August 26, 2010

Reveal Night Giveaway

Want a chance to win Jenni Bowlin's Playdate collection?

Simply leave a comment here, letting us know who you'd like to see as the next Studio Calico guest designer.


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Janet's Joy said...

I would like to see Vicki Boutin as a guest designer. She would do geat things with your kits.

Daniela Dobson said...

I would love to see Tara Anderson :) Thanks for a chance.

Donna said...

Lots of great suggestions! I would love to see Ali Edwards.

Colleen said...

I would so love to see Debee Campos. She is a different style from your regular designers and I think it would be a fun mix! She is brilliant!

Lori Y. said...

I would love to see Kelly Goree or Jenni Bowlin as a guest designer!

mary ann said...

Would love to see Jennifer McGuire, Heather Ann Melzer, or Danielle Thompson!!! Love each and every one of these girl's designs.
Mary Ann

Valerie Bishop said...

Ali Edwards would be my pick!!

Jill said...

I agree. Instead of a "name" pick someone from your gallery who has been spotlighted in the blog.

sactownkid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sactownkid said...


MK Hennigan said...

After seeing Greg's walk through of the SC booth at CHA my guess is that is would be a good choice. I bet that man can scrap a mean page. Whoever is the next designer I am sure they will be full of incredible ideas.

peggy said...

I would like to see Ali Edwards.

Anonymous said...

So many great suggestions...I'd love to see Wilna Furstenburg - love her!

Melinda M. said...

I think any of the wonderful subscribers who post their LOs in the SC gallery would make great guest designers!

marsha said...

Oh there are so many to choose from-how about Ali Edwards.

Raquel S said...

Karina Werner from! Her cards are fabulous!!

Raquel S said...

Karina Werner from! Her cards are fabulous!!

sandra said...

I'd vote for Ali Edwards.

Jude said...

Dina Wakely for sure. xx

Shani kowalczyk said...

Hi. I would have to say Ali Edwards as not only we haven't seen a lot of her work in the more recent times and I love seeing her take on using products. But an unknown might be cool.

stampladyri said...

Ali Edwards!

Kristin said...

Jen Gallacher or Jody Wenke. Or Meghann, since she wants to do it! Let's find some new talent!!

Deirdre said...

I'd love to see Elizabeth Dillow (part of Big Picture Scrapbooking) as a guest designer. Would love to see her apply her ideas to designing & she has such an approachable, relevant style for busy scrappers, she'd be a perfect fit for SC:)

Linda said...

I would be estatic to see Donna Downey as a guest designer, her working is so awesome, I {heart} her!!

Diana said...

Moon Ko. Or Jamie Harder. Or Jennifer Larson. Or Jennifer Barksdale. Or Kim Watson. Or Piradee Talvanna. Or Lucy Edson. Or Mary Macaskill. Or Janna Wilson.

Olivia said...

I'd like to see fellow SC member Amy Parker as a guest designer, her creations are really beautiful!

It'd be great to see a different member of the SC community GD every month :)

dawnaclark said...

Christine Middlecamp or a SC member!! Thanks for the giveaway! I don't think Ali Edwards style would really showcase the kit well...... Just my opinion! :)

Unknown said...

Kristina Werner please!

zgagi said...

I vote for Elise Blaha.

Valerie said...

I really liked her work but haven't seen her around...Kristina Contes is my vote.
What an awesome prize!!

Jeannie said...

iris Babao Uy

Theresa said...

so hard to decide, but liz kartchner would be great. wonderful giveaway. thanks. =)

Charmaine said...

Wow! Lots of great suggestions! Barring me getting picked (like that would ever happen) how about Anja Wade.

Mel said...

I love Kelly Purkey's work, would love to see what she does using your gorgeous papers. Melxx

souDulce said...

I would love to see Larissa Albernaz

Susan said...

How about...

Ali Edwards
Moon Ko
Kelli Crowe

Thanks for the chance to win! =)

brenda said...

I was going to say Jenni Bowlin, but I'd love to put in a vote for Brooke Starns also!

jenny said...

I would love to see Elizabeth Kartchner. She is so cool

dannigirl said...

i would like to see erin t clarkson or laura vegas simply because they are my friends and they're good
or jenn gallagher is pretty dang awesome!

Emma said...

I don't follow "names" in the scrapbook industry - so I can't say who I'd like as a guest designer. You always have great ideas with your kits - so just keep up the good work :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Elizabeth Kartchner as a guest designer.

claudia shadler said...

I would luv to see Savitri Wilder, Ali Edwards or me, lol, I'd be great too!


Nicole W. said...

Ooh! I would love to see Kate O'Brien:

Dao said...

Amy Tangerine! I love her fun style.

Melissa said...

I would love to see Elise Blaha as a guest designer!

Kristen said...

Me! Hee Hee...

Gina said...

I am inspired by all the guest designers. Surprise me!

Kristii said...

I think Lucy Edson would make a wonderful guest designer!!! I think it would be way fun if you used members as guest designers too!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Kirsten Moran said...

I like Mou Saha's work.

norine said...

Either Keisha Campbell or Wendy Bretz would do good by Studio Calico. Either of their styles would really suit SC kits.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Tam Milborn as a guest designer - her work is amazing!

joanna said...

that's an easy one... Mandie Pierce or Michelle LaPoint Rydell

Lorraine said...

I love the idea of a non-celebrity. But if it's someone we all know, Cindy Tobey is a good choice.

Unknown said...

I would vote for a fellow SC'er. How about Kaori Watanabe?

Megan said...

I am another Ali Edwards fan that would love to see her work with a SC Kit. I also think Shimelle Laine would be awesome as well!

Jenny said...

I would love to see Jenni Bowlin or Amy Tangerine :)

Unknown said...

Shimelle Laine would be great to see as a guest designer... I think it would also be great to just see some "regular" people right off the forums.

Amy Kim said...

i would love to see debee campos. i know there are others, but she was the first one to come to mind. :]

Sam F said...

I want to see Ali Edwards or Elise Blaha!

Sandy said...

Would love to see Ali Edwards as a guest her style! Thanks for a chance - I hope I win =)

Alby said...

I like Cathy Zielske. I think the SC Kits are perfect for her clean and simple (but definitely AWESOME) style.

delliechan said...

I'd love to see KP!!

Kim Linton said...

How about Jenni Bowlin as the guest designer! wouldn't that be a hoot! (sorry I don't recal1 if she has previously held this spot)

Donna said...

woaw.......tough many come to mind. I guess though, if I only could pick one, I'd say Christine Middlecamp.

naomi_m said...

Shimelle Laine for me.

lori said...

someone thats maybe not a "celeb" but someone famous from our gallery

nailgirl said...

wow, i'd love to see jenni bowlin or keisha campbell, two of my many favs!! thanks for the giveaway!

Nitasha said...

Oh there are so many talented women taht I'd love to see but at the top of my list right now are Keisha Campbell, Jing Jing, Sasha Holloway, Leslie Ashe and Lexi Bridges...just to name a few! Thanks for asking and thanks for the chance to win!

Cathy H. said...

csugar6One more vote for Ali Edwards.

EricaMost said...

I'd like to see Mat Flaum too!

Unknown said...

I would love to see Jessica Turner :)

Lisa said...

My vote is for Meghann. There is a lot of talent in the SC gallery.

Karen said...

ali edwards, for sure!

Katherine said...

Ashley Hunter is awesome; I would love to see her as the next guest designer.

Josephine Yeo said...

Thank you so much for a chance to win this awesome giveaway.

Paula said...

I'd love to see Jen Gallagher!

Tiffani said...

I'd vote for Ali Edwards, too.

sarah said...

i'd love to see ali edwards, melanie bauer and/or brooke strarnes guest design!

Ruth said...

Since you are giving her product away, I would looove to see Jenni Bowlin!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see May Flaum as a guest designer.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see May Flaum

lpaigeb1984 said...

How about Allison Davis she is a local scrapbook celeb around these parts (and in CK mag)

Kelleewynne said...

I keep begging for Tim Holtz! ;)

Terri said...

I would love to see Marion Smith as a guest designer. She does beautiful work.

dena said...

would love to see ali as a guest designer

hopie said...

I am a huge fan of Ali Edwards and it would be great to see her do her magic with Studio Calico...

Sophie said...

Love the giveaway. Thanks so much! I'd like to see either Ali Edwards as a guest designer. :D

Tiffany Heilman said...

I would love to see Kelly Purkey. I think she has been a GD before.

Leanne said...

I would like to see Mardi Winen as a guest designer. She is an awesome scrapper down here in Australia, incredibly talented scrapper and an amazing woman

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Ali Edwards!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love Keisha Campbell's work and also Danielle Flanders or Doris Sander.

Kathy R

Meredith said...

Geralyn or Chelsea ( would be great.

kimmik said...

I vote for Laura Vegas or Nichole Magouirk. Love their layouts.

Runaway Farm said...

I would love to see Megan Klauer as the next designer. She does some awesome stuff with SC stuff and other places too!

Danielle said...

I would LOVE to see MandieLou be the next guest designer! I am always in awe of her work!

Thanks for the chance to win!

maricha said...

I would be thrilled to see
rosalie jb from New Zealand as your guest designer, she has uploaded hundreds of layouts, I think she is addicted to SC and an amazing talent!

Hot Wheels and Glue Guns said...

I would love to see Erin Lincoln. Here style is kind of different from most people in the gallery, but it would be cool to see what she would do with SC.

Wendy said...

I love Ali Edwards & Elizabeth Kartchner's work!

Erin M said...

After much consideration-- I would say Jill Sprott.

julie.schellin said...

Idon't think this one has been suggested yet: Emily Anderson. She hasn't scrapped much recently, but I loved the pages I did see from her.

shanley said...

Gigi Kennedy does some awesome layouts. It would be cool to see what she would do with a SC kit.

Gwendolyn said...

She may have already been here and I missed it but I would like to see Ali Edwards. Or Cathy Zielske or Heidi Swapp.

Cynthia Baldwin said...

I'd love to see Kelli Crowe or Moon Ko on your list of guest designers. They're both so talented...and SO funny! It would be fun to have either of them here.

strtwze said...

Katie Watkins of or Christine Middlecamp! I love their stuff!

sylv said...

I say pick someone who commented on here that they want a guest spot. Highlight someone that's not so well known, the well known people have stuff posted everywhere already. Introduce us to some new talent!

Andrea M. said...

I like the idea of having Brooke Starnes from twopeas. She would do amazing things with SC product!

Unknown said...

I really have no idea who I'd like to see - everyone is so awesome! Maybe a feature of some of the most prolific posters to the member board? Just a thought. Love the look of the new kit!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Great giveaway!
What about bringing back a former design team member? Someone that hasn't been around for awhile like Caroline Ikeji (always love her work), Christine Middlecamp (love, love!)or Kirsty Wiseman (love her quirky style)??? Would love to see any of these ladies rock a SC kit!

Nancy (nanns01) said...

Ooops! forgot to type in my name on the above post. Silly me.

Unknown said...

i say pick a random subscriber to be the guest!

Bel said...

Kathy Thompson-Laffoley, Vicki Boutin, Jen Starr, or Sally Lynn MacDonald! :) Thanks for the opportunity!

kathleen said...

One of these days it's got to be Ali!!!!

JennL said...

i'd like to see ali edwards as a guest designer.

greekmama said...

Ali Edwards..

Patricia Folchert said...

I would love to see what Karola Witczak would create!
Thanks for the chance.

Crystal said...

You have such an amazing design team already! I was going to suggest Stephanie Howell but she's a regular already :) How about Elizabeth Dillow? I love her creations. Thanks for sharing a yummy giveaway.

Tina said...

I know there have been a lot of volunteers here but I gotta go with Ali Edwards on this one!

Denise said...

I never have any idea who the who's who are in the scrap world. However, how about Mandie Pierce? I love her style and have never met a layout by her I haven't loved.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Keisha campbell.

AmieeAya said...

ooh, i'm a big mou saha fan myself. would love to see her take on your stuff!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

OHHH---all of the comments before mine have wonderful people who inspire me and I would LOOOOOOOVE to see any of them as the GDT! Or I could do it;) Just kidding!

riri mahadi said...

ali edward but with a slight twist !!!! .... so, perfect journaling Ali style combined with a bit more paper and embellishment which is not so Ali but would love her to do just that ....

Michelle said...

Oh wow, so hard to pick and you have had so many awesome ones.

I would love to see Julie Bonner with an exclusive SC sketch.

Maria said...

I'd love to see Kelly Purkey or Elise Blaha!!

Anonymous said...

How about May Flaum, Ali Edwards or Liz Kartchner.

Bethany Crowell said...

I agree...feature someone who is not a scrapbooking 'celebrity'! There are so many talented people out there!! Would be such fun to design for Studio Calico...

Nenne said...

Ooo I would absolutely LOVE to see Rimna as guest designer - she is so rocking the kits!

Marina said...

I would absolutely love to see May Flaum as Guest Designer.

La Vikinga said...

OK, as number 329 I also want to hve a chance for the candy, but I think there are too many before me in line...


Arjanne said...

I really like Kim Watson's pages!

100drascrap said...

why not Meghann!

Anonymous said...

Great freebie thanks for the chance to win!
I´d like to see jenni bowlin!

greetings from

isabel scrap said...

christine middlecamp, I love her

Béatrice... said...

I love to see Lizzy Katchner!!!

Vitoria B said...

I would love to see Emily Anderson as a guest designer.
thanks for the chance

Kimberly said...

Holy COW, So many.......can I nominate myself? LOL

Nana Nassar said...

Imagine winning some awesome giveaway like that?! xoxoxo

tfiskers said...

WOW! You have the best guests! I love Betsy Velman's work! It would be great to see her at SC.

Leigh said...

i'd love Michelle Alynn Clement to guest design. her layering & inking is AMAZING!

{VICKI} said...

Ali Edwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sasha said...

Woo! Count me in! I would love to see Jenni Bowlin as well - love her style!

Reny said...

I would like to see JULIA COTRIM as a guest designer. Her work is such a gorgeous art.

andie said...

liz kartcher! but there are sooooo many others who would be fantastic! and it seems like many of us fans would love to be the guest designer too! xoxo andie librandi...

Connie said...

I like Laura Vegas.

Maria Eufemia said...

Another vote here for an active subscriber to be a GD. That would be fun! Someday, I'd love that to be me too! :)

SnapScrapRepeat said...

It's hard to top Jamie Waters, but I would adore seeing the works of Heidi Sonboul here.

nadia said...

i would like to see celine navarro!!!
french connection

Kim Faucher said...

I would love to see some of the customers as designers... just to see what the "non" designers do with the kits... fun thought!

Ann-Marie said...

Kelly Goree

Bina said...

Whoever you choose, will be a realy lucky person. And I can understand everybody, who would like to be IT !

Iara said...

Larissa Albernaz
her style is amazing!

Anna Sigga said...

Yummy giveaway! :D
I would love to see a "not too famous" scrapbooker as the next guest. But then again you always have amazing GDT's!

mprondzinski said...

I think it would be great to feature the person on the member gallery that has the most pages bookmarked by other members. Lots of great designers out there!

Lang said...

I would love to see Ali Edwards

TAGYN said...

I would love to see Laura Vegas or Cathy Zielske!

ACZ said...

I'd love to see Pascale Penin, à french scrapper, as guest designer, I love is work !

Erin said...

I'd love to see Tara Anderson as a guest designer. Her work is always gorgeous.

Amy S. said...

I would like to see Brenda Booth as a guest designer.

Charline said...

ali edwards would be my vote !!!p

judyc said...

Would love to win this prize and would love to see Gretchen McElveen as the guest designer.

Shay said...

I would love to see Christine Middlecamp, Kerry Lynn Yeary, Debee Campos Ruiz, Ali Edwards, Christina Clouse, CD Muckosky, Jen Johner, Keisha Campbell, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer or Vinnie Pearce (her hybrid layouts and projects are incredible!)...there are a whole slew of awesome designers out there...I can't remember them all (and you have so many awesome designers already at Studio Calico)!

Thanks for the giveaway!!

Lara said...

I always love Ali Edwards projects and would love to see her as a guest designer.

CathyB. said...

Kristina from Two Peas!

CathyB. said...

That was supposed to be Kristina White, of Two Peas :)

Kimber-Leigh said...

i'd LOVE to see kendra mccracken :)

and this is a great giveaway!

Maggie M. said...

I say definitely go with an "unknown" - there is so much incredible talent out there just waiting to be discovered!

Tiffany said...

i would love to see amy tangerine!

Marti said...

I agree with letting one of the SC community girls do it- Geralyn, Mandie Lou, just g- there is so much talent on the board- it would be fun to spotlight a non celebrity.

Kylie said...

Valerie Bishop! She does some awesome work with your kits!

Mandie said...

i would love to see one of our everyday studio calico girls! my votes would be for
G! (the gillian g, not the greg g ;) )
diane payne
geralyn sy
megan klauer

Eva said...

I'd love to see Piradee Talvanna's creation with Studio Calico!!

Abegaile Valencia said...

I would love to see a "regular" scrapper be the next Guest Designer too! But if I had to chose, from the "names" out there, I'd love to see Melissa Phillips ( I love her romantic, shabby chic style and it would be great to see how she'd rock SC's kits!

Susanne said...

I'd vote for May Flaum or Lisa Day or Jody Wenke or Noell Hyman.

Keri Piercy said...

I love Elizabeth Kartchner's and Kelly Purkey's work. Always inspiring!

Pretty please, pick me. :o)

Natalie Elphinstone said...

Um, some of my favourite designers who I think would be brilliant (not sure if they've done the job before?!!) include Tara Anderson, Debee Campos, Julie Fei Fan Balzer...

Olivia said...

I would love to see Mou Saha again :) She has such a gift for simplicity and elegance on all of her work.

amy gleason said...

Hmmm, I would love to see Sasha Holloway, Julia Fei-Fan Balzer, Jenny Chesnick, or Amy Tan as guest designers!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Rachel said...

I would like to see Allison Davis as a GD. She does wonderful two pagers!

Trine Brandt-Lassen said...

I definitely think you should pick a member. So many incredibly talented ladies posting layouts in the gallery!

Jung A said...

me!! :)

Karen (kphike) said...

an "unknown" member would be fun!

kirby said...

love the september kit - can't wait to get my hands on it! :)

hmmmmm....ali edwards, kelli crowe, may flaum!

Deenas said...

I would like to see an "ordinary joe" be a guest designer. So how about running a post asking for volunteers and picking one at random?

tammy g said...

I do love Theresa Collins and all that bling!

Carrie K said...

Elise Blaha


someone who is a regular on the boards...maybe run a contest??

Elisegrant1 said...

How about Jenni Bowlin as a guest designer?

Heidi Y said...

I'd love to see Ali Edwards!!!

Jennifer said...

I'd like to see Paige Evans!

Lalunatique said...

I also think Ali Edwards would be a wonderful guest designer !

ellen s. said...

Since I won't be able to fit it in my schedule, LOL! I would say Danielle Flanders, I have always loved her style.

Felicia J said...

I would like to see Lisa Bearson. She has been a great inspiration for years and has pretty much lead the way to scrapbooking for all of us.

Diane Payne said...

There is so much talent at SC that I would love to see someone that isn't a big known scrapbooker but a regular contributor at SC to be selected. A couple that come to mind are MandieLou and Qingmei.

Latrice said...

Hmmmm...I'm an unknown, but I'd do it! Just kidding. Nichol Magouirk would be awesome!!

justem said...

Fun questions...

I'd like Jill Sprott! :) :)

Unknown said...

i adore elizabeth kartchner

juls2000 said...

I would love to see Ali Edwards! She is so inspirational!! I love her work!!

amy said...

Ali Edwards
Karen Russell
Jenni Bowlin
Becky Novacek
Rebecca Sower
Eve Johnson (evalicious store/blog)

and would LOVE to win Jenni Bowlin products! :)

cards4ever said...

I would like yo see Kim Kesti.

Dawn said...

how about the fun, talented and even our own...Denise Nichols? :-)

Anonymous said...

Of course I would love to see Ali but I also love to see what Shannon Tidwell would do with an SC kit.

Stephanie B

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