I'm a sucker for the really old holiday shows like Rudolph and Frosty the snowman. Those movies brings back the best memories of being in my footie pj's and discussions with my little brother on what Santa would bring us that year.
What holiday movie brings back the kind of memories that make you stop and smile?
Don't forget tonights the big night. Yep, sneak night. Your chance to catch a glimpse of the January kits and add-ons. The project kit is..........well, you'll just to wait and see!
Be sure to post down below for your chance to win the sneak night giveaway!!
Happy Saturday!
This is one of my most FAVORITE movies!! :)
All the holiday cartoons that we have in Quebec (Canada) for the last 35 years makes me think it's Christmas again: Lucky Luke, Asterix... and of course, it wouldn't be Chrsitmas without "Annie"
Frosty the Snowman... I cry everytime, even after all those years. I must have seen that cartoon at least 15 times. I also love The Grinch who stole Christmas and Charlie Brown Christmas.
I have a slew of movies that get me at the Holidays. But one movie that just melts heart is Prancer with Sam Elliot. If you do NOT believe....you will after viewing it.
I love A Christmas Story. I watch it at least 5 times before Christmas!
I have never seen that one! But I love so many holiday movies :0)
Right now the Polar Express is my favorite. It just reminds me of how simple Christmas used to be when I could just *believe* and not have a big *to do* list!
That's a great movie...I just love SJP.
I love that movie too! It's a Wonderful Life is my fave Christmas movie of all time. I just adore Jimmy Stewart.
One of my favorites is Holiday Inn. I gotta go and buy it some time soon!!! BTW, the January kit looks yummy!
-Raquel S
LOVE that movie! I'm a huge fan of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation -- gets me giggling every time.
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