February 26, 2010

Reveal Night Giveaways!!!

Imagine that!

2 fabulous giveaways from Basic Grey. It doesn't get much better than this!!!

Just leave a comment here stating which is your favorite:
  • Green at Heart
  • Kioshi
1 winner will be chosen for each prize.

Oh, and no cheating...you HAVE to pick. If you say, "both" and your name is drawn, we won't count it. Sorry. Someone's gotta lay down the law around here ;)

Winners will be chosen on Sunday, 2/28


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Jennifer said...

Green At Heart

qsogirl said...

absolutely, definitely, kioshi!!

Cuchy said...

Green at heart

Kim N. said...

I'm loving them both, but kioshi is my fave. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

green at heart

lyndon said...

kioshi :)

Shay said...

Aww, this difficult but I will go with Green At Heart because it is eco-friendly. Awesome giveaway and thank you so much for the chance to win.

Laura said...

Defo green at heart for me!

Merilee Lane, Where Life is But a Dream said...

I think I'll have to go with Green at Heart. They are both pretty, though!

Alicia8660 said...

Green at heart

Susanne said...

Love the relative subtleness of the color in Kioshi. But hey, I'd scrap with either (or both!).

Ruth said...

Green at Heart, cause I am!

Anonymous said...

I'm TOTALLY Green at heart!

Thanks for the chance to win something ultra fun this month! Yeah! There's going to be 2 lucky girls this month!

Jennifer Cowan said...

Both... just kidding

Green at Heart!

Unknown said...

I love the colors of Kioshi!

Saragpgb said...


The Mom said...

So easy for me to pick!!!

I love "green at heart"!! I LOVE THOSE COLORS and that little bear just makes me smile!!

Vanessa said...

so hard to pick! But I'm gonna go with Kioshi : )

ruth said...

Green at Heart!

Brenda Weaver said...

Kioshi. I love the soft colors in that line, but I'd definitely scrap with both!

Staci said...

Kioshi is really speaking to me.

rkokes said...

Green at heart!

Valerie Bishop said...

LOVE the green at heart!!

jodee76 said...


druga szesnascie said...

green at heart

Aga said...

Green At Heart :)

Anonymous said...

Green at Heart

Esther said...

Green At Heart looks super cute!

Jennifer Larson said...

I think I like Green at Heart.

Sada said...

green at heart pleeeeease :)

Gene Skirt Divas said...

I the the Green At Heart because I am going to have a child soon and I love to recreate Joy's cool baby book with the Green line:) Thank you SC for the great chance to win.

Unknown said...

I'm a kioshi lover! Thanks for the chance!!

just me and z said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE Green at Heart! That owl is to die for!! I love those colors and they would look FAB with my daughter's bedding in her bedroom. Hmmm..what could I make? Picture frames, wall art... so many choices!
Thanks for the chance to win. Have a great weekend everyone!

Mindy said...

Green at Heart!

Rebecca Keppel said...

Green at Heart for me. Thanks for the chance to win :)

young said...

What great collections! Love the Green at Heart one - so cute!

Debbie said...

Green at Heart is SO cute !~ thanks for the chance !~

JPScraps said...


Amy Heller said...

Green at Heart . . . i think . . . :) Tough to choose!

Sheila H said...

GReen at HeART. PS What does it mean that my word verification is: flusy (floozy?!)

milkcan said...

Looooooove the intense colors of "Green At Heart!"

Avital said...

Green at Heart

Chrissy said...

Green at Heart! Love the colors. :-)

Joanna said...

Green at Heart, no question! Love those bold colors!

Coochies & All said...


Unknown said...

Kioshi! :)
But both are lovely!

odomfamily said...

Green at Heart

kathleen said...

Both are beauties, but after all the snow I've seen in the past 24 hours, am loving the bright warm colors of Green At Heart : ) Thanks for the chance to win, SC!!!

Lynette C said...


Betsy said...

Green at Heart

Renee Campbell said...

Hands down - Green at Heart

Christine said...

I love the colors and patterns of kioshi!

Asil said...

Kioshi - so delicate! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I heart Kioshi!!

justem said...

Green at Heart! :)

Astrid said...

Definately Green at heart!

Cassi said...

kioshi for me

Michelle said...

Green at heart love that collection

TBabiak said...

Green At Heart...love the bright colors. Excited about the chance to win. THANKS!

Stephanie Baxter said...

Green At Heart is my fave...I prefer the bolder colours. Very yummy!

Unknown said...


CityGirlTurnedSoccerMom said...

I love Green at Heart.

Kay said...

Boy, that's a tough one. But Green at Heart has such amazing colors, I have to commit.

Alena said...

Green at Heart!!

TeenaBugg38 said...

I would never in a million years turn down ANYTHING by Basic Grey but I adore Green at heart!!

Kristine said...

Green at Heart for me ;-)

thearthurz said...

LOVE green at heart!

sylv said...

Lurve me some Basic Grey! I chose Kioshi.

Kelly said...


Anna-Maria said...

please... choose me this time! :)

lori said...

to choose will be sooooo unfair...they are both adorable, however this year we are going green.....

Unknown said...

I say Green at Heart! Thanks for this chance :)

Anna-Maria said...

I forgot...

Stephanie O. said...

Kioshi is my favorite! But loving everything basic grey these days! Thanks for a great giveaway!

pia u said...

green at heart is my big favorite of these two supercool..

greekmama said...

Kioshi...just looking at it calms me.

Lauren said...

If I had to pick, it would be Green at Heart. But BG has yet to make something I don't like! :)

*Monica B* said...

Green at Heart!!

Renee said...

I've gotta go with kioshi!

Robica said...

kioshi, fo sho!

Jess said...


Joann said...

Both great, but would pick Green at Heart as the fave!
thanks for the opportunity to win.

Melinda M. said...

Green at Heart :)

Kristen said...

tough choice...but i have to go with green at heart...

Mikaela Hopkinson said...

green at heart!!!!

Jenny said...

Green at Heart - because I HEART Studio Calico! Lol

jesslea said...

Green at Heart

jill marie barrett said...

this looks like fun.
jill b

JaneT said...

Kioshi is my favorite one.

tricia said...

Love the Kioshi. thanks

Nancy L. said...

green at heart!!

Melissa said...

Green at Heart

Amy said...

LOVE Green at Heart!!! :D

Do Be Do Bead Do said...

Both fantastic, but I pick Kioshi! My fingers are crossed!!!

Debbie said...

Kioshi, baby!!!

sylvie said...

Since I HAVE to choose one, I will say Kioshi.... ;o)

Tara Powell said...

Green @ Heart
(but they are both great!)

Danielle said...

I am LOVING the Green at Heart!! :)

AllyW said...

Kioshi please :) Love those colors. Thanks for the chance to win!

tinkster said...

Green at heart, easy!

Great giveaway

janelparis said...

green at heart!!

Her Essential Hand said...

green at heart

Natalie Elphinstone said...

ooohh, hard choice. Think I'd have to go with Kioshi with those lovely soft colours and pretty patterns.

Unknown said...

Green At Heart fot he colours!!

Christina C. said...

Kioshi. kioshi. kioshi.

Anonymous said...

No doubt about it....my heart belongs to Kioshi!!!!

Jackie Lang said...


~kelly marie~ said...

Green at heart! Love it! :)

Agnes C said...

I will prefer Kioshi
Thank you for great giveaway!

Mattie said...

def the green at heart SO CUTE

Sarah said...

Green At Heart!! <3 It's so darn cute!

Anna Sigga said...

Ohh my - I LOVE both lines and that's why it is so hard to choose just one!! ;o)

But I am going with Kioshi!

Beth S said...

It is such a difficult choice! Both are outside my "box." I would have to go with Green at Heart. I love owls!!!

alyssa said...

Cute, cute, cute! Green at Heart all the way. :)

Nicole #3 said...

Green at Heart

Jung A said...


Lane said...

green at heart

aspickwick said...

I LOVE the green at heart! SOOOOOO Cute!

Kelleewynne said...

I'm torn between the delicate colors of Kioshi and Green at Heart's vibrant and playful patterns. In the end I think I would use Kioshi the most!

Diana said...


Robynccgirl said...

Green at heart for me!

Lulu des Bois said...

OK, let's go ... if I HAVE to choose I say Kioshi !!!

Shannon Brouwer said...

green at heart :)

abbey said...

gonna have to say green at heart for me but...lol, just kidding ;)

Janene said...

tuff one... Going to have to go with Green at Heart

Krista said...

i love green at heart. (fingers crossed)

Karen said...

ding ding ding and the winner is kioshi

Heather said...

Green At Heart!!!

K. G. said...

Green at Heart.

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Green at Heart!

Jen said...

green at heart....great colors!!

Jen said...

Gotta go with Green at Heart.

Anonymous said...

oh man, since we have to pick I'm going with green at heart

Karen L said...

Green at heart!

life documented said...

I love Green at Heart!

Jules the Bling Princess said...

I'm a "Green at Heart" girl - little animals always win me over!!! (-:


Great giveaway! Green at Heart is my fave!!

Lulu said...

Hands down Kioshi :)

Bonnie said...

Green at heart! YUM...

Janna said...


Jennifer said...

green at heart :)

Judy G said...

For me....I'm lovin Kioshi.

Jen said...

I'm going with Green at Heart.

Curlywiggles said...

I'm going to have to say Green at Heart, LOVE the colours!

Anonymous said...

well hi team studio calico! i really like kioshi! imagining all the neat projects i would use these prodcuts in!
thank you and keep up the great work!

murtex said...

Green at Heart - who can resist those cute critters !

Anonymous said...

Love the new BG line, but Green at Heart is my fave!!
S Eaken

Amy Kim said...

i have to pick kioshi. the colors are a bit out of my norm with all of the purple tones, but mixed in with the deep brown, i totally love the collection! :]

sako said...


I love soft color.

matushka said...

I don't usually like purples... but kioshi is calling to me!

Cynthia Baldwin said...

oh wow - tough choice! I'll go with Kioshi. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Green at Heart

Unknown said...

Green at Heart makes me happy :)

Aubree said...

Definitely Green at Heart!!

KellyL. said...

Both are pretty.. kioshi is my favorite.

Leah said...

love them both...but I'm going with green at heart!

Emily said...

Green at heart! Love that!

Chloe said...


Linda E said...

So hard to choose. It's like picking one child over another. LOL! Anyway, if pressed, I would admit that Green at Heart is my favorite.

Marty said...

Green At Heart

Rachel said...

green at heart

everyday inspirations said...

Green at Heart is my favorite!!!

catherine s.

Sharonda H said...

Absolutely, Green at Heart!

Diana Fisher said...

Kioshi. I just love those muted colors!!

Unknown said...

Love them both, but green at heart is my fave!

Mel said...

Green at Heart...absolutely!

Melissa said...

Green at heart!LOVE LOVE LOVE!

our20 said...

I'm definitely a Kioshi.

Angel S. said...

I like the green at heart. Very fun!

Jill said...

Green at Heart!

Unknown said...

If forced to pick just one, I would say "Green at Heart." Those bright happy colors would be perfect for my bubbly little toddler. And they also scream SPRING - which I'm so ready for!

Unknown said...

Green at heart! Love it!

Merri said...

Definitely Green at Heart - it is so cute! I have been wanting it, but haven't ordered any yet. It is darling!

Lisa J. said...

Green at heart for sure!

SnapScrapRepeat said...

Kioshi is soft elegance and clean lines - I PICK this one! Basic Grey never fails to put out the best!

CarolT said...

I am drawn to the soft colors of Kioshi!

SquashyCupcake said...

I love Kioshi! :D

Bel said...

Green at Heart is cute and I love the sentiment, but I find Kioshi to be more versatile overall, so I'll have to say Kioshi. :) Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Green at Heart

Broni said...

That's a tough one, but I'm going with Green At Heart for the bright and joyful feeling it gives me.

Moments In Time said...

Green at Heart. My favorite

Angela W said...

I would have to say Green At Heart! Very cute!

Linda Shewchuk said...

love the kioshi

Britta Swiderski said...

I'm in love with Kioshi. It's all of my favorite colors!

Anonymous said...

I really, really love them both, but if I have to pick it would be Kioshi. That's my final answer.

Anonymous said...

Green At Heart.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Sasha Jardine

Michelle said...

Green at Heart!!

Kristyn said...

love love love green at heart :D

Gina F said...

For me " Kioshi" Thanks....Gina F

StaceyL. said...

With 3 kiddos - I love Green at Heart the most! But I also think Basic Grey Rocks so it's all a win!

Anonymous said...


Tracy Dayett

Anonymous said...

Green At Heart - thanks for the chance :)
Traci from Ga.

Amanda said...

Green at Heart!

Mary Beth @ Live. Laugh. Make Something said...

Green at Heart for me! Thanks so very much for an awesome giveaway!

Gwen said...

LOVE Green At Heart!!!!!!!!! Love it and Basic Grey. I have to have it.

Linda Beeson said...

I am going to say that Green at Heart is my favorite because with spring coming, the bright colors are just perfect.

Tiffany said...

Green at Heart please pretty please!

Carrie K said...

definitely kioshi!! it was in my top five from the whole show!!

Frances said...

Green at heart...hands down!

Eva said...

I love Green at Heart!!

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