Ready for the best giveaway since Home Front (heehee)?
Just leave a comment here and let us know if you have any snow where you're at. If so, how much?
That's all you have to do to enter to win this fabulous giveaway of the entire Anthology collection.
1 – 200 of 631 Newer› Newest»Alas, no snow here in Central California!
I wish we had snow, but no so far this year for the oregon coast. :( Las year we a some for a week and it was so fun!
We do not currently have "accumulated" snow in southern Missouri, but we did have flurries today! :)
6 inches last weekend and 2-4 more this weekend.
Dang you Ohio Valley!! LOL!
Yes! Snow in Illinois. We have at least 8" on the ground. It's sunny today though, so that's awesome! Have a great weekend!
Nope, none in Orlando, FL but quite frankly it may be better than this rain we have right now!
About 3 weeks ago, we had 5-6 feet fall in one week. It's added to that a few times since then, but has been pretty warm a couple of days and is melting fast.
In montpellier (South of France) we don't have snow but it's quite cold.
Around 4 inches I think and it's still snowing. UGH. In my opinion, 1/8 inch is TOO MUCH :)
Lots of snow in Atlanta- not sure exactly how much has accumulated but maybe an inch? It's beautiful :)
In central NJ, we have about 2 feet between the 2 storms we've had in last 1-2 weeks.
No more snow right now, we might get some tonight in Va. Beach. (I hope so, I love it)
It snowed in Illinois 2days ago about a total of 12 inches. It is sunny today though. Looking forward to a warm weather soon hopefully. thank you for the superb giveaway.
Too Much!!! About 3 feet or so on the ground!!
Lots of snow here in NJ, about 16-20" between last weekend and this past weekend.
It's a week old, but there is still snow on the ground here in Moab, UT...which almost NEVER gets snow!
No snow here and we rarely do in San Antonio, Texas. Lots of rain though. Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh, my goodness gracious. Here in MN we got 12 inches last weekend and it is looking pretty dark out there now. News channel say maybe another 3 inches this weekend. Yikes!
Oh fab givaway.
No snow here at the moment but some is forcast.
we have snow, not alot recently but none of it has melted all winter so it tends to pile up! I can't for spring!!
Hello from Sweden. Here we have - 20 degrees celius and 6 inches snow.
we have snow! And more coming next week
no snow here in northern california; would be fun to get a little. Have a great 3 day weekend!!
No snow in Morgan Hill, Ca...maybe some rain in the forecast!
No Snow in San Diego! We can see it in the nearby mountains though!
We have little bits of snow here and there in Mississauga (suburb of Toronto). Great giveaway!
Snow...Ohhh YES!!! I live in Norway...so we have PLENTY!!!! About 40 inch around our house, and more to come next week :))
(The boys love it, and I'm waiting for spring..looooooool)
Sadly there is no snow in San Jose, CA but there might be in Japan when we go there next week :D
We have about 2 feet in central Ohio.
We have no snow right now. It has been a very mild weather. Very strange for Pullman, Washington.
Just an inch of new snow in Southern New Hampshire. Loads of snow banks from old storms though.
No snow here, er're in the 50's! Super lucky us!
We have a little snow left on the ground here in Lawrence, KS...
Yep-we've got snow - although not the 18 inches they were predicting. We're in CT, and we only got about 4-5 inches in our town. LOVIN' me some ANTHOLOGY!!! ;)
North of Spain, but in the coastal village I live in, it hadn't snow. Love this collection!!!
Lots of snow!
we have 9 inches on the ground. weekend is supposed to bring more to Eastern Iowa !~
More than we need, but less than the last couple of years. Probably a little more than a foot accumulation.
We live in Northern Florida so there is no snow but ALOT of rain! However, winning this would be better than SNOW!
No snow here in sunny so-cal! It was cold and rained a few inches (more than we're used to), but will not complain. I've seen some of the harsh snow storms in the weather reports, Ouch!
no snow here in so cal -- I WISH!!! :)
No snow YET here in eastern NC but we are expecting 2-4 inches tonight! Yuck!
No snow here in sunny southern California!
Northern Illinois, we have snow, probably about 4-5 patchy inches on the ground.
It snows and snows ......
... yes, we HAVE snow here in Bavaria/ Germany .... about 30cm.
the kids love it!!!!
Over 3 feet of snow in the suburbs of Philadelphia...and I'm a teacher who's having a SIX DAY Weekend!!!
28 inches in Western PA! Definitely done with the snow and I'm sure we don't even have it "that" bad. ;-)
too much snow, more coming Sunday. At least it melts a few days after it falls. In Ky.
In Sacramento, CA - No snow...thank goodness. I am a true Cali girl - happy to drive to it, just not in it. Happy V-Day!
Three inches expected tonight, me and my kids can't wait for tomorrow morning. It doesn't snow much in Charlotte, NC.
Had 3 inches but it is melted away except on the grass here and there.
it's snows and snows in Cieszyn:)
We have 3-4 inches of snow in Southeastern Massachusetts. We had a bit more but it has been very sunny the last two days
None at the moment here in Lancashire, England but we have had more this year than we have had in a long time!
We still have some Leftover snow the past few weeks of snowstrom after snowstrom.
Yep, about 8" in my part of Michigan.
Oh yes, do we have snow in Minnesota! I love it! Big storms the last week, so we've got a couple feet on the ground and hilariously big piles at the end of everyone's driveway. A now we'll have perfect weekend for snowshoeing. :)
We have about a foot here in the Northern Chicago Burbs. The funny part is that this is a small amount compared to areas that don't typically get snow like in VA, where they have 50 inches (WOW)
We've had the snowiest winter in recorded history in our area. We got 30 inches last weekend and another 18 two days later!
We had 2 snow days this week : )
I think we got about 12 inches, but today the sun is shining and it's just beautiful!!!!!!
We have about 6-8 inches on the ground here in east central Illinois! (and oh man, do I love that Anthology collection!)
We got about an inch in western Massachusetts a few days ago. Not much snow this year.
Yes - we have snow! I have about 2 feet in my yard, though that's an accumulation. Looks like snow might be done here for a while in Northern Alberta :)
All of our snow here in Oklahoma has melted!
we got a few inches earlier this week in Champaign, IL... not enough to close the university campus, though! :)
8 inches -which is ALOT for us!!!
Yes we have some remnants of snow on the ground here in St Louis. This is a great give away!
No snow! It's supposed to be in the mid to upper 60s next week!! WOOHOO! Here comes SPRING!!!
No snow in the Seattle area...and [gasp] the sun actually just came out! YAY!
Ahh, a giveaway! Awesome! Well, we did have snow on the ground but it is just in patches in the grass now. But we are supposed to get some more this weekend. I heard on the news that we have had snow on 20 out of 45 days this winter so far here in Kansas City!
we got hit with the snow on Wednesday so we have about 15 inches
snow? i wish....i
eventhogh it's "winter" still here in Israel the sun is shinig and no rain is even in the horizon.
btw-love this new collection-would give it a loving home LOL
We do NOT have snow here on our little military base in Italy. However, we were supposed to get 7 inches. It has been such a cold, wet, dreary winter that I am ready for some sun.
I have about a foot of snow in my backyard in Ohio!
Hi there,
Yes, we have about 6 inches. They were predicting so much more!!
I would so love to have Anthology. Love everything about it!
Jen K.
no snow here in Pensacola, FL.
I'm in London, uk, no snow at the moment :( though we had a week of it in January!
I never seen snow in my life! I live in Florida, I dont think I'll see it here!
We're lucky...it is sunny and beautiful in So. Cal.
No snow here.
definitely over three feet of snow where I am!
Oh - there's snow!! I'm in Sweden and it's currentlöy snowing outside, to the extent where I can't see more than a few metres outside my windows. It's all a white blur. We also have a lot of snow still lying around. Up to my knees at the least (and I have long legs so that's pretty high) or higher. I like it tho. It makes winters a lot brighter and nicer than the ones with cold rain and black streets. :)
So excited! I want some of that business!
Yep, lots of snow and freezing temps. But the sun is shining!
And yesterday I received my Studio Calico Feb. kit.....lots of scrapping in the future snowy days
no snow here in Ottawa, Canada....at least nothing significant!
Yes, we have snow in Birmingham AL, people! The kids are wet and cold but happy. :)
um, that's a no. no snow in my neck of the woods, just sunshine :) thanks for the chance to win this!
Yes, we have snow and lots of it here in Pittsburgh. About 30" after the two storms from the past week. Enough already!
No snow in Madrid. Only in the mountains and north of Spain.
Yes we have lots of it here in Michigan!
Here in central MN, we have at least a foot!
Kirsten B in MN
we have a touch of snow (and just enough ice patches in the shade to be dangerous) left over from earlier this week in Denver.
We have snow, but not much, luckily we have not had to do much shoveling this winter :) Very happy for that :)
No snow here in my part of Australia! Fairly safe to say I would never see snow where I live!! Today it will be 30 celcius!
I have been amazed at the amounts of snow that can fall in parts of the US and how much you have been having there this winter! A lady who I know has a daughter in Chicago and they have been having lots! Having to shovel it 3 times a day ... hard for me to imagine actually! Maybe one day I will see it!
would love to win - your collections are wonderful!
This is our mildest winter yet! Some snow...some ice. At 3,500 feet elevation:)
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
We got about two inches or so on Tuesday, but it's so cold it's still around! I am ready for spring though :0)
We had 4 inches last week...but it's now all gone here in south central Kansas!
We have about 2 inches still on the ground that hasn't melted yet but no fresh snow. I'm ready for spring!
no snow in concord california... sadly!
Yes, we have snow! About 30" or so fell. After digging out there are piles that are over 4'.
I am in Panama City, FL, we never see snow (at least not in the last 20 yrs), but there is a possibility!! The t.v. said that there were flurries 1.5 hrs west of us. Maybe, just maybe we'll see snow...
Over 2 feet here in Sask. this pack would help me keep warm in this -32 weather we are having!!
it is sunny and 75 here in Phoenix - so no snow - just sand :)
ahhh, i am in arizona. and currently it is a breezy sunny afternoon. and it is 70. yea!!
I live in Palm Springs. Perfect weather right now.
We have 8" here!!! It's been a pretty snowless winter here in Shelby Township, Michigan. It's only our second big snowfall of the season.
We received well over 30" in two storms, in less than a week in Northern Virginia! The pile of shoveled snow in my yard (about 6 foot square) reaches nearly five feet tall.
We broke the all time record for snowiest winter in Washington DC (from 1899), so winter can makes its way - away now! Thank you very much!
I'm from New York, NY and we got about 2 feet of snow!
I had to shovel three times! And we got a snow day as well!
in france we have 4" in Normandy !!
good week end !
Ugh, I'm sick of snow. I'm originally from CA and all this snow is just killing me. We have about 3 feet in central Maryland.
We have just a tiny bit left on our front lawn, a little bit more in the back. Today it feels like SPRING!
and we have lots of snow here in STL. ugh. I am ready for spring. lol
about 2-3 inches this week.
I'm not sure how much snow we have here.. It's more or less been snowing constantly since mid December.. :/ Now, I like winter, but -20 degrees Celcius for 2-3 weeks, nah - I'm not made for that! Kids love it though, so they're happy. And that makes me happy! :)
We have the dubious honor of having broken the previous record of the most consecutive days with
5" or more snow on the ground. I believe they said this record had been around since 1897! We've had a snowstorm Des Moines, IOWA.
Beautiful!! Thanks for the chance! We've got about 8 inches on the ground right now, I think, with about 3-6" expected this weekend. My hubby clears snow for a living (part of it at least), so this has been a GOOD year for us! :)
No snow here in Yorkshire UK but we have had a few flurries that came to nothing this week!!
Here in Rhode Island, we've only got sbout 4", much less than the 14" predicted Wednesday.
No snow...just lots & lots of rain!!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Anita :)
We normally don't get much snow, but currently we have about 14 inches and are expected to get a couple more over the weekend. Thank you for the opportunity!
I love north of Dallas and we had record snowfall yesterday of 11 inches! We've made a life-size snowman, snow ice cream, snow angels and had a snow ball fight since we had a snow day from school and work today!
No snow in Oregon' Willamette Valley. :D
We had a very unusual 12" here in the UK's south west...the most we've seen in 30 years!
We don't have any snow right now, thank-goodness, as it's my job to supervise the gritters!!
If I don't win I hope all the Anthology is in the shop soon, can't wait to get my hands on it!
- none at all now. We moan when we have it and moan when its gone!
Most of our snow has melted. There's only a few patches left.
Manhattan! and its just lots of feet of slush here. ugh.
wow. awesome giveaway. snow? what is snow? ;) no snow here in california.
No snow here in Seattle. 50 degrees and raining.
Wow!! What a fab giveaway! Here in Northern British Columbia I have about 2 feet of snow which is very little for us this time of year :O)
We have snow here in Chicago. It's probably about 6 inches or so that is still on the ground.
Snow? Nope! I live in a suburb of Phoenix! Haha! Definately no snow.
We're just outside of Baltimore...so over 5 feet of accumulated snow right now...come dig us out, please! ;)
Hi, we have 24 inches in NJ!:)
Just over a foot north of Chicago. My backyard looks so pretty!!!
At least 18" finally!!! (Yes I love a good snowstorm!)
No snow, no rain. Just sunshine right about now. Sorry to boast!
We already had about 10 inches on the ground, and we've had steady flurries today. Expecting little bits more all weekend. Not very surprising in Cleveland, though!
We have a few inches of old snow and ice. We haven't had anything fresh in quite awhile, but we aren't enjoying warm sunshine, either. That collection is AMAZING and would be the perfect dose of sunshine!
No snow AT ALL in the sunny part of California...
No snow in Houston! Lots of rain though!
No snow in OK today. We aren't even wearing coats today! :)
Only about 8 inches here in SE Michigan, but overnight...so, enough to close schools on Wednesday!
Lovely MN has tons of snow!
For living in Upstate NY, we surprising don't have much of anything but a dusting and leftover ice from a week ago. It's really cold though - 15 degrees now. Brrr...
Thanks for the chance!!
Yep, we have a whole lotta snow here in Chicago. It accumulated to 12 but, that's not uncommon here.
We have snow, about a foot right now, but unfortunately thats normal for Erie PA! :(
Living in Sydney aus we don't get much snow but did have a huge storm last night
we have about 40-50 inches of snow right now. I love it!!! The kids are having so much fun!
No snow here in Florida... but does it count that I'm FREEZING here anyway!? It's cold and rainy and I'm a FLORIDA NATIVE... I can't take this much longer!!! Hee hee......
WOW! What a giveaway! We got about 13 inches 2 days ago, so that's all piled up on our curbs now.
No snow here in Hawaii but I wish we did :)
No Snow (South Florida)... just lots of rain right now.
Lots and LOTS of snow...it won't quit snowing here.
No snow here...thank god...I want the sun back, where or where are you?
No snow here in southern California!
We got about 12 inches last Tuesday & Wednesday but other than that, Michigan's had a light winter.
here in Maryland we have over 40 inches, and expect another storm on Monday with forecasts of 4 to 7 more inches.
We've had a total of 30-35 inches here in Ft. Belvoir this winter...need to win this collection so I can do some scrapping while it snows some more!
We have about 12" here near Chicago from a storm this past Tuesday.
Nope...we don't live in snow-land...although it's just an hour or so away. A few months ago we had about an inch...first time in 30 years or something crazy like that!
we got over a foot this week on top of the 8" last week and then more this week!
We have had probably over 2 feet of snow total here in Maryland since the last weekend. Even had a blizzard blow through here!
Deep in the heart of Texas! Nope, now snow for me :)
No snow here in sunny SoCal! Loooooving it!
No snow here in Las Vegas... just on the mountains which is pretty to look at!!
Just a little bit of snow on the ground in Lees Summit, MO - but more predicted for this weekend!
lots and lots and lots in southeastern PA! between the 2 storms probably around 40 inches and then add the winds and drifts in some spots it's taller than me! so ready for a spring thaw--at least to get rid of some of it!
Usually, we have snow. This year, there isn't that much. Unless you count that little heap of snow that still sits down at the bottom of my driveway with mud and pine cones all over it. I'm in California, but Northern, about an hour away from Lake Tahoe.
its been really nice here in Calgary Canada! but we still have about 2 feet of snow from other storms!
I live in the DC area. We have been socked with snow over the last week. We have over 40 inches on the ground right now. It's ridiculous!
No snow it's 70 degrees :)
allison in AZ
Sure do! About a foot! It's okay though. I love the snow!
Well, we had about 13-14inches last weekend and then another 5-6 inches throughout the week... it is COLD here in Ohio!
No snow here in semi sunny Northern California!
No snow - we were supposed to get a whopper of a storm Wednesday - schools called off, people stayed home from work - and it never happened. We got a light dusting!
sadly, no snow for me. just LOTS of rain!
thanks for the chance!
No snow :( Sunny California weather for you... but I'll trade ya!! lol
It did snow today... but no measurable snow is on the ground. The parking lots have dirty mountains of snow though!
No snow, although I'm sure the Olympic Commitee wishes there was snow here just outside of Vancouver
Snow oh i'm soooo sick of snow lol. Northeast Ohio and i lost track of how much we have but its almost to my knee!!! lol
Nope, no snow here! Thank goodness! Ready for spring!! :)
I'm in Quebec, Canada and only 1 or 2 inches left from weeks ago !
Just a few inches in Southern Ontario, Canada!
No snow in Los Angeles. The whole collection? That's so cool!
I'm in Southeast Missouri...light snow today, and a few piles left at the end of the driveway from this past week. More snow is forecast for Sunday. Even my kids are tired of missing school.
The few inches we got here in Denver a few days ago is almost melted, but it looks like we may get some more on Valentines Day! I'm ready for spring:)
Snow?! I live in San Antonio, TX! People would have a heart attack if there was any snow!
We are completely snow-less in Mesa, Az. :)
Our recent snow has now melted away here in Indiana; we could have some more small accumulation this weekend. The last two days have been cold but gloriously sunny!
Downtown Chicago by the lake-- about 10" but it's all plowed so not so bad at all!
Nope, no snow here in London, UK. :(
Snow? Here in Brisbane, Australia? Not a chance! It's hot and it's humid...bring on winter. (-:
Sorry, no snow for me. I live in sunny south Florida. But we have been getting some pretty cold weather for southern Florida. (38 degrees and boy was that cold)
I live in TN, right outside of Chattanooga, and we have 2-3 inches so far. Supposed to have even more than that on Sunday!
AWESOME!!! We have had snow covering the ground since mid-December. Right now we have about eight inches or so. I'm sooo ready for spring!
We have snow in north central Alabama (near Birmingham) - 1-3 inches, depending on where you are. It's very pretty.
Wish we had snow but they got it all up in Northern Texas.
Although I had to smile today when it was sunshiny and 55!!
Yea! We have record snow in Dallas! Love this new line, thanks for the give away!
It seems like here in Minnesota we ALWAYS have snow! Monday we were hit pretty good but the plows here work too well for a snow day.
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