10 links to get you into the Christmas Spirit:
1. Spirit 105.3 is my local Seattle station. It broadcasts Christmas music from Thankgiving til Christmas. You can listen live if you want:)
2. Elf Yourself is a hilarious animation that everyone enjoys this time of year. If you've never been here its a must try.
3. Pandora has as many Christmas Stations as you can create. By plugging in your favorite Christmas song or artist Pandora makes up a station just for you!!
4. Need a Christmas Ringtone? Entirely Free Ringtones promises you some fab ones (I haven't used them, so don't quote me on the free-ness or the quality!)
5. Do you and your family go caroling or just sing around the Christmas tree? I always print out lyrics from Christmas-carol.net because my mom likes to sing EVERY verse of every song!
6. Visit Santa at the North Pole and track him across the world using Norad's Santa Tracker on Christmas night.
7. Want to send an ultra hip Holiday E Card to your friends? Check out Hipstercards.com's Holiday offerings.
8. Watch some Christmas YouTube Videos
9. Want some great ideas for holiday cookies? Check out Christmas-Cookies.com
10. If you are interested in the history of Christmas check out the History Channel's Christmas exploration.
Thanks for the spirit radio link, I can listen live all the way from the UK.... HOW FUN IS THAT?
Merry Christmas everyone :)
love these! thanks!
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