October 30, 2008
Green winner #2!
Random.org was nice to me again and chose:
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:25
Timestamp: 2008-10-31 00:41:00 UTC
And thats:
mom2ee said...
we are trying to reduce our carbon footprint too. i use junk mail envelopes to write lists. we make sure that lights are off when not in the room. we don't use tv for "white noise". we cook seasonal fruits and vegetables that we get from the local farmer's market. i am looking for ways to make my scrapbooking greener as that is my "green" nemesis.
woot! Congrats, chickadee! Send an email to info@studiocalico.com !
Halloween: Why? And Where?

October 29, 2008
Green Giveaway!
True Random Number Service
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:15
Timestamp: 2008-10-29 21:27:10 UTC
And that belongs to.....
Liz F said...
I just found your site. Seems cool. To be greenier we recycle everything we can and also try to only buy products in recyclable packaging.
October 26, 2008 10:04 PM
Congratulations Liz! Please send your address and info to info@studiocalico.com
P.S. I hope you have been checking all the DT blogs for the add-on giveaways! You still have a day or two if you haven't posted already. The more blogs you post on, the more chances you have of winning. Good luck!
October 27, 2008
It's a busy week!

The add-ons are named after Geographical locations near Studio Calico headquarters in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Scarlet posted about them here, and on her blog here. Isn't that fun?
I know it can be confusing, but I hope you are ready for tonight! We have all sorts of fun things planned, including a new Chat room! I hope you'll be able to join us for reveal night and help us work out the kinks on this great new feature.
Speaking of reveal night, Joy has yet again challenged us with Reveal night avatars. There's going to be prizes in all sorts of categories, so I hope you'll take the time to have a little fun. Let the kids join in! I have started a thread here so you can post a photo of your costume. You can post as many different photos/costumes as you'd like... the more you do the better your chances of winning a prize, right?
After you do that, post on this thread for a chance to win the Reveal night prize pack!
Speaking of prizes, there is still time to enter a layout in Nic's 2 page layout contest. Please upload your layout to the Studio Calico gallery and link it to this thread. You have until the 29th!
After you do that, don't forget to take part in Lorie's Hometown Challenge! All of the info is below this post here.
Kirsty and I have taken over the blog this week, and we have a lot of great things to share with you while we are here. Be sure to check back tomorrow... we have even more fun surprises for you!
Happy Monday! Davinie
Hometown History - Part 3
October 26, 2008
Becoming Green

In October's kit, LOOKING GLASS, we featured the butterfly paper from this Tinkering Ink line. It was such a hit, we now have 2 collection packs (2 each of 6 papers), to give away.
I can certainly tell you that I'm definitely not 100% green, but I do try to do what I can. When I worked as a rep, I used to get lots of small boxes with samples each month. Instead of giving them to the recycling company, which would have been easy to do, I recycled them by giving them to my dad who manages a book store. He reused the boxes to ship books. It was a perfect arrangement: I got rid of my boxes and he didn't have to buy as many. Recycling at it's best!
So, if you'd like a chance to win this prize, post a comment here letting us know what you are doing to become green. We'll draw 2 winners this week.
October 25, 2008
Hometown History 101 - Part 2
So off we went, picnic lunch in tow and what a wonderful day we had. Natalee loved the "apples" which are pumpkins to everyone else. We got lots of good pictures of her sitting in the pumpkins, holding pumpkins, playing in the straw, avoiding the animals in the petting zoo and riding the pony. Here are just a few:

October 23, 2008
Hometown History 101
It was so cool to learn on reveal night that April & Scarlet decided to use some of our Hometown Sights as names for this month's kits. It also occurred to me that some of you might be interested in our local sights and want some more information. Thus the idea for the Hometown History lesson, Studio Calico style ;-)
Let's start with Fountain Square - information courtesy of the official Bowling Green website.
Fountain Square - prohibitionists have marched around it, trolleys have encircled it, parades of all types-circus, military, historical, homecoming, Irish, political and patriotic- have taken place around it, scrap drives headquartered here, Civil War soldiers knew this place, hundreds of farm animals have been sold here as well as fine horses, pageants have been held here, veterans were welcomed home here, people have sold and traded every kind of item imaginable here, and buildings here have come and gone. No one familiar with local history can deny that Fountain Square is Bowling Green's touchstone to its past; it is certainly the community's most endearing and enduring landmark.
In 1881 the city trustees, in consultation with Mayor H.C. Hines, purchased a 6,000 pound precast fountain from the J.L. Mott Ironworks of New York City for $1,500. The new piece was crowned by Antonio Canova's (the original sculptor) Hebe, the goddess of youth. The old fountain was disassembled and portions sold at auction, and the new one was installed in May 1881. The statues surrounding the fountain represent the mythological figures of Ceres (goddess of grain), Pomona (goddess of fruit), Melpomane (goddess of tragedy) and Flora (goddess of flowers.) The Fiske Company of New York cast the four statues as well as the two urns at the east and west ends of the park. They are mounted on locally quarried limestone. At the north and south entrances to the park are two arched memorial entries also of Bowling Green limestone. The lush greenery of the park is due in some part to the early efforts of the Bowling Green Garden Club. Shortly after it was chartered in 1934, the Garden Club commissioned R.L. Sturtevant, a prominent landscape architect from Groton, Massachusetts, to design a planting for the park.

I've borrowed a picture that Scarlet posted earlier this week on the message board. Here you see Noah and Nadiya under one the the limestone arches.
These are some of the shops in downtown along Fountain Square. You can find everything from a Men's clothing shop to a Subway right off the square. You can even find a couple of creative geniuses named Scarlet & April just around the corner at Studio Calico headquarters.
Now lets take a look at one of Bowling Greens most regal residences, Riverview at Hobson Grove - information courtesy of Wikipedia.
Riverview was built as the mansion home of Atwood Hobson and his wife Julia. Construction on the mansion started in the 1850's, but was halted due to the outbreak of the Civil War. During the conflict, the incomplete house was used as a munitions magazine during the winter of 1861-1862, when Bowling Green was the Confederate capital of Kentucky.
Riverview was finally completed in 1872. The Hobson family and their descendants lived in the house until 1952. After a string of various successive tenants and being damaged by fire, the structure was abandoned and condemned in 1965. The city of Bowling Green purchased the property with the intent of demolishing the house and building a golf course. The house was saved when a non-profit organization, the Hobson House Association, was formed the next year, restoring the dwelling in Victorian style. The proposed golf course was built nearby and can be viewed from the hill upon which Riverview sits.
Riverview at Hobson Grove is the centerpiece of Hobson Grove Park and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972.
This picture shows Riverview standing in all her glory atop the hill at Hobson Grove Park. During my research, I found out that the house is open to the public and can be toured for a small fee. This is something that I'll be adding to my list of things to do in Bowling Green!
Well, that's enough History for one day. Tomorrow I'll have some information for you on Jackson's Orchard and Lost River Valley. I'll also be issuing a challenge for all of you History lovers!! Stay tuned.....
Some a-gourding fans to cheer you on in the challenge! ;)
I made these yesterday with my kids after a trip to the local pumpkin patch. These are the little gourd pumpkins. Tiny little guys. And I saw the idea for these in Family Fun magazine this month. We just painted them all black (it took two coats to completely hide the orange). Then I cut out some bat wings from black cardstock along with some little bat ears. I attached the wings and ears with little stickpins. The magazine suggests taping a skewer onto the back of the wings and sticking them on that way. Which would make the wings more durable. I may need to go back and do that. Then I cut the eyes out of some white cardstock and punched "pupils" with a hole punch. Glue dotted them on and viola....some little fun bats for our front step! My kiddos loved this. :)
Anyways, keep those two pagers coming! Go team!
It spoke to me.....
Well, it happened to me last month when we were kit packing. For you to understand the pure thrill of this discovery, I need to give you some background information. You see, I am a scrapbook wannabe! I've always wanted to be super creative and come up with gorgeous layouts that could be published in a magazine. Instead I am plain old Lorie that didn't know the difference between embellishments and stickers when I first started working for April & Scarlet. Month after month, I've handled each piece of every kit, but I've never had that inspirational flash. Don't get me wrong, I've ooohhhed and aaahhhed over most of it and wondered how on earth you guys would use some of it, but nothing has ever spoken to me like the Tweedle Dee add-on did last month.
Kit packing is pretty repetitive, to be honest, it's mindless work....you pick up the papers first, put them in the bag as tight as possible to keep them from getting damaged, then you go back and gather the embellishments to place on top of the paper, seal the bag and presto...you're done! Last month, it wasn't such a mindless job for me. From the moment I walked in and saw the Tweedle Dee add-on laid out on the table, I started getting all of these ideas for how I would create a mini-album. At first it was a little scary, I've never really had any creative mojo and then all of the sudden BOOM there it is, ticking away in my mind! The three hours that it took me to pack the kit were gone in a flash and all I could think about was getting mine home to start working on my project. I couldn't wait to lay it all out and see what it would look like.
So there I was, sitting at my new desk, surrounded by all of the materials that I've collected over the last year, staring at my brown Studio Calico bag, terrified to open it. What if I couldn't get my vision out of my head? What if I messed it up? What if it looked terrible when it was done? All of these questions were thundering around in my brain....I had sweaty palms and a jittery stomach. Finally, I bit the bullet and opened the brown bag, carefully removing the red sticker to be saved for later use. As I laid all of the papers out on my desk, BAM, the visions that I had the first time that I saw the kit crowded back into my head and before I knew it I had 3 of the pages of the book completed! It just flowed out of my brain, to my hands and onto the chipboard. Techniques that I have read about on this very blog, came back to me and appeared on my chipboard. I must say, I was a little overwhelmed by my little book when I was finished and sat down and looked at it over and over again in awe! I had created this, I had actually sat down and pulled creative images out of my head and put them in an album. I was thrilled and elated, FINALLY I had done it! It was a revelation for me, a goal that I never actually thought that I would achieve, a new outlook on creativity and a new purpose to preserve the everyday happenings of life.
Without further adieu, here is my little project:
It wasn't until I had declared myself finished that I realized that there were no pictures in my little book. I considered reworking a couple of the pages and sneaking in one morning to try to get some candid photos of Natalee and Daddy as they sat at the desk, but in the end, I decided that it didn't need it. This project was about capturing my little one's art and saving it in a way that I could keep it forever, not about having pictures of her drawing. This too was an eye opening revelation for me....I always associate pictures with scrapbooking. This has been the dam that has kept my creativity at bay....I've finally knocked it down and now I have a true picture of what it is that all of you do when you sit down to create.
I finally understand that it is not about sitting down to "scrapbook" a page, it is about creating art that represents your life. The everyday happenings that you want to remember and preserve for generations to come. I'm no longer a wanna be scrapbooker, I am a novice artist!
Make sure to check out the blog tomorrow for a small history lesson about the sights of Bowling Green that inspired the kit names this month....there may also be a challenge involved, so stay tuned!
October 21, 2008
It's challenge time!
If you need some inspiration for your page, you could scraplift one of the layouts I posted the other day. Or, check out www.pagemaps.com for actual sketches to help get your ideas rolling. Becky Fleck includes double paged sketches each month in her newsletter. And of course there are TONS of Becky Higgins sketches that are all two pagers. (See www.creatingkeepsakes.com to find recent ones.) If anyone has other 2 pager inspiration sites or ideas, please post them in the comments here. I'm sure everyone will appreciate it! I'll keep this open until next Wednesday. Then I'll draw a winner for the RAK that night.
Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!!!
October 19, 2008
Ten Tips to Two Pagers!

Tip #3: Let photos and papers overlap across the page break to unify the two pages. (Just be careful to not crop faces!!!) :)
Tip#4: Scale is important. Your canvas is larger, so your title, embellishments, etc should be a little larger or carry more "weight" too. You don't want a teeny title to get lost.
Tip #5: Use photo blocks if you feel like your photos are getting lost on the page. I love to do this on two pagers. You can even put the bulk of the photos on one side of the spread and leave the other side relatively open.
Tip #6: Repeat patterns, embellishments, etc through both sides of the layout to make them cohesive and draw the eye through the spread. I love how April did this with the numbers on each photo across the two pages.
Tip #7: If you are a 12x12 scrapper, but 24x12 scares the you know what out of you try something a little smaller. Like a double pager using 8.5x11 instead! Switch it up!
Tip#8: Make a clear focal point. Your eyes need a nice, comfy place to set on at first glance. Especially on a two pager! Then the other details can draw them through the design. Here I highlighted one photo to stand out from the rest.
Tip #9: When dealing with a bunch of photos for a two pager, consider cropping them all to the same size or even similar sizes (all 4inches wide for example). This makes it easy to put them in rows or columns or photo blocks.
Tip #10: Get creative and have fun! The larger canvas of a 2 pager gives you lots of options for unique and eyecatching designs and playful elements.
And that's it. Not too hard, right? I know I may not have you all convinced, but tomorrow I shall issue a challenge! Maybe the possibility of some Studio Calico cash will help motivate you! ;) Thanks for reading!
October 18, 2008
Let's do something.
The front page of Etsy looks like a big sketch to me. I can see several ideas for layouts just from that. I also like to pull inspiration not only from the vast artwork of individual sellers but also textures from such things as handmade jewelery or a knitted scarf. My Dare this week was inspired by the frontpage of Etsy.

So on our last day of being guest bloggers for Studio Calico, Joy and I want to throw out a simple challenge to you. Earlier this week, Joy posted a beautiful photograph from Flickr. Make a layout using either Etsy or Flickr as your inspiration and we'll give away some Studio Calico bucks good towards your next kit purchase.
Post it to the SC gallery and be sure to let us know where your inspiration came from. You can then post it here on the blog. Joy and I will choose a winner in a week.
Be sure to have fun with this and not put too much pressure on yourself. When surfing these sights, go with the first thing that makes you want to drop everything and scrap. Make something quick and simple or go as detailed as you like. The point of this inspiration week is for you to get out those kits and make something. Scrapbooking is fun. Let's not forget that! I know SC kits are packaged so lovely in the that great brown bag and box but they shine even more when they are used by you! So let's carve out some time to do something creative this weekend. We can't wait to see what inspired you.
Have a great weekend and thanks for hanging out with us this week!
Tina and Joy
While we're discussing etsy, we might as well announce the winner of the Paper Pixie giveaway from Sneak Night.
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2008-10-18 18:11:26 UTC
That makes Stephanie P our winner
Anonymous said...
I love green!!! Can't wait until reveal....it's just too long to wait!!!Stephanie P
October 13, 2008 11:08 PM
(I love green, too!)
Please send an email to info@studiocalico.com and we'll get your RAK mailed out!!!
October 15, 2008
You Shine
You shine.
Your Studio Calico layouts are stunning.
Here are a few of my favs....

You can view the rest of Scrappyfran's layouts here.
Thanks for sharring your lovely creations with us!
akaliz, YOU shine!!
I love your use of bright colors, and your altered projects and mini books are JUST my style! Thanks for inspiring us with your work.
Here are a few of my favorites:
You can see more of akaliz's work HERE
Thanks for being an inspiration!
October 14, 2008
my winner...
Erica, please shoot me an email via Studio Calico with your addy and i'll get together a goody box for you!! thanks to everyone for their links/suggestions...i have lots to look at now!!
Inspired by:

photo by Lili Vieira de Carvalho
When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of Creation is completed inside us, the doors of our souls fly open, and love steps forth to heal everything in sight. ::michael bridge::
October 12, 2008
To Inspire
This week Joy and I are taking over the Studio Blog.
Our mission: to fill your week with inspirational challenges, photos, scrappers and websites.
Let's begin with a challenge, shall we?
This week on the Dares blog, the ladies have decided to challenge your scrap minds with the use of color. Take the Dare as you wish. I personally have chosen a color that I do not
Here's my interpretation of the Dare:

Most paper peices are from past Studio Calico kits. A great way to use up that stash!
Oh and there is a little incentive.......we're giving away an October Studio Calico kit!
Please post your color Dare in the member gallery and link it to the Dares blog.
We'll pick a winner on Friday, the 17th.
Hope to see you tonight!
You didn't forget did you? :)
Don't forget to post to win this RAK. Just tell us your favorite color for a chance to win this fabulous giveaway from The Paper Pixie.

This is Joy. Tina told me that the Dare was about color, and I immediately thought of this photo with this color combo by the FABU Elsie Flannigan.
I love the colors in this photo, so different and it immediately makes think of fall.

Here's the layout it inspired.

help me...i'm willing to bribe you.
or projects that use scrappy stuff in cool ways.
but i really struggle with ideas for them.
i mean, look at what our fabulous Nicole Samuels did with a tree from Target and a set of 3-D Making Memories stickers!! do you know how awesome this would look with my vintage Halloween collection?!

October 10, 2008
no more excuses...
i am kind of known as the 'paint freak' here at SC, and it's a title i'm ok with, lol. after posting my 'choose your path' mini earlier this week, i received several emails asking how to achieve the whole 'how-to-make-the-painted-chipboard-tear-without-destroying-it' look...so here goes.
first, gather a few goodies. chipboard, foam paint brush (i buy mine in bulk at Michael's when they are on sale 20/$1...time to stock up!), paint (i prefer Making Memories...it has less water in it which makes it dry a bit faster and go on thicker. i also have a ton of 'not Making Memories' acrylic paint in my stash that i use consistently...i just usually have to do more than one layer with it.), and a sanding file. (i have all but used my Basic Grey set to the bone and am trying desparately to find a new one, but i also use sandpaper from Mike's stash in a pinch.)
then to prevent further ripping, i sand the ripped edges after they are completely dry. it softens the look a bit as well.
you can obviously do as much or as little as you like...just try it. it's a fun way to change up the way your materials look a bit...and you'd be hard pressed to find a more cost effective way to add a little something to your projects. and the choices??!! infinite!!