it was there. The whole time I was looking, I hadn't even bothered checking my own pockets!

Dawn said...

I lost my camera at my friend's house so after a few weeks I went and bought a new one. Then of course she finds it.

Stacy said...

I lost my wedding ring. Looked high and low. Just as I was calling hubby in tears my little 3 year old nephew walked up to me with it in his hand :)

camport said...
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camport said...

My husband recently lost his wedding ring in the Guadalupe River. It survived 10 years of marriage, too many moves to count, a deployment and three kids.

Sadly, the antique store where I bought it went under years ago.

That ring truly is irreplaceable. as I'm the one that bought was a huge loss to ME that I am not willing to let HIM forget. :)

Debbi Tehrani said...

I once lost my favorite ruby ring and couldn't find it for months. My husband woke up one night--in the middle of a dead sleep--went downstairs and found it buried in the carpet. I think he's psychic!

jamie long said...

when I was 6 I lost my my little pony parlor returning from a sleep over. I was pretty sizeable, no one could ever figure how I could have lost it. Now that I am older I know my losing abilities are unmatched. Unfortunately the parlor was never found.

MariaS said...

I lost a nice necklace with a white little bird on it on a holiday in France. Although it was about 16 years ago, I still regret it.

SHeila H said...

I lost our little camera and figured it got stolen from our open house because we left it out somewhere. We moved and about 9 months later I found it in the pocket of a down vest where I'd hidden it so it didn't get stolen at our open house!

Angela Fehr said...

For a short time I had a habit of leaving my wallet on the roof of my car. Twice in a short time it was lost this way and both times it was returned to me intact!

Anonymous said...

I bought a scarf for my mom for Christmas. When I went to wrap it I couldn't find it and never did find it.

Kathy R

Betsy said...

I have lost all of my snapshots from my daughter's performance as Annie in her elementary musical. I was looking for them last week and realized both folders (computer and external hard drive) are empty. I'm so upset about this. I'm hoping they have just accidentally been moved into another folder. I'm also missing my old iphone. We were going to list it on ebay and I can find all of the accessories, but can't find the phone. GRRRR. Hoping photos and iphone both turn up soon.

Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything of great importance that I have lost; however my husband has lost his wedding ring twice in unusual spots (the river & a snowbank) & it has been found both times!!! Quite amazing!
Stephanie Eaken

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

During my single days, one New Years Eve I was at dance in Red Bluff, CA (Country Western) and a guy 'flipped me' during a dance. Later, at home, I noticed the bracelet I was wearing, which used to belong to my recently deceased father, was missing... Never to be found... such a sad loss.

I read every single post! GREAT question!

Erin M said...

The most recent thing I've lost is 1 earring at work. Left work and realized I was only wearing 1 earring and the other one had gone missing. Still haven't found it and doubt I ever will.

Anonymous said...

This past Christmas I bought my 3 daughters silver bracelets with several little charms for each one (this was early). Come Christmas, I couldn't find them. Just recently found them in the linen closet! I was so excited. They will get them this Christmas and you're right. I will scrap about this. I'll take pictures before I wrap them up. I shouldn't lose them again because now they're in my lingerie drawer!

Lauren said...

Losing my teddy bear as a child was not only heart breaking to me but nerve raking to my parents. Many times we had to return somewhere to find it because it fortunately turned out I'd simply left it behind. Whew.

nailgirl said...

i lost the mate to one of my favorite pairs of shoes several years ago! its funny but i've never found it! like what happened? did it just disappear into thin air? strange...

rkokes said...

I lost my keys. We looked everywhere, and tore the house apart. Finally, I just started using my husband's spare keys. Several days later the keys turned up inside my 2 yr. old daughter's Weeble treehouse.

Sammie said...

I've moved about 5 times in the last 4 years and somewhere along the way, I lost a really nice digital kitchen scale. I'm just thankful that I haven't lost anything of great sentimental or monetary value. *knock on wood*

Petra said...

For my 18th birthday my parents gave me a special gift: the weddingring of my grandmother. My mom got this ring after my grandmother died. At first there was a stone in it but my mom replaced it for one of my calf's teeth. So you can imagine how special this was and how desparate I was when I lost my ring about 2 years later. As I also believe that my grandmother is my gardian angel I "asked" her to help me find the ring. The next day i found it (on a place where I never ever expected it to be). Since that day I love that ring even more!

Dorrit said...

Oh I lost a special Army knife with my name on it from my grandparents. And everytime they ask me about it I just say "It is in my room at a special place"...thank God that they never ask me to bring it to them!

Peggy Pilgrim said...

I lost my passport when I was trying to book an international flight on-line. I turned the house upside down hunting for the darned thing & was having fits about it until my husband came home & said "Did you look in your travel wallet?" Duh, eh. That's where it was. It was a huge relief to finally locate it, but Dave hasn't yet let me live down the whole episode (sigh).

Melissa Mann said...

I lost a ring that my grandmother gave me many years ago...I never did find it :-(

Great giveaway, though!

Laura Walker said...

I lost a diamond earing at my Aunt's house. I was helping her move to Boston. She was planning on living there for a year. I kept an eye on her home while she was gone. I would check every now and then to see if I could find it. The day she came back,I looked again for about the tenth time and there it was just sitting on the dresser. It was very erie. Needless to say, I was really happy I found it and that she was back

playfulmeowz said...

I was leaving my mom-in-law's home for the airport when I couldn't find my passport. She suspected I might have accidentally dropped the passport behind her custom made chest coz it was placed on top of it earlier. She pulled out all the contents and proceeded to hack away at the wooden backing!

Then I realised I had kept my passport in a secret compartment in my new Samsonite haversack (the compartment prevents your valuables from being pickpocketed). I caught my flight in time, but thoroughly embarassed. My MIL was fine with the hole in the chest. She just placed all the items back in to block the hole.

Pegg S said...

I lost my engagement ring and found it the next morning in the back alley of my apt building. Shocked that it was still there as sooo many people walk in a out of that door. My lesson learned - do not wear it to the gym anymore! Never told this to anymore - it's our little secret :)

kimandasmom said...

My wedding ring! I was pregnant with my second child and my hands had swelled. I took off my ring and placed it in a paper cup on the bathroom shelf. A few days I could not find them. We thought my oldest daughter had knocked them into the trash can and the trash was already gone. 2 years later my dh replaced my rings with a new antique set. Fast forward 5 years to when we were packing to move into our new house. I moved some stuff in our dining room and heard a noise. My wedding ring! My husband had been mad that I left it in the bathroom on the shelf and hid them in a planter in the dining room...and then forgot all about it. though I have done a lyout about my ring..I never scrapped this story...thanks for the inspiration..because I really need to do this.

Sharon Sutton said...

I lose stuff on a daily basis, but I am currently looking for some Hallmark ornaments. I decided to clean a closet this summer, found the boxes , but no ornaments. I can't remember the last time I used the missing ornaments. They are angels so just may they flew away :-)

Sandy said...

My mom let me wear her birthstone ring to school when I was in grammer school. I was so excted because she let me wear it and I lost it. I was so upset because I felt so grown up wearing it and then lost it. I still feel bad about it to this day! My mom was okay about though ~ she is a fantastic mom.

Glynis said...

I recently lost all my kids birth certificates after a trip to Nova Scotia. I searched every bag (so I thought) several times to no avail. It was only days later when searching for a diaper I found them hidden in my diaperbag tucked amongst the diapers. Thank goodness :O) Thanks for the chance to win!

Nancy Malheiro said...

This Friday I could't find my iPod Touch. At bedtime the kids were begging me to read Harry Potter but it was already lights out time. I decided this might be a good time to recruit some highly motivated helpers. If they could find the iPod in 5 minutes, I would read Potter for another 5 minutes. Within the first minute my 6 year old found it in a kitchen drawer! It was a win/win situation. I got the iPod and they got an extra few minutes of reading time.

I recalled my mothers old saying from "the old country" which basically states that only fools forsake the help of children. My capable children were able to succeed where I had failed.

Tana said...

i lost my keys right before leaving for work. I found them later in my two year olds room under his changing table. I guess he was done with daycare!

Linda said...

I lost my sterling silver charm holder & charms when I was a teenager while riding my bike. Then about a month later while walking down the road to a friends house, I found it laying in the ditch on the side of the road. Can't tell ya how happy I was to discover it!!

Angie V. said...

I lost my wedding band -- it came off while I was sleeping one night and we couldn't find it anywhere! My hubby replaced it, but it wasn't the same. Three months later, I was vacuuming under the bed and saw something shiny hidden in the carpet -- the ring! We still can't figure out how it happened. :)

Nana Nassar said...
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Nana Nassar said...

My father gave me when I was little a neckless in gold with my name in Arabic....It was like a dream a kid...we´re a bit of snooty and we liked to show our friends our presents...I have 27 now...and about a couple of years ago...I woke up in the middle of the dawn wanting to know what happened to this neckless after so many years...I could not sleep untill I woke up everybody, mu, dad to find the end...I found that where it always my JEWEL BOX...kkk...everybody wanted to kill me but at least, I could go back to sleep ...and of course...wearing my neckless...

Unknown said...

I gave my self a t&co ring for my 25th birthday that I would wear always. I've misplaced it several times, usually finding it within a couple of days. One summer I couldn't find it for weeks and thought it was surely lost. A month or so later my Uncle found it just sitting there in the driveway!

ACZ said...

I lost my university's graduate ring at the garden of my sister in love, she gave it to her niece that has 5 years old, thinking that it was a cheaper ring (it is in gold), Some time later, the teacher of the girl that says to her mother that she can't go to school with things that are a lot of value, so, her mother made some conections (name from university at the ring) and finally, they gave me my ring ... I dont knowed that it was lost !

Saneli said...

I lost a ring my husband gave me on the way to the hospital the night I gave birth to my first child.. never found that ring again..

Cynthia Baldwin said...

I lost a really cute and dainty necklace that my aunt gave me just before my wedding.:( I believe I left it in a hotel when we were traveling. I don't even have a pic of it. I've looked for a replacement piece, but no such luck.

Lisa said...

I am known for being the person in my family who loses things...jewellery, books, clothes...but one thing that sticks out to me is a silly item from summer camp. When I was younger I spent a few weeks of summer at an overnight camp. There were a bunch of us who did a 'clothes swap' - I traded my favourite pair of hospital pants (all the rage back in grade 8), for a plain navy blue t-shirt that said LEVIS on the front in small white letters. It was lost within a few weeks of me returning home (although I STILL blame my cousin, who also liked it...I think she snuck off with it!!). Every time I do a clean house, even now when I go visit my parents, I still think I am going to find that t-shirt!!!!

Leigh Penner said...

My daughter lost her library book and we had to go and pay for it. They said, when we paid for it, on June 10th: "If you find it within two months, we'll refund you the money." I said: "Watch, we'll find it on August 11th." Later that summer, my husband was moving the bed in our spareroom and found the book. I said: "What's the date?" And sure enough, it was August 11th!

Lindsay W said...

For about 6 months I lost my engagement ring and wedding band. The next winter season I put my hand in the pocket of one of my fleece jackets and there they were. My son then said,"oh ya mom, I put those there a long time ago." Little stinker!

Martine said...

Several years ago, I lost my grand-mother's ring. Couldn't find it anywhere! :( Several months later, I was going through a bag of clothes that was going to the good will, just checking before it left if I had any second thoughts about the clothes I was giving away. I tried on a pair of purple bermuda shorts (I can still picture them!) to see if they still fit. I put my hands in the pockets, and what was at the bottom of one of the pockets? My grandma's ring! I couldn't believe it! I was soooo happy to find it! I had given up on ever finding it...

Melanie said...

I lost one of my diamond earrings during a holiday in France. They were a gift from my husband. This year he had an easy Christmas since he managed to get a new single earring from the jeweller so that I could wear them again.

Unknown said...

I'm a little ashamed to say it but I lost my ... teddy bear when I was 8 years old and I remember again. It was in the subway, he fell back on track and I cried so much! Yet I was sure my mom would bring me. And then not. I had to grow.

Michell Rene said...

My grandson found a small rock at the tidal pools that he claimed was his. He put it in his pocket and brought it home. It has disappeared and reappeared like magic over and over again in the craziest places. Everytime it brings back memories of that wonderful day of discovery, family and nature. I love that rock. Now I keep it safe and plan to make a memory box for it.

ML said...

When I went on my first trip outside the U.S. I left my first digital camera in the rest room at the Frankfort train station. Of course at that time I was in the Frankfort Airport! Someone told me to leave it and not go back and get it. But it was my first digital camera and my first international trip! I did return and find it and barely made the plane home!(whew is the only word for it!

Unknown said...

I've lost the second set of keys to my husband's car. Still haven't found them yet. They have to be here somewhere.

I've realized one of the joys of moving often is finding lost treasures. I think it's time for us to move. ;)

Jo-An said...

I lost my childhood best friend as we drifted apart over time after college. I think she thought I picked sides when she dissolved her friendship with other girls in the group. I had dreams of her for several years until I came to peace with the situation. I have found many good friends since but none so far that have known and understood me so well as she had.

Jean said...

I cannot think of anything that I have lost other than some weight a few years ago. Luckily, I did find it again:(

Thank you for a chance to win.

Erica Hettwer said...

It wasn't of a lot of value but I lost my favorite hoodie sweatshirt this summer. My hubby put it on top of the truck and then we drove off. We went back late at night and we found it!!!

Linda E said...

I lose my keys or a receipt on almost a daily basis. LOL! Thankfully I have never lost anything of value.

Nancy (nanns01) said...

Oh my. My family is full of losers! ; ) I have lost car keys, house keys, my purse full of all the usual that I left on top of my car. My husband lost his wedding band...twice. My daughter has recently lost her point and shoot camera and had her iPod stolen! Sure would love to win this great giveaway!!!

Aimee said...

I lost the stone out of a ring given to me by my great great grandmother. I was devastated. When me husband and I were packing to move, about 3 years later, it was found under the waterbed.
What a blessing that was.

lindam said...

I lost my dog when I was about 10. I never found him again.

Tffny said...

I loose my keys all the time!

AllyW said...

About 4 years ago my purse was stolen out of my truck (i know, i know :) and believe it or not earlier this year i got a call from the Tacoma Police Department and they had found my purse in some bushes with my id still in it!! The thiefs probably thought i actually had cash in my purse. They didn't know that i have teenage boys who take it all. They did however get about $100 in Starbucks gifts cards. Kinda makes you wanna cry doesn't it.

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