and dig through your alphabet stash.
i'll bet you $100 that while you may have used every 'R, S, T, L, N, E or A'...there is one thing that remains on every single sheet of letters.
numbers.they are my nemesis. my challenge. my mission.
why include all of these numbers when an extra couple of 'E's' could easily have taken their place?? (
i am notoriously short on 'E's' i the only one?!) so i am constantly trying to think of ways to use up the numbers, because it doesn't look like extra vowels are popping up out of nowhere.
so of course there needs to be an example, right??!!
well, here it is.

again, another picture i've had of my daughter since last summer...never was sure what to do with it, but i would notice it every time i flipped through random photos of her. and then it hit me...
this is the look i got from her when we had one of those Mom-Daughter arguments a few weeks ago.and anyone who knows me might also know that i'm a journaler.
i wear my heart on my sleeve. i shoot straight from the cuff. i believe that without journaling, your work is missing THE most important element on a page/project. and i learned a really important lesson a long time ago from a dear friend that i have worked with for over 16 years...
'not being able to say you're sorry is a huge personality flaw. especially when it comes to your children, because even though they will always be smaller than you doesn't mean that they have less feelings.'and those words stuck with me.
and after our argument, and after we had both cooled down, i sat her down and talked with her.
and then in typical Harper fashion, we both had a good cry, lol. so on this layout the numbers represent a reminder to myself that i need to take a step back and count to ten when our words get heated. AND, it's a reflection of my 'go-to' items once again...paint, punches, alpha stickers, ledger paper. (
see how it all works together, lol?!)but once again, i digress, lol.
so my challenge to you is to dig out those alphabets you've received in past Studio Calico kits and whip up something fabulous with the numbers you have left from them. any way you can think of.
just use them...and post them at Studio Calico's gallery. i'll start a thread over there also for you to sign in and let everyone know that you joined in on the challenge. i'll give you until next Monday evening (4/14) to post your work, and then when it's all said & done, i'll pick a winner (or two...) for a RAK.
so what are you waiting for??
the countdown to the deadilne starts...