I love love love
Tinas cute displays and storage from yesterdays blog post. Its all so natty and pretty.
Im afraid my storage is all too prim and proper in some respects to be that pretty. I so dream of
having a room where storage is uniformed and in neat little wicker baskets with fancy tags denoting whats inside the box. I dream of a WINDOW with white surfaces and more cupboards to disguise the clutter! I dream and I dream big!
I'm grateful that my husband converted our adjoining garage when I outgrew the small box room upstairs almost 2 years ago. I had amassed so many supplies from working on various
DT's that I simply had to expand. It
doesn't help that
Im not very good at purging because I like to hold onto things, especially when lots of it was donated by
manufacturers and magazines. But I did purge this year and gave away a lot of supplies to friends and family plus I donated a huge box of paper and card to a local nursery; that felt so good. And yet I still have all this staring at me and making me feel
guilty for not using it all at once! My excuse for having so much is that its my job to make stuff everyday as I am a freelance designer working for
Crafts Beautiful magazine plus various manufacturers in the UK.
So, my storage...........I work in this office every single day. As I open the door I see this down the left hand side

It is here that I also work on both on the PC/Mac for most of the day as I do graphic design work for some logo companies and web sites.
And this is down the right hand side. Those
Ikea expedit units were totally made for scrappers. TOTALLY. I have three x 16
cubby units and that table at the end? It was designed to attach to an
expedit unit; also available from
Ikea. Long live

This is what lays on top of the units. I know its all cluttered but this room is full of my stuff and I love to be surrounded by my
favourite objects and pictures.

favvo part of the room is within this work station here. This is where all the creating happens...in the far left corner of my office

And the the right of that corner is more workspace... so I can spread out a little (or a lot!)

My favourite view in the work station is this. It is by no means
uniform but its colourful and all my tools and nick-
nacks are to hand.

Along the long left hand counter of my room I can lay 5 layouts and work on them simultaneously to keep the creative juices flowing evenly.

And so to my Studio Calico kit storage. Well, you see that
cubby hole with what looks like long flat, stacked boxes?

All those are packed to the brim with every single leftover of my kits since Oct 2007. I will not throw anything away, these kits are far too
delish for that.
Each box holds like for like items such as
card stock, stickers etc and you can see some of that in these boxes below:
This is my embellishment box.
Im sure you will recognise all the bits in here!

My stamps - oh, my stamps.
Im not a BIG stamper but I will keep these forever. They are far to unique and special to toss in the bin

I store my papers in two ways. Large sheets in one box and cut offs in another.

My ribbons, felts and threads box

I have two chipboard boxes. I love chipboard to death!

ons and strip in this box

I promise to make a huge "mini" with all my lefts overs again this year like I did last year
HERE with all my leftovers.
Parting with these pieces will be such sweet sorrow.
What a great office, Kirsty! It's nice to know there's someone else that has a hard time parting with leftovers. Thanks for sharing your space and organizational ideas with us!
Great use of space!! Thanks for the inspiration!
natty is such a good word. i mean really. natty :) i love what you've done in your room, it's terribly fun to see where you work my dear!
I love your filing bins!
I love the way you store your leftover SC goodies!! :0)
i am drowning in leftovers from which i cannot part! help!!! i have similar piles, but yours are quite organized. i guess i should sort.
ok. so my friend JUST got those cubes from ikea and she CAN'T find anything that fits paper and also fits in the cube !!! so those skinny boxes that have paper, could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email me and let me know where you got them or what brand they are or what size they are. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU A MILLION!!! :)
It's so clean and shiny!
Oh wow....love your scrappy room! The Ikea shelving is awesome! I am drooling over all the leftover kit goodies!
Love it! I am known to organize my stuff more than I scrap. Thanks for the inspiration
Love all the filing ideas
I love to see how your mind works! Your space is so like you!
I never tire of looking at peoples stash organisation!! It just makes me envious!!! Will have to come over and play Kirsty!!! xx
This is REALLY cool. :) I love how everything is just thrown in a bin... all embellishments in one, all ribbon/fiber in another. I really am so impressed with people who can scrap like that!
And you love chipboard, huh?! Please come to my house and take a load off my hands, will ya??!?! :D
Kristy is one of those K's for me? You gonna later one for me? lol
I love it.Great organizational skill.
im drooling....REALLY drooling....do you spent hours on Flickr,checking out other peoples craft rooms? (or is that just me?)
Love to the curlygirl
Lulubelle x
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