I was hoping that I could sneak in and post before Lorie--so that the amazing CHA post would be first...but I didn't make it. You'll be sure and read down past this post, right?
Every month when I look at the reveal gallery I see these amazing ideas that make me think "I wish I'd thought of that!!" I thought it would be fun to share those thoughts with you and then let me tell yours, too. Kind of a share/share deal...get it? :)
Let's start with the way Tina took apart the mini and made these little Valentines. Genius! They are...wow...sliced bread.

Steph rocked the color combos of the Wisdom add on...but the way she used the sticker circles over the ribbon just screamed "Yes, exactly!!!".

Scarlet...what can I say? I drool over gallery every single month. She has this innate attention to detail that comes out in every layout. When I saw how she'd layered the Maya Mist over the chipboard and then the stamp, stickers/etc...well, I wish I'd thought of that!!

Nik--what can I say, aside from the fact her mini made me a little misty, the girl is a paint wizard! Painting in the indentions of the cover never would have even occured to me, until I saw what she did.

Let's now talk about the double weapons of Nic & Kirsty...BOWS!! Nic with a little paper bow and Kirsty with a giant paper bow. Both incredibly smart and eye catching. I am now wondering the best way to acheive that without destroying the paper with my clumsy fingers...

Speaking of attention to detail...When I saw how Kelly outlined the chipboard I just kept nodding my head, "yes, that's it...perfection!". I love the way it not only finishes off the layout, but mimics the other "outlines" going on.

Joy--just has this intrinsic whimsicality about her. Then you see her layouts and realize how much of an extension of her they really are. When I saw the squirrel and the heart pins I wanted to smile and say "awwwww" at the same time, someone is going to be very lucky and get that card.

Is Joleen a fabulous guest designer or what? Her whole gallery was gorgeous, but she had the little touches that tickled my envy bone! The connector stitches on this page in particular really caught my eye and made me think that I need to keep that trick in the back of my mind!

Emily.Wow. The color fade with the Maya Mist? Dang!! Again just nodding my head thinking "genius, just genius!".

Dav--her gallery absolutely knocked my socks off (like always)...I wondered where she found the time to come up with this level of amazing. She makes me want to scallop edge ruffle layer everything. How about you?

Caroline...what are we going to do without her in our gallery every month? :( It's things like this little beauty that has me wondering what exactly makes her look at a circle in a paper and transform it into a complete embellishment.

April. Whenever I think about April I see a slideshow of incredibly creative layouts looping round. She makes it look easy in ways that just boggle my mind. The layered stickers under the cutout under the journal strips? Again, I could now have this on every page.

Whew!! My head is spinning and all I want to do right now is scrap!! I just don't even know where to start because the ideas are almost overwhelming! I think I need YOU to weigh in and tell me something you saw in the gallery this month that tickled your creative urge!
P.S. How are you doing with your challenges? I've not heard from anyone yet, my deadline is Friday 1/30 and g's deadline is
P.P.S. Make sure you read on down to see some CHA goodness. :)