August 30, 2008
Giveaway Winner!!!
Timestamp: 2008-08-29 22:05:42 UTC
That makes Katherine our winner!!!
Katherine said...
Oooh! I love sneak peeks!! Thank you for the opportunity to win so many wonderful goodies!!
August 26, 2008 1:54 PM
Please email with your address!!!
Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!
August 28, 2008
April's "Moose" layout is just too cool. She can work a punch like nobody's business! ;) All those little circles, stitched together, the it all!
Scarlet's gallery was so full of eye candy...but this "little book of Big Wishes" was just so darling! Love how she mixed and matched the patterns, colors...perfection!

Caroline's style is so fun and full of life. This one, "Tiney" from her gallery caught my eye right away with the cool photo arrangement and use of that yummy yellow!

Davinie's "You and Me" layout...oh I love this one. The blue and yellow with those photos just jumps out at you. Love the design here and of course the signature Dav stitching.

Jenn's pages always draw me in. She comes up with some awesome designs and this one is one of my favorites. How cool is this page?!

Like I said... gorgeous stuff! :) Can't wait to see what you ALL do with this kit too.
August 27, 2008
Dig out those school photos
August 26, 2008
September Reveal Night Giveaway

Tomorrow (Wednesday) night at Midnight EST is the launch of our September kit, ICONIC, and three coordinating add-ons.
We are so excited, that we're beginning the celebration early! Post here for a chance to win this clearly fantastic giveaway. Then, make sure to join us on the message board tomorrow night as we count down the hours and minutes until the big reveal!

If you haven't received our monthly email newsletter, you may view it online here. Visit our home page or message board to sign up for the next newsletter, if you haven't already!
The winner of the September Giveaway will be announced on Friday!
August 23, 2008
Back to School Challenge
And while I may not be prepared emotionally for the moment when I see them walking off to their classroom with those big old backpacks on their little backs...sniff sniff... I'm at least prepared with all the physical "stuff" of the back to school season. I've gotten them each a few new clothing items to start the year with and their new backpacks are already filled with the required supplies. So, in honor of all that back to shopping we are all doing I thought I'd post a challenge for this week. Here goes....
1. New duds.
You can't start a new year without a few new items of clothing. Especially that special first day of school outfit that coordinates perfectly with Basic Grey Recess. (ooops...did I say that out loud?) So, the first required part of this challenge is that you use some sort of cloth or fabric or something clothing related on your layout.
2. School Supplies.
I love new school supplies. Fresh packs of crayons, new pencils, fresh erasers, clean notebooks. It just makes you want to start off on the right foot. And nowadays there seems to be a rather long list of things your child needs. For this challenge I'm giving you a list of possible school supplies to use on your layout. You need to use 3 from this list....
August 22, 2008
Studio Calico Recycles
Earlier this week April wrote about how she created a piece of art to help support and bring awareness to a very special cause in our community. To continue that theme, I thought I would share how Studio Calico helps the global community on an environmental level. It may be a small gesture, but it is one that is very important to me.
Each month, our office is flooded with cardboard boxes loaded with scrapbooking goodies. Instead of tossing the empty boxes into the dumpster outside, I take them to the curb on Fridays, to be picked up by the big green truck. I also reuse all of the packaging materials we receive, and I have even been known to upcycle damaged paper bags into giftwrap!
Another way that Studio Calico has embraced environmental awareness is by choosing a printer that has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative. What this means is that they print on paper purchased from special tree farms and they use recycled papers whenever possible. They also use recyclable inks and toners and water soluble, bio-degradable, and recyclable chemicals and solvents. And to take our printer's commitment a step further... when we put promotional coupons and stamp backers in your kits, not only are they environmentally friendly, but they are also completely reusable!

We also encourage the manufacturers that we work with to reduce the amount of packaging they send to us whenever possible. Some of our partners in this initiative are Sassafras, Hambly, Maya Road, and Jenni Bowlin. Instead of packaging the items we order in quantities of 6 (which is standard in the scrapbooking world), these manufacturers will often send our items unpackaged or in quantities of 100. We truly appreciate their willingness to help us reduce our negative impact on the environment.
For me, the commitment to helping the environment doesn't stop at the office. I am constantly looking for new things to add to my reduce/reuse/recycle routine. On a recent visit to a charming little boutique, I found some cheerful cards by Positively Green. Not only were they cute, but they were printed on recycled paper, they contained encouraging messages, and each one had an environmental tip printed on the back. Here's a sample of what they had to offer (I chose these because I think they accurately express what the Studio Calico community is all about):

If you would like to learn about some small steps you can take to help the environment, here is Positively Green's list of tips. How many of these can you add to your routine?
Now, as promised... the announcement of the winner of last week's Blinkie RAK...
{2H Design}! Congrats, Lauren! Thanks to everyone for showing your Studio Calico pride :)
August 18, 2008
SC in the Community

August 16, 2008
this is so distressing...
i am a BIG distresser...if you look at any of my projects, they all have a smidge of distressing somewhere. photos are a favorite thing of mine to distress...don't be afraid!! i'm not sure why i love it...maybe because it seems to give things a vintage-y feel. who knows?! but i have quickly learned that it's important to have the right tool for the job, thus i have acquired these in my stash.
so let's go through a few options...
the scissors are something everyone has, so it's pretty convenient. the sandpaper below is just from a pack i picked up at Home Depot that has different grits (textures/degrees of sanding ability) all in one. the round grey thing with the red center is a Tim Holtz distressing tool that has blades in between where the notches are cut out of the plastic. the pink handled goodies are my file set from Basic Grey. and of course there is always my foam brush for paint.
i think it's pretty evident that i use the heck out of my BG file set. the big flat files i use to sand down the edges of chipboard...i've found the best way to adhere paper to chipboard is to use your glue stick or tape runner to adhere a piece of paper that is larger than the chipboard, smooth it out and then sand the excess paper off of the edges. i've yet to have a cover/paper lift off of my chipboard using this works like a charm. the smaller tools see their fair share of action as well...i'll explain below.
ok, on this layout from the July gallery, i used sandpaper on the chipboard frame that holds my journaling after i painted it. the frame wasn't sturdy enough to hold in my hand while i used the big BG file, so i just plopped it down on my desk and sanded the top with a remnant scrap of sandpaper. i also added paint underneath the not only helped it stand out, but added another element of distressing.

so you can see that the possibilities are endless...anything that will lay still can be distressed somehow.
at least that's how i approach things, lol.
living on the edge.
die-cut papers.
all big trends right seems that it's not often you see a layout that doesn't have some kind of die-cut paper on it, or one where someone used a border punch to jazz up their edges. i'll confess, i'm an addict myself.
here's a layout i made (yes yes...i love a good 'grid' layout) using lots of fun edges.

check back later for one more post about one of my favorite techniques...wonder if anyone can guess what it might be...
August 14, 2008
Blinkie RAK

Post a comment plus a link to your blog here to win the Studio Calico RAK!!!
Winner will be announced next Friday.
For intructions for adding blinkies to your blog, click here.
5 that caught my eye.
This card by Ann-Marie just makes me happy. I love how she backed some parts of the KI lace paper with scraps from the Apple Orchard's just a simple touch that really makes this card stand out.

August 13, 2008
be there...tonight at MIDNIGHT EST!!
just a quick reminder that TONIGHT IS SNEAK PEEK NIGHT!!
so while you're watching Michael Phelps try for yet another gold medal to add to his collection, sign onto the boards and come chat with us...not much of the kit has been guessed thus far, so there are sure to be some surprises!!
hope to see you there!!
August 8, 2008

Obviously, we all have our own solutions. You saw Nik's basket of paint, Stephs mattress spring page holder and some of Dav's storage solutions, too. What I want to know are what are your favorites? Where did you find them, did you make them? What are you still looking for storage solutions to?
Remember that RAK I promised? Well, I've just given you another little surprise snippet above!!! Just upload a picture of your space to the Studio Calico Member Gallery (by Sunday 8/10 at midnight PST) and your name will be 'on my list'.
August 6, 2008
Vintage Style
Let's start with a few from Steph, I know none of this beauty will surprise you--she's so clever!!

How about that Nik Harper? You wouldn't be surprised to find this in her space would you?

Finally, let's take a little trip through Dav's storage options. Her space isn't quite done yet, but viewing these little gems makes me know it's going to be marvelous!!

One last quick note, I am LOVING the spaces you're sharing with us, if you aren't quite sure where to post your pictures, go right HERE. Keep them coming!!!
August 4, 2008
Remember When...

When we moved into our house eight years ago, we had one room set up as a formal dining room. When I got back into crafting, I claimed it as my own. Out went the table and chairs and in came some scrap tables, a desk and my computer. It's evolved a bit, new furniture here and there, new solutions, new wall color (from butter yellow to aqua blue), but for the last seven years it's been primarily my office and work space. I love that it's open to other rooms in my home, making it easy for me to work and still be a part of the family!

I also have one of those Ikea Expedit bookshelves that seemingly every scrapper on the planet has--and for good reason, they're handy! I keep all my albums, more supplies, old family albums and some photo gear, books and magazines all stored in it. I also have all my paper and cardstock stashed on top of it (very handy for that).
I have a few more pictures that I'll post in the gallery for you, I didn't want to make this post too long...I mean, after all, I need to include

RAK info? What RAK info? mean the RAK that I have for one lucky person. Yes, if you upload and share your space or a portion of your space with us on the message board or in the gallery (say by Sunday August 10th midnight PST), I will put your name in the hat. For what? Well, something I've picked out for might even be featured (not super prominently) in one of these photos...and how about if you think you spot it, email me and you'll get two entries. :)