Do you have a word picked for 2009? A word you are going to try to live up to? A word you are going to try to embody? A word to spur you to action?
I was thinking and praying about my word for this year. I came came upon the word TRUST. I think I need to work on my TRUST. I think that God wants me to work on my TRUST. EEEK!!!

by catina jane
If you've picked a word comment here:)
My word for the year is "boundaries". It's almost as scary as "trust" ;0).
My word for 2009 is "change". I could use a lot of change in many areas of my life. And one of my favorite quotes is by Ghandi...
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
mine would be "commit" commit to what I started!
My word this year is "flourish" in everyway, shape and form!!!
Happy New Year!!!
I think my word for 2009 is FINISh. I start alot of things, but I hardly ever finish them! I get too many things going!
My word is "do."
Just do it. Hehe. :)
No time like the present.
Amy, that quote from Gandhi is my all-time favorite. Excellent words by which to live. :)
Very cool word! My word this year is balance ... such a struggle!
My word did not come to me until now....but I am thinking it will be "RELEASE"-----one word for Letting Go.
Mine is "learn." I have a lot of things I want to learn so I chose just three to focus on this year; one personal and two creative.
I've picked "Simplify" as my word for this year. I'm definitely finding less is more (if only I could get it to apply to my scrapbooking stash!) and that I feel so much better without so many "things".
haven't picked mine yet,
but i think it is going to be "home".
i need to be focused on our family being together.
mine is Patience...i really need to learn how to be more patient as a mom, wife, friend etc.
It is fun to see what words everyone is choosing!! Mine is Balance! I have so many areas that need balance! I am excited to what 2009 has in store!! Best wishes in the New Year!!
My word for 2009 is Peace. This is my year to find peace within myself, with my decisions,things going on with my son,and the happenins of my life.
My word for 2009 is balance. Balance work with play, stress with relaxation, constant motion with stillness...there are so many ways my life needs balance. Here's to finding it in 09!s
My word this year is "save," and hubby wanted to choose a word too! He chose "focus." :)
My word for 2009 is authentic. It's taken me until nearly 40 to really figure out who I am, I just need to remember to be it!
I've been mulling over the word I want to focus on for a few weeks now and I've finally come to choose
PATIENCE. I have none, therefore I would like to work on getting some! Lol! We are moving in February and I am just so excited and anxious for the move to come that I can't sleep at night and I find myself wishing that it was already the next day. I have to tell myself that there isn't anything I can do to make it come faster...I just have to be patient and it will come!
My word for this year is "Simplicity". I believe that living in simplicity will bring me happiness, organization, & less chaos in my life.
My word is "embrace",to embrace whatever life throws my way. Sort of me trying to go with the flow....ACK!
my word is SHOULD.
My word is "sanctuary". I want my life to be a sanctuary to God, I want my home to be a loving sanctuary to my family & friends, and I want to spend more time in sanctuary time - praying, reading the Bible, doing God's will.
My word for 2009 is believe in the impossible...challenge myself in new ways...believe in time for myself and my family.
Believe will be mine....I will believe in all things impossible....I have already started on my plan and I hope to believe in the things that make me stronger, braver, patient, and most of all blessed....
Throw a little creativity in there too for good measure....:)-L.
My 2009 word would be" Hope"
I hope this year will be the one for me to be able to get pregnant.
I suffer of unexplained infertility since I begant TTC in 1995.
So, Hope has been my word for quite a while now.
my word is happiness
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