Hi there. Davinie here.
As the Mama of two little girls, every year on their birthday I try to make it as fun and special as I can. The problem I have is that both girls are in the winter/Spring, so I can't do the bouncy house or the slip-n-slide party, so most of the time, I need to come up with party themes that are indoors.
Morgan's first year it was simple and I did a pink bear theme. I bought a Wilton bear shaped cake pan, made her a cake, frosted it pink, and then messed up the eyes a bit, so put on some kid-sized shades, lol. I took photos of her with a great big pink stuffed bear, which we still have.
For her second birthday, it was a cowgirl theme. To make decorating easier, I took baby sized denim jeans, overalls, etc., and pinned them together with red checked handkerchiefs in between to make a garland of sorts that I hung around the room. It was really inexpensive, because I already had the clothes, and a really cute touch. Because she was my independent girl, I made cupcakes for the cake, and the treat bags were simply red plastic cups with a hole punched in each side and a handle tied with ribbon.
By her 3rd birthday Morgan had declared herself a princess. And as all princesses deserve, her mama made her a Barbie princess cake. Sleeping beauty to be exact. Just like my mama did when I was young, I made a great big ball gown of a cake, and then stripped Barbie and tossed her in the middle. I then decorated the cake and gave her a top to her outfit. Morgan LOVED this cake, and as it was reminiscent of my childhood, I was rather fond of her too. For a game I picked up foam crowns from Oriental Trading and a bag full of jewels, and the kids decorated crowns for fun.
The fourth birthday it became clear that Morgan wasn't really a fan of cake. She much preferred ice cream. So I made it easier on myself and ordered an Ice Cream cake from 31 flavors, birthday cake ice cream, I think it was called, and she had a ballerina/princess theme yet again. This time the party was tough because there was snow on the ground, so the kids basically wore their princess dresses under their snowsuits, lol. But I had balloons and crepe ribbon in pink and white all over the house.
Morgan's fifth birthday was this year. Her birthday was just days before our family was flying to California for CHA and the kids' first trip to Disneyland, so I had a lot of work to do at my other job to prepare for my absence, and laundry to do, etc., to get ready for our trip, so I didn't have a lot of time to prepare anything fun for her day. On her party day we did something different and met friends at a bowling alley. It was my girls' first time bowling, and they had a blast. After bowling we stopped for ice cream at the Cold Stone Creamery. Morgan had a great time. She also made it easy for me on her actual birthday, too. She had seen this princess cake display at our local grocery store a few times, and declared that she simply MuST have it. It came in this great big princess castle box and had turrets and princess figurines and everything. She really loved that cake, so I feel a little less guilty about not having made any of it.
To celebrate all of my cake making experiences with my sweet girl, I made a layout about all of the cakes:

See that bear cake? You wouldn't have known he was deep-down creepy if I hadn't said anything, would ya? lol It was my first time as a master baker, that cake. I think he looks rather "cooool". hahaha.
Take time to celebrate the cakes in your life, lol. I had a lot of fun digging through the birthday photos from the last five years. I'll be back in a day or two to share what I've done so far for Payton, and a homemade gift or two that I have in the works for her. Her party is on Saturday and her birthday is next Monday! I can't believe she'll be 3.