Hi everyone! It's me, Maggie Holmes! In case you didn't see the newsletter already, here is my favorite part:

I am so excited to be a part of the Studio Calico Design Team! And a big welcome to Tina too!! I have always been a big fan of the kits and especially the exclusive SC products so it will be a blast creating with them each month! I am even more excited that this gives me the opportunity to share more of my projects with all of you on a regular basis!!
So I thought we would start with a little get-to-know-you game! Are you in?
I have seen some people doing lists of random facts about them lately and I haven't done it yet... so, here are some random facts about me:
1. I hate being cold and I am cold a lot so it makes me a happy girl that I get to live in Arizona!!
2. I love paper punches - especially border punches lately!
3. I love seafood and have always loved it but don't fix it very much because my hubby hates it!
4. I am horrible at calling people on the phone - I much prefer to email or text!
5. My legal name is actually Alyson Margaret but my parents have called me Maggie from the second I was born. I went by Alyson for a while when I moved away to college and it was kind of fun! It gets a little confusing sometimes when dealing with doctors and such but it's all good!
6. I prefer crunchy and salty over sweet and chocolatey!
7. My cookie of choice these days is oatmeal raisin. I make half with chocolate chips for my hubby, Matthew and Emily and the other half is raisins for me and Tyler. Nathan likes both!
8. I secretly love to buy little notebooks even though I have more than I could ever use! They are just cute and little and cute! :)
9. I always take a quick browse through the craft/scrapbook section when I go grocery shopping. I just like looking at all of that cute stuff even if I don't buy anything.
10. I am not a morning person. I am not grouchy in the morning but I just like to stay in bed and snuggle and lay there. I am not like my husband who can jump up out of bed at 5:30am.
11. I secretly wish I was a morning person though because I know I could get so much more done! I have even googled "how to become a morning person" but no success yet! lol!
12. I don't like wearing socks and shoes. I live in flip flops and sandals and then slip on flats during the winter. All of my boots that I wore when we lived in Utah are collecting dust on the top shelf of my closet and it actually makes me happy to see them up there like that. Even when we visit Utah I wear my slip on flats with no socks out in the snow!
13. My favorite shows are The Amazing Race and American Idol. I definitely cannot sing so I would never have a chance on there but I would love to go on The Amazing Race!!
14. I am a list maker - always making "to do" lists. It feels so good to cross things off and it is the only way for me to keep myself from getting overwhelmed with all I do.
15. I am a glass-half-full person and I tend to stay calm and light-hearted even in the toughest times. As hard as my challenges seem sometimes I always have the thought that it could be worse and I am fortunate and blessed and there are so many others out there going through more than me.
Well, that's it!! Very random things that just popped into my head as I was making the list!
Now I want to get to know you! It's a game remember? :)
So, please leave a comment and leave a random fact, or two or three about yourself! I would love to get to know all of you better too! Have a great day! :)
Hi Maggie! I am so excited to see you join the team! I love your style! Funny-my name is Jane Margaret and my family calls me Maggie-I go by Jane every where else!
Hi Maggie! I'm a big fan of AI and Amazing Race also. As I watch Race, I often go as far as deciding if I would do the roadblock or make my friend Kelly (who is also a race junkee) Sad but true.
Welcome Maggie!! So excited to see you join the design team!! I love watching Lost and the Office. As soon as I get my SC kit I have to open it immediately - even if I can't scrap I just can't wait (don't think I'm alone on that one :)
This is awesome, Maggie! Nice to meet you. =)
Hi Maggie! I am super excited to see you at Studio Calico. I've been following your blog since finding out you were on the DT of Making Memories. I am a huge fan. A random fact about me: my son has autism. By nature, I'm a very shy person. But because of autism, I have completely stepped outside my comfort zone and have become a huge advocate for him. I love meeting new people and telling them my story in the hopes that I can help somebody else too.
Hi Maggie!!! Welcome! Well my random fact is that i will eat anything as long as it tastes like peanut butter :) Yummy!
Hi Maggie! I am very excited to see you here! I could live on popcorn (and did in college). I am crazy for Lost and I'd love to search every day for flea market finds and antiques. I collect lot of goodies. When my SC arrives I hurry to open it and then just admire it for a day or two (wish I had more :-) I keep it in a special place in the studio...
Hi Maggie! I totally understand the name thing... mine is Houston and no one ever believes that is my name so all Dr's office nurses call my Jennifer, which is my middle name thinking that someone made a mistake on my paperwork!
I love the Amazing Race too and I can't wait until Sunday to see the new season!
Congratulations and I can't wait to see more of your great work1
Our lists are very similair. I've been dubbed a bad 'waker-upper'. Doesn't matter how much sleep I've gotten, I'm very slow to get up. Can't sing, love The Race....own flip flops in every colour of the rainbow...
Thanks for sharing!
Maggie - welcome! Love the fun facts post!
Some of my facts? Hmmm. I go by "nikki" as part of my username b/c there are so many Nicoles! & my fav snack these days seems to be graham crackers with a tiny layer of PB and mini chocolate chips on top - LOL! Glad you're here!
Hi Maggie! Congratulations on joining the SC team!
1. I open my SC kit as soon as I get it even if I can't scrap right away!
2. I love Lipstick Jungle, The Unit, and Smallville (I know quite a range)!
3. I have 2 little boys ages 6 and 2.
4. I just started scrapping this past April thanks to my BF!
5. My family calls my Angel, which used to make me mad. I always said I'm not an angel. LOL!
6. I am really bad when it comes to mulitple colors of certain products (thickers, glimmer mist, etc). I have to have every color!
Hi Maggie! I'm so psyched to see you part of the SC team! I always look forward to seeing your pages in CK, and now I'll get to see them more regularly :D
Oh and I'm a complete magazine junkie. Magazines are loveeee :) ♥
Congrats to you Maggie and Tina on your new DT spots!!! I adore your work!!! Love your cute list of random facts...one random fat about me is that I know how to Polynesian dance!
Hey, welcome Maggie! Cant wait to see your designs and layouts. I have always loved your stuff. I too hate the cold and am lucky to live in South Carolina where it is usually warm enough to wear flip flops year round! Favorite tv show is Lost, I cant get enough of that show!
Oops, I forgot to welcome Tina as well. So glad to see you here!!
Hi Maggie,
I am engaged to my highschool sweetheart of 12 years, him and I will be both 30 this coming up April, we can finish each other's sentence and we are both very outgoing. I love animals and I am addicted to my dvr by brighthouse cable.
Welcome Aboard!
Hey there Maggie!
I'm Alex. (ahardy on the boards)
I'm a native Arizonan ... don't like the cold AT ALL!
I'm a mama to three boys ... I had nurse midwives & no epidurals!
I prefer sour, sweet, & crunchy versus sweet anyday!
hi Maggie! welcome to the sc family. Let's see, a random fact about me...hmmmm....when i get a new sc kit i sit on my bed, open it up and look at every single item...several times before i put it back in the bag and label it so i can keep it all together. i also think that Venice, Italy is the most beautiful place on earth and am obsessed with going there again...hey, maybe on the amazing race (which i also love)! wanna come??
Nice to meet you Maggie. My name is Vicki--JUST VICKI (not Victoria which ALOT of people Assume).
1. I love the color orange.
2. I was born on Friday the 13th.
3. I am definately NOT a morning person--I am a Grouch.
4. If I had my choice I would wear blue jeans everyday (or jean shorts in the summer)
5. I like to make lists in my way too many notebooks-- I use a highlighter to mark items OFF.
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