August 26, 2009

Reveal Night Giveaway

Want to win this fabulous prize from Cosmo Cricket?

Just leave a comment letting us know which is your favorite line: Boyfriend or Earth Love.


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Jennifer said...

Earth Love gets my vote. :)

Christy Callaghan, The Modern SLP said...


Anonymous said...

How about BOTH? IF I have to choose, I think maybe .... Earth Love ... maybe! Both are on my to get list though!

katrina said...

the boyfriend line is my fave of the two.

Unknown said...

Earth Love get's my vote... but boyfriend is growing on me. Loving the new lines.

Erin said...

Boyfriend...good for scrapbooking my son's photos. ; )

qsogirl said...

I love Earth Love

Shay said...

That is such a terribly difficult choice. Both are must-buys as is all Cosmo Cricket to me. I will go with Earth Love though because of the cloud paper alone...I am in love with clouds lately.

Kristin Reinhard said...

I think I love Earth Love more! But it was a close one.

Abbey S. said...

I think I am going to have to go wtih boyfriend, love those colors!


Janette said...

Hard choice-- but I choose the Boyfriend =).

Tiffany said...


Jennifer Cowan said...

You are making us make a choice. ugh... But I'm going with Earth Love!

Tiffany said...

i love the boyfriend because it's very versatile!

Melissa said...

Both are great, but Earth Love just barely edged out Boyfriend for me!

Sara said...

Earth Love... I love it!

Christine H said...

Boyfriend for me! Love anything Cosmo Cricket!

Deanna said...

I'm an Earth Love fan!!!

Kathy said...

"The boyfriend" gets my vote...that washing line paper, and the paper planes! Fantastic!!. Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway.

Allison (jade135) said...

I am so in love with boyfriend. Wish I could buy it ALL!

Hanna Long said...

Boyfried for me (But Earth Love is a very close second)

Elizabeth said...


~amy~ said...

boyfriend :)

Rebecca Keppel said...

Hmmm, there are not enough boy lines so I would say Boyfriend, but then I think Earth Love is more versatile. Do I really have to pick??

Amber said...

How can I decide? I like Earth Love a TON, but I think Boyfriend is my favorite! =)

chemgirl said...


lisa truesdell said...


Anonymous said...


Lena said...

Boyfriend!!!! :-)

Lynnderful said...

the Boyfriend!

Teribyte said...

Boyfriend.... I mean Earth Love... No! I mean Boyfriend... It's so hard to choose. They're both awesome, but I guess if I had to - I'd pick Boyfriend!

Heidi Y said...

They're both great, but since I have to choose 1 - Earth Love.
Your site rocks!!

Unknown said...

I love them BOTH, but boyfriend truly has my heart. (:

Dana said...

I have both om my wishlist but if I HAD to pick one I'd probably get Earth Love first.

Christa said...

I love both of them! If I have to choose one I would probably go with Earth Love. Love those colors!

diana albright said...

the boyfriend is my favorite, but earth love comes in close.

Anonymous said...

Earth Love is my favorite for sure!

Julie Campbell said...

Oooh! The boyfriend line stole my heart! (love them both though!) :)

Danielle said...

Earth Love would be my first choice.

Luluuk said...

I Love both - but if I had to chose...Boyfriend

naomi_m said...

This is so hard but I think I'm gonna have to say Boyfriend cos' of the colours.

Hot Wheels and Glue Guns said...

that's a tough call, but I have to say Earth Love is so fun!

Michelle said...

I loved Earth Love as soon as I saw it!!!

Emily Simpson said...

Earth Love is my favorite! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Jen said...

Earth Love for me ( of course, really I like them both a lot!)

Kris said...

Boyfriend all the way!

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

Earth Love is adorable! Love the birds and mushrooms!

The Mom said...


Gale said...

Earth LOVE

ArlaMo said...

Boyfriend for sure!!

Rachel said...

I'm gonna have to say boyfriend! Love it. :)

Katrina Southern California said...

Boyfriend...especially since I have three boys!

Unknown said...

I love the colors in EARTH LOVE!!!

Jan said...

BOTH, but if i have to choose just one i would say......Earth Love!

Alyson said...


Thanks for the chance to win!


Jennifer Larson said...


jill marie barrett said...

earth love me likey!!

Darien said...

I love both but my favorite is EARTH LOVE!!!!! Love the colours!!Cosmo Cricket Rocks!

Anonymous said...

Oh my... hard choice! I don't think I can even pick...hmm... I love the cute little designs of Earth Love, but love the colors and boy-ness of boyfriend. EEKS! nope... to hard to decide. Lovin' them both!

Rachel M said...

I love Boyfriend, it's so retro!

Handbagaddict said...


bethchien said...

awww man, for sure BOYFRIEND LINE!! I have been wanting to get my hands on that bad boy (ha no pun intended) forever!!!! Trying to save money sucks! But, Studio Calico and Cosmo rocks to have a giveaway! :P

The Fones Files said...

I would have to go with boyfriend! Lovin the colors and retro prints

Stacy said...

Boyfriend :)

Anonymous said...

Earth Love.

Jingle said...

I'm leaning toward Earth Love at the moment. Both of these are must have lines, though! I just ADORE them!!!

odomfamily said...

So hard to choose.......Earth Love.

lori said...

I would choose Boyfriend and that's only because I have a bit of Earth Love here....and I so love the EArth Love group.....wanting the boyfriend....this is a great giveaway...

Anonymous said...

Oh I love love love the "Earth Love" line! What a great reveal night giveaway!! Thanks!
Beth Ann

Cassi said...

earth love's paper and boyfriend's chipboard -- hope that's a valid entry!

Lacey said...


debra lynn said...

Wow, thats a tough one, I love both!! Having to choose though, I'd say Earth Love, Cosmo Cricket makes awesome stuff!

wena said...

earth love! i love birds! :)

Rhonda said...

I love the Boyfriend! I love Cosmo Cricket anything!

Karin said...

I love them both, but if you make me decide. . .hmmmm. . . I would say earth love.

Helen said...

Either or is fine with me!!!

Adiya said...

MMM...they both looks great! but if I have to choose, i'll go on the Earth Love line.

Franca said...

earth love!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

I LOVE them both, but earth love is by #1 favorite :D

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to choose between the two since they both look gorgeous! But since I do mostly boy-pages, it must be boyfriend ;)

Thank you so much for the chance to win :o)

Tiffany Heilman said...

I love the boyfriend! it is sassy in that boy kinda way.

Karishma Israni said...

so hard to choose one.....I am in love with them both!!!! If I absolutely HAD to choose one it would be ............. boyfriend.

Andrea said...

So hard to choose! I'll go for Earth Love, since I DO love the Earth and so m any of my LOs are based on outdoor activities :)

Avital said...

h Love is my fave :)

jessicagebhardt said...

I love BOYFRIEND! especially the piece made to look like a scan-tron test sheet, and the cassette tape piece-awesome!

Avital said...

OK, my comment has been cut apart...

Both are cute and pretty but Earth Love is my fave.

Rhian said...

Boyfriend for me, but I love all cosmo xx

Jenn said...

My favorite line is the Boyfriend. I love the retro images!

Rita said...

Love them both, but I'd have to choose Earth Love!

bev said...

Earth love is my fave...I'm loving the little birdies these days!

Ms said...

I love them both, but I love the boyfriend just a squoosh more!

Angela said...

Totally digging Earth Love (if I really have to choose)!

Zorina said...

Studio Calico got me again! Woot for this lovely giveaway on Reveal Night. I can't wait. Talk to you soon!!!

Moni S. said...

I love the Boyfriend line...

Pegg S said...

Earth Love - though I love all their new lines!

Harley Dee said...

Oh gosh.. Umm, Earth Love. No, Boyfriend.. No, definitely Earth Love :D

Mª Jesús said...

Boyfriend me gusta más!

Jenn said...

Boyfriend!! Love the retro!

Anonymous said...

Boyfirend - works great for little boys!

Kirsten B in MN

Chrissy said...

The boyfriend is my fav!

lenore said...

I am so loving the colors in Earth Love!

~kelly marie~ said...

Earth Love is my fav! :)

Paljean33 said...

Earth Love is my fav!!! Thanks! Paula

Coconuts said...

Earth Love is my favorite...

marie-nicolas said...

Boyfriend !! i love it !!

SYLVIE said...


cindy said...

Love them both...but earth love would be my first choice!

dwnoce said...

hihi et bien j'adore les 2!!!!!

Karen P said...

love boyfriend! the airplanes are too cute!

Leigh S. said...

Love Earth Love!

Tammy Vasser said...

Earth Love is perfect for me! Count me in!

Unknown said...

Earth Love !!!!!! Of course !

thearthurz said...

I love, love, love Earth Love. It is beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!

Amy said...

Boyfriend gets me! BUT they are both pure cuteness :)

Liane said...

Earth Love. For the colours, the clouds and the cool name!

alyssa said...

So completely adorable. Earth Love it is!!

Brittany said...

Earth Love!

Joanne said...

Earth love baby....all the way!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Earth Love. Thanks for the opportunity.

Janie B.
Moorhead, MN

Micki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim Bolyard said...

that is a hard one...I love them both...but I keeping going back to the boyfriend line....

Kim Bolyard

Micki said...

Hm, do like both but EARTH LOVE is my fav.

celine said...


Stacie Alison said...

I am so in love with the earth love collection...I have had a few of the papers and used them right away - it is so my style! Love it!

pattyhamilton said...

Boyfriend, even though I liked Earth Love a lot more in person!

LisaDay said...


AllieH said...


Angel S. said...

Boyfriend Baby! Thanks

ScrapMomOf2 said...

The Boyfriend!

Therese said...

Definitely Earth Love!

Anonymous said...

I love them both but my favorite is Earth Love!

deb said...

Wow! That's a tough one. But, today I'm in the mood for boyfriend. Thanks.

Etta said...

I really have to choose???? I love them both so much. So much potential in both. But I guess I'll have to choose Boyfriend since I do so many boy pages. Love it!

Tamara said...

Earth love! I love it!

paloma1815 said...

Right, I chose Boyfriend!

Laura KW said...

I'm kind of partial to the clouds in earth love. Though they're both super cute.

B said...

Love Earth Love... but they're both awesome!

Anonymous said...

So hard to choose, but I'd have to say Boyfriend........

Michelle E said...

I love the Boyfriend line! My absolute favorite paper is the one with the clothes on the laundry line... SO cute and SO many ideas for that one!

Mary said...

Hard to choose, but I like Earth Love a smidge more!

clara_croft said...

Boyfriend !

Mabel said...

I can't decide that!!! love the new collections by Cosmo and can't wait to pick up!! thanks for this awesome giveaway!! =)

Anonymous said...

the boyfriend! :)


LRH said...

Both!! Either or One!! Someone pick for me!!

Jennifer said...

I'm going to go with boyfriend.

Shel said...

Earth Love is so serene and calming! Love it!

Erin M said...

I'm going to say boyfriend--I think I like the color-scheme in that one better!

Misti said...


Sockergrynet said...

Love Boyfriend!

fran h said...

Earth Love definitely gets my vote.

Fran H

Scrapycandy said...

Boyfriend is my favorite...I mean paper airplanes!!! both of my boys were ALL about paper airplanes..I would find them everywhere!!!
And I love that covered stamped box project. WOW!

Lalunatique said...

Earth Love ! But I want both :)

edina said...

Man, that is a hard choice but I think I'm going with Earth Love!

Karin BG said...

Earth Love, great colors!

miss guido said...

I don't know - both of them so great. But I think I might be leaning towards Earth Love.
thanks! Melissa F.

Renee said...

Love the Boyfriend collection!

Michele in La said...

Earth Love - I really like the softer colors :)

Laura Gedeon said...

Really love them both but I guess I'm leaning towards boyfriend!

Unknown said...

I like Boyfriend, although being a grown-up means I can have both, right?? :)

Kimberly said...

Love them both...going with the "boyfriend" though. :)

rachel said...

Oh my gosh! Yay! I love the Boyfriend. Don't have little boys, just girls. Don't have a boyfriend, just the hubs. But all the retro is just adorable!!!

Meredith said...

Boyfriend I reckon!!

Jenn said...

I loooove Earth Love! :)

Inspired said...

Love the boyfriend. Love the colors, the bicycles!

Deana said...

I have to say THE BOYFRIEND ♥...


Sheila H said...

Oh please! A new boyfriend for me!

Mindy said...

Boyfriend is my fav.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say Boyfriend because I can already see it in an album w/ my son & nephews photos, but I like them both.

Tiffany said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Boyfriend line...I wanna take it home and make it MY boyfriend!

Unknown said...

I was looking at both of these this past weekend and drooling :-) Between the two, I would pick the Boyfriend line....YUMMMMMOOOO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Um are you seriously making me choose???? Can I just say both? Coz they are equally so NICE! But if you really have to make me choose, I would say Earth Love. I can't wait to see some SC kits w/ these!

Unknown said...

Earth Love is my fav of the two!

Ayesha said...

ooooh boyfriend i mean i need a reasn to scrap hubby more and what bigger reason then that line yummmmmy!!!

GabrielaD said...

I love the Boyfriend line. It would be perfect for scrapbooking my two boys.

✿♥ Mélyane ♥ ✿ said...

Its just so hard to choose between those 2 new lines.
But my heart goes to Earth Love..

Jen said...

they are both awesome--but i'd have to say earth.

jesslea said...

If I only had to pick one, I guess it would be the boyfriend. That being said Earth Love is equally great!

Christina O said...

my favorite is earth love!

Jacquie said...

aackk...I have to PICK ONE? I love both, but Earth Love gets just a wee bit more love. :)

Ilka said...

Not easy but boyfriend wins my vote! So much I can do with that.

thekreativelife said...

They're both gorgeous, but boyfriend has my vote!

Susi said...

Earth Love for me...although both lines are great!

Debbi Tehrani said...

They both look awesome, but if I had to choose one, I'd say Earth Love.

BeeBopp23 said...

Hmm...this is probably the hardest decision I've made all day! Lol! I would loooooove...Boyfriend, the most!!

Unknown said...

I love BOTH lines from Cosmo Cricket! I don't think I could choose! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Vickie Lee said...

These lines are great! Boyfriend is my fave!!!!

Cynthia Baldwin said...

I love both, but Boyfriend is my pick. Thanks for the chance to win!

Beckabear3213 said...

I just adore the boyfriend line!!

Linda E said...

So hard to choose because I love everything that Cosmo Cricket makes. If you twist my arm, I would have to say that I like Easrth Love just a smidge more!

JLThore said...

I would be happy to win anything, with that said - Boyfriend. I could never have enough masculine papers.


Luisa said...

I love both. Since we have to choose I will pick: Earth Love...

Unknown said...

Wow, that's a tough one. I love the birds in Earth Love. I guess I'd have to vote for the Boyfriend though - great pages to use for my boys!

Irene Lenihan said...

Earth Love is the one I like best. But I like them both.

Vanessa said...

oh man this Boyfriend would be the only one I need! ; )

Diane Payne said...

Both are fabulous but Earth Love gets my vote. I love that cloud paper.

Kimmie said...

oh i love them both but i would love to have Boyfriend

AllyW said...

I'm loving me some Earth Love!! Yeah for Reveal Night!!!

Courtney said...

Tough one, but I gotta go with Boyfriend!

Kirsty said...

earth love!

Jennifer Hansen said...

I like the Boyfriend, because a lot of that would go well on my son's layouts.

jenniferlynnhansen at yahoo dot com

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