September 26, 2009

Reveal Night Giveaway

For a chance to win this fabulous prize pack from Bella Blvd, just leave a comment here telling us what your favorite season is.

Mine's Fall, in case you're wondering :)


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Donna J. said...

My favorite season is fall; although here in California it's not until late November when the weather finally changes. When it does it is such a relief!

debra lynn said...

When I was younger, I was a summer girl but now with kids and a garden, I have to say fall for sure. Love the food, the canning and the great photos!

Janette said...

Hands down Fall is my favorite. I love sweaters, crunchy leaves, and colorful mountains!

Janette said...
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SquashyCupcake said...

Summer where everything seem so vibrant! :D

Shermin said...

Every other season besides summer! Well... because it's summer all-year-long here in Singapore!

Kris and Jo said...

I love Fall - the colors, the cooler weather, the beautiful trees!!

Alyssa Griffith said...

I absolutely love fall... i especially love the clothes that i get to wear in fall! :)

Vanessa said...

I am a summer girl!! Love this giveaway!

Lilly said...

The FALL! I love the crisp air, beautiful fall colors, the pumpkin and apple picking, the pumpkin and apple pies, turkey. And it doesn't hurt that my birthday is in Oct. Great giveaway, good luck everyone!

Susan said...

This teacher says----SUMMER!!!

Jody said...

Summertiiiiime and the livin' is easy!
Thanks for the chance :)

Michelle said...

I love spring warm weather leading up to long summer nights... but fall is a close second.

Mandie said...

Fall! I love cozy sweaters & jeans & crisp air & falling leaves... Everything about it just so wonderful. Now, if I just lived somewhere where such a fall existed!

Peggy said...

There's something to say in favor of all the seasons, but I guess the one I look forward to the most has to be summer!
xxx Peggy

maska said...

falll, color are so great and wheater not so cold

Melawi said...

What a great giveaway !!!
My favourite season is Spring : the sun is back but not to hot and there are beautiful flowers everywhere... Thx for a chance to win !!

claudia shadler said...

My favorite season is Summer, I luv wearing flip flops all day and having to wear light clothing. I also like the summer because me and my hubby get to have BBQ picnic, just the two of us!

Clouds :D

Alison Day said...

My favourite season is Spring for sure! I love it when the days get longer and warmer and when everything starts turning green. Each day I look for new buds, leaves and shoots in my garden. I could go on and on!!

Thanks for this chance to win such amazing prizes!!

Anonymous said...

Oh mine is summer by far. I was born and raised in FL but now live in TN and I miss the summer, pools, the beach, boat rides on the river, the summer rainstorms... gosh, I love summer. I'm gonna miss it *tear*...:)

Rachel M said...

My favourite season is Autumn. I love going for walks in the woods at this time of year. We start to talk about our christmas plans in our house at this time, so exciting!!!

Carol said...

I love spring. nice weather and lots of beautiful flower.

Unknown said...

What a looooooovely giveaway ! I cross my fingers ;-) My favorite season is fall too !

Emily Simpson said...

Fall, fall, fall!! I love the everything about it;sweaters, apples, pumpkins, cool nights, and warm soup. Not to mention most of my favorite T.V. shows are back from the summer hiatus! It is my favorite time of year!

Rhian said...

Great givaway, I think my fave season is winter. Snow, christmas, starbucks festive drinks, snuggly hats and coats, twinkling lights -fab.

joyce rodli said...

It's Fall. Happy happies.

maz said...

Early summer, definitely. June= strawberries and Wimbledon tennis!

alexandra said...

mine is summer... love to swimm, so...

isabel scrap said...

for me it's fall too, love the warm colors of fall
thanks for the chance

guillauma said...

cool giveaway, love this line to create layout with summer pictures : my favorite season

la zaz said...

i love spring and all the flowers in my garden !!! love the sun and the nature

the mustik said...

My favorite season is winter, yes it's true : love the snow and the snow light
thanks for this great chance

Annie said...

Winter is the winner for me. I love winter clothes, I love winter snow, I love holiday seasons....i love everything winter! Please let me winnnn!

vitoria said...

fall, fall fall, love the color of the leaves and the red sun

beatrice said...

thanks SC for the great chance !!! my favorite season is summer : it's holiday season

jeanie de la rama said...

i love spring! :)

Anonymous said...

my fav season is summer !!!! i love going to the beach, swimming by night, listen to the music in car with te windows open.....( i live in Italy)

thanks for the chance to win !

Astrid said...

I think all seasons have something special about them. But summer is is winner.

Christina O said...

Wonderful giveaway! My favorite season is fall. Love seeing all the orange & yellow colors leaves on the trees.

nsmerkt said...

Definitely fall. Love the drop in temps, the change in the leaves, the crisp air, the layering of clothing, the snuggling under blankets, hot cider...need I go on! ;) Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Fall. Definitely! The color, the smell, the cool air - lovely :)

Anonymous said...

For me it's spring. Not only because my birthday is in spring, but because of all the beautiful flowers (esp. tulips) and the fact that you don't have the same expectations as you have for summer - so every sunny, warm day is greeted with delight rather than the usual "after all it's summer" attitude.

Anonymous said...

Spring, I love photographing all the plants and shoots that burst into life!

Kathy said...

I always thought it was winter...I love the bundling up, being snug, log fires, hot chocolate. I have to say though its now can't beat being outside on the warm summer days. Thanks for the chance to enter.

vaniflo said...

I love spring !

Unknown said...

living in Florida the seasons don't change much but we have wonderful cool weather in the winter but still beautiful sunshine, winter would be my favorite.What a great givaway!

LisaNRoxy said...

Absolutely Winter - in Florida - no snow just calm peaceful temps. rthe rain stops too - love it!

Bethany said...

def fall!!

Sonia said...

My absolute favorite season is Summer for SUN,SUN and

Connie said...

Easily summer! The longer days, the warmer weather and the lazy vacation attitudes. Gosh, I miss Hawaii for these reasons.

Morwèna said...

What an AMAZING Giveaway.
My fav' season is winter for its feasts, its odours, for its large sweaters wool and the happiness of my little angels when they open their gifts by Santa Claus... But I also love autumn share its attractive colours.
Thank you for the chance to win...

Anonymous said...

the best... fall!

Anonymous said...

Summer, which can't come quick enough for me! (next season). Plus the fact that we have a brand new inground pool ;)

Lisa Le-Ray said...

Summer, which can't come quick enough for me! (next season). Plus the fact that we have a brand new inground pool ;)

Lisa aka Raining said...

My favorite season is fall. I live in the North where the colors are fabulous in the fall. Cool crisp air, pumpkin picking, apple trees and hay rides!

scrappinkn said...

Spring is my absolute favorite season. I love to watch everything come alive.

Shazz said...

my favourite season is winter - a chance to snuggle up close with those you love

Larajc said...

Summer is my favorite! I lve the sun and warmth. Fall is my second favorite with the fall colors and the crisp air.

Francine said...

Summer for sure! I thrive on sunshine!

Asil said...

I love the fall! The colors are great - and I've got loads of pictures from the summer to scrapbook!Tea and biscuits and all my paper thingies - and I'm a happy happy person! :D

Unknown said...

Great giveaway!!! Mine's fall, as well. (:

OOAK babies by Mina said...

SPRING TIME!! It means blossoms, and rainbows, and sunshine and rain :) Not too hot and not too cold with a burst of colour. :)


Keitha said...

If I had to pick only one, summer is my favourite.
Great giveaway - thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

without a doubt...fall!

JL Thore said...

Fall is my favorite...I didn't realize this until I move to FL and you really don't get to see the leaves change colors, you go right from summer to winter!! I miss seeing the transition.


Gale said...

FALL! : )

Ginny said...

This is one great giveaway! My favorite season is Spring. I really dislike winter & can never wait for the first warm days, shoots of green & the brave first flowers. It's a celebration day at our house when we spot the first robin.

Geórgia Almeida said...

Well, I live in Rio so my favorite season must be summer!!! The sun shines strong and the beaches are full of beautiful people. Love it!

Delia W said...

Spring... New beginnings. Love the kit.. yellow is so my color at the moment..

C. Wang said...

Summer Summer Summer !!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite season is fall! I love to go to the apple orchards and the pumpkin patch! Making home made soups and baking apple pies! Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize!

Susanne said...

My fave season is spring, followed closely by fall. I love the changing of the seasons. Love the Bella too!

Allison Clem said...

I used to think my favorite season was fall, but in the last couple of years, I've realized it's spring. I love the renewal of life. I get inspired to be outside, garden, and be greener.

Gretchen said...

Fall is my favorite season. I don't get a lot of fall weather where I live now so as soon as I feel any type of cool, I'm a happy girl!

kathleen said...

What a lovely give away!!
Asking me to pick a favorite season is like asking me to pick my favorite child!! I love the changing season, so the one I love is the one I'm in...FALL!

*ask me in December and I'd answer Winter, lol*

Novalen said...

Summer... Too bad, it's ending!

jennie said...

We certainly have 4 distinct seasons here in Michigan, and I do enjoy them all. But I tend to get most excited about fall and Spring. Winter and Summer are both SO busy! More time to enjoy life in the Fall and Spring.

laverneboese said...

Autumn. I love Autumn, especially since we don't have it in Miami :(

Unknown said...

Yummy! I can bring susnshine out to scrap on a very gloomy day!

Kristine said...

I like each season for a different reason - my favorite is summer because the kids are home from school and we are able to spend more time together.

Hanna Long said...

has to be spring - love all the bright colors and flowers in bloom

Anonymous said...

I love fall!!!

alyssa said...

Fall, fall, fall, most definitely fall! I love a freshly picked apple, getting out my sweaters, and the lighter, far away blue the skies take on. Thanks for the giveaway!

Teribyte said...

Only a few hours to go! I have my list in had and I'm pumped!

Angie A. said...

Autumn, love that crisp fall air and changing leaves!

Abbey S. said...

Definitely a fall lover here as well. Bring on cool, crisp weather, football, soups, cuddling up in a blanket with a good book...if only it could last all year :)

Laura Gedeon said...

My favorite season is Summer. It is way too short here in the Midwest though!

Cheryl Smith said...

Fall is my favorite season!

LuckyJava said...

Fall is my favorite but I'm starting to appreciate all of the seasons equally!

my cup-a-joe! said...

Fall is my favorite! Especially when the air is crisp and cold! Can't beat the knee high socks & tall boots...oh, and the scarfs!

Anonymous said...

Fall is definately the best!!!!

Mary Ann

Unknown said...

fall, hands down.
hoodies.crunchy leaves.cooler games.crisp all makes me smile.

Stephanie Baxter said...

It's got to be summer...and that giveaway embodies summer, I think!

Tiffany Heilman said...

I love the fall as long as it is mild and without the rain. Love the changing leaves and the crispness outside. Long sleeves and Jeans and you don't need a coat yet. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I love SUMMER!!!!

Alby said...

Definitely summer! Love going to the beach.

kellee said...

I love spring! those sweet tulips and crocuses emerging from the dreary mush!

Erika M. said...

Fav season has to be fall! Love when the temperatures are not to hot but not to cold either and the colors are spectacular!

Sue said...

I love summer but fall is just about tied with first place. the older I get (no make that mature!) the more I appreciate the gorgeous fall weather!

Deanna said...

Mine is definitely Fall. I love the colors and the crisp air!

naomi_m said...

Spring, those frosty cold mornings when the grass crunches and the sun bites through the cold. Love it!

Tammy B said...

i'm a spring girl here :)

Kajsa said...

spring! well, until my allergies hit. :)

LBMann said...

I love spring! The newness and rebirth of everything gets me every time.

Melissa C. said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Thanks for the chance!!!

tccba said...

While I enjoy all seasons, I think summer is tops! Thanks!

*Maisa* said...

my favorite season is spring! :D

juls2000 said...

Definitely summer!!! Fall is pretty, but it reminds me winter is on the way- ugh! During the summer, everything is in full bloom and you can be outside all the time!! Just beautiful!!

Olivia said...

Wow!!!!! What a fab giveaway, I love the look of the kit, lots of prettiness & pink :) Would be great to see more Bella Blvd in SC kits ;)

I don't have a favourite season, I'm happy in whatever season it happens to be.

alisa logue said...

Spring is my favorite season! Can't wait to see the gallery! -Alisa

Misti said...

My favorite season, hands down, is fall. Love the cooler weather, and the leaves, and the cooler weather, and the football, and the cooler weather, and new tv, and the coo... oh, you get the idea.

Keshet said...

winter! so cozy:)

AlissaG said...

Wow- that would be amazing to work with those beautiful projects. I guess I love something about each season, but if I had to pick just one it would probably be summer!

Debbi Tehrani said...

I would have to say fall. I love the colors and the change in weather, and with school starting (I'm a teacher), I love the feel of new beginnings!

Carrie K said...

Mine is a toss up between fall and spring. i really cant choose!!

Ms said...

Fall, for sure! I love the rain and the smell of leaves and all the colors, wearing sweaters and cute shoes, the yummy warm food. Halloween, fall is just the best!

Wendy said...

Spring in Vancouver Canada!

Agnes C said...

Love fall!! Just hate what comes after it...winter :o(

Christine said...

mine's fall too - even if we don't have that over here. love the colors and the clothes!

Teresa said...

Definitely fall, love taking out my sweaters..

Rita said...

Definitely Fall! Love the giveaway!

Stephenie said...

What a difficult choice! Everything but winter is wonderful! I love summer, with so many things to do but, I love the changing colors of fall.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I would have said FALL, but since I woke up with a cold today, I now would say summer. Thanks for a chance to your kits!!!

Raquel S said...

All I can say is WWWWOOOOWWW!!! That kit is delicious!!! Thanks for the chance to win it! BTW, I love spring and fall! The color changes in nature never cease to amaze me! :)

Jenneke said...

Definately summer!!!!!!
Wonderful give-away, Bella's papers are the best!!!!


Stéphanie said...

mine is probably summer because it means sun, vacation, BBQ, beach, sailing .... !

LiserC said...

My favorite is Spring. The warmer weather after snow and ice, the smell of freshly mowed lawns, the birds chirping...nothing is better than that.

Unknown said...

Mi estación favorita es el verano...porque tengo vacaciones, no hay que madrugar y veo a mis amigos.
Gracias y un besito

Jessica R. said...

Definately Fall. I just love these generous giveaways. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

RobinJ said...

Spring would be my favorite season! No surprise because I was born in the Spring!

Melissa Mann said...

great giveaway!!

My favorite season would have to be fall!!!

roxannen said...

Favourite season...has to be summer! Gorgeous giveaway.

Leslie said...

It's a toss up between spring and fall :)

Leslie said...

It's a toss up between spring and fall :)

Leslie said...

It's a toss up between spring and fall :)

The Mom said...

I live in Texas and we don't really have seasons, just hot, hotter and not quite so hot. LOL!!

I am originally from Iowa though and I miss fall very much. I miss the changing colors of the leaves and smelling people burning them. I miss wearing sweatshirts and jeans to football games and snowsuits under halloween costumes. It just isn't fall when it isn't crisp and cool outside.

Kim N. said...

Oh, that giveaway looks amazing! My favorite season is fall. I love the colors of the trees, the crispness of the air--and of course football, and pupmpkin spice lattes! :)

Kim N. said...
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Kim N. said...
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Lalunatique said...

Wonderful giveaway ! My favorite season is Fall. I just love the smell of this season !

Lalunatique said...

Wonderful Giveaway !
My favorite season is Fall ! I love the colors and the smells :)

carriegel said...

I love the fall. The colors, the cool crisp air and football.

Lalunatique said...

Wonderful Giveaway !
My favorite season is Fall ! I love the colors and the smells :)

Tammy Vasser said...

Summer is mine followed by fall.

This N That said...

First, your stuff is AMAZING! All of it! SO classy and out-of-the-box!

Second, my favorite season is DEF spring! I hate the long, dreary winter and think its fantastic when seeminly overnight the trees are green and the grass is peeking up...letting me know that flowers and mowing are just around the corner!

Mona Iren said...

Mine is Summer!! A wonderful giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win :D

Mel said...

I'm a spring seeing all the flowers bloom, especially my flowering cherry and the irises.

Jenny K. said...

I adore those bright colors! Summer is definitely my favorite time of year!

Lalunatique said...

Wonderful Giveaway !
My favorite season is Fall ! I love the colors and the smells :)

הניק זיקוקית תפוס said...

definitely Winter :-)

jessica gebhardt said...

Mine would be fall. Looking forward to cozy sweaters, baking, and cooler days.
Looking forward to the reveal!

~kelly marie~ said...

Right now I am craving Fall! It's 100 degrees here, and all I want to do is drinking hot chocolate and wear sweaters!

Tiffany said...

my favorite season is summer because of the weather and fun!

Etta said...

Mine's fall, too!!! Although spring runs a close second!

Anonymous said...

My fave season is TOTALLY summer, so much so that I named my daughter Summer. LOL


Shay said...

My favorite season without a doubt is autumn with winter close behind that...any cooling of temperature here is a blessing! Thanks for the chance to win.

Michelle E said...

I love Fall. We don't get much of it here in Texas, but those perfect Fall days make getting through Summer worth it!

apron girls said...

my favorite season in vegas is spring...but my favorite season in utah is winter. bring on the snow!!

Lynn Ghahary said...

Definitely fall for me - I LOVE the change of seasons!

Lynn Ghahary said...

Definitely fall for me - I LOVE the change of seasons!

Dao said...


Rebecca Garner said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Spring, the new life that comes and the blooming flowers HATE allergies that come along w/ that but none the less, SPRING it is for me!

CathyB said...

Definitely fall! Love the colors and the cooler weather! And what a pretty giveaway!

Sophia said...
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Kimberly C. said...

I LOVE summer! And what an AMAZING kit to use with my summer photos! Thanks for the chance to win!

Sophia said...

definitely summer and all the fun activities that come along with it!!!

Ann said...

I think I'd have to say FALL ... but I do love the change of seasons and something about each of the four. :)

Ann said...
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sandra m. said...

spring, new life, new color, longer days!

PrettyPenguin said...

My favorite season is the winter, when it snows! :)

Ann said...

I always thought my favorite season was summer, but then I see the impossibly blue skies of fall...and the leaves, the cooler temperatures, college football, pulling out my long sleeve shirts and sweaters...yep, I'm a fall girl! Thanks for the chance to win!

tfiskers said...

Oh I love Fall! I live in Texas and we melted here all summer. Its so wonderful to have a break from the heat!!! Thanks for an adorable give-a-way!

trt1103 said...

I think I like Springtime the best. I like to see the grass turning green and all of the flowers blooming.

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! My favorite season is Spring. Love the flowers.

Michelle Whitlow said...

My favorite season, hands down, is fall. And even though I now live in the south where we don't get fall colors (or fall weather for that matter) til November, I still love everything about this season!!

Unknown said...

Cool giveaway!!I love Summer!!!

KariAnnS said...

Fall- hands downs. Even though the season is short here in WI it is the time of year I always look forward to.

Tam said...

I think I have to say Spring - it is when I get the most inspired and productive. If it wasn't for the hayfever it would be perfect :o)

Bethany E. said...

Fall is definitely my favorite season...not to mention my 4 year-old daughter is a Fall baby (Sept. 24th) and I have another daughter due next Fall is special to me!

nichole said...

my fave season is definitely Fall! sipping on some apple cider right now, yey Fall! :)

Heather R said...

I love all the seasons but my fav is definitely summer - I LOVE all the extra daylight an activities and I get to visit my mum and dad

Unknown said...

Wow, tough one. I love winter days when there's a ton of snow on the ground but it's super bright & sunny outside. But I do love to be able to sit outside on a warm summer or fall day...

Queen of her Castle said...

Fall for sure. After the long hot Southern summer I am ready for some cool air.

stinker said...

My favorite season is fall. Too hot here in summer, too cold in the winter and we don't have much spring fall it is!

Aunt Kate said...

Mine by far is winter!! I love, love love living in Colorado come winter time. Nothing on earth quite like it!!!

MNJackson said...

WOW wonderful giveaway. I love summer because that is when we travel!!

Crystal said...

I love spring with all the new growth, excitement of the sunshine and looking forward to long days outside.

Laura Stewart said...

i like the cooler weather of fall

Melanie said...

My favorite season is Fall. It cools down, if only a little, from the heat of the summer and my favorite holidays are just down the road!

Amy said...

Summer! Home with my kiddos...what could be better? (I'm a teacher!)
Amy in CA

strtwze said...

My favorite season would have to be the long day light hours...swimming....picnics!

rachel Kokes said...

Definitely fall!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Giveaway!!!My favorite season is spring. I love to watch things turn green and spring flowers are my favorite. It always seems like a time for new beginnings.
Stephanie B

Unknown said...

Love Fall-great weather, sweaters apples & my birthday!

Cassi said...

it's fall for me! the perfect weather and the gorgeous leaves changing -- i'm a big fan!

Linda E said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. I love spring best. The days get longer, the trees get greener and even the rain smells good!

JoanneK said...

I love them all...but autumn colors, the chill in the air, the excitement of the new school year...make Fall my favorite season of the year!

Jenny said...

I love Autumn!!

beadgurl said...

I'm all over autumn. I love the warm colors and the beautiful trees...and wiener roasts...and s'mores.

Rae S. said...

Mine favorite season is Spring... it was the time of year that my hubby & I started dating so the blossoming trees & flowers always remind me of falling in love with him.

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