July 15, 2010

Let the Elementary Preview Begin!!!!!!!!!!

This is my favorite Studio Calico release to date.

I'm not just saying this because I have to....seriously, I love it. The colors and images just speak to me and I hope you like it, too. So, without further adieu, here's Elementary:

You may have seen this cute dog before if your kit was packed by Joy. I fell in love with him and I'm so glad Stephen decided to use him on these journal cards. Side note: the original design also included a sheep card, but I vetoed it because although cute, I thought it was a little unusable. Your thoughts?

As always, this collection includes self-adhesive fabric strips that we call "FabRips." I'm particularly fond of the ruler along the right side. All types of uses there and with a little baby girl coming in November, I'm thinking it'll be the perfect strip to add to a page once I know her official length.

The label stickers have gotten fond reviews by our Design Team who saw a preview of this line weeks ago. I was particularly surprised that several of them liked the squirrel the best.
Finally a green alphabet! It's simple, but it will be one of the most used alphas on my desk for sure.
New to this release are our die cut papers available in pink and blue. Perfect for your boys or girls....and not necessarily school-themed, so let your creativity run wild.

This paper is appropriately named: Show Your Work. On the B side, there's vintage report cards from none other than Warren County schools, the county of Studio Calico.
This paper is named "Penmanship" and it has been the most requested by the design team thus far.
Nibbles is Kelly Noel's favorite and I must admit, it's one of mine as well. You may recognize the little pattern on the B side, similar to the larger orange pattern in the Documentary release. We liked it so much, we weren't ready to put it to bed quite yet, so it's available with Elementary, too.
This paper is named "Library" and is based on an old school primer we picked up somewhere along the way.
Harper's Rule paper is named after none other than Nicole Harper. She has eyes like a hawk and spotted a nice ruler at a flea market that we borrowed for creating this paper.

And, last but not least is "Atmosphere" the name Stephen likes the most of all the line. On the B side is a play on a note card that was previously designed. Some of you may recognize the pattern if you attended a CKC or had something missing in your kits and we wrote you a note. We've had lots of requests to make it into a full-size paper, so that we did.

Please let me know your top 3 favorite items from this release for a chance to win this collection. Contest closes tomorrow at noon EST when I'll post some more of our new release and a new contest will begin. So.....let the comments begin!!!!


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Joni Parker said...

Oh wow!!! LOVE this.... pick 3???? are you kidding..?? Ok, Harper's Rule, Penmanship & Nibbles (not necessarily in that order..) but I really like Atmosphere too and the Fabrips & stickers are great too... .darn...see picking 3 was too hard!!!

Jackie xxx said...

loving the look of all these but if I had to choose 3 - Ripfabs, die cut sheets and show me your work sheet.
Looking forward to getting some of this.

ScrapMomOf2 said...

Wow! I love the stickers and the die cut paper! This is an awesome new collection!

Gina said...

love it all but top 3..label stickers, atmosphere and penmanship :) thanks for the chance

Anonymous said...

My 3 favourites are the Fish card (I have the perfect photo to go with that!), the pink ledger die cut and the Nibbles paper, I just love those apples :)

Keshet said...

Oh wow, love this!
1. the die cut papers
2. the label stickers
3. the green alpha!

Anonymous said...

I am in love with it all, but if I can only pick my favourite 3, they are the journaling cards, that diecut paper and Penmanship. Congrats SC on yet another stunning line!!

Patricia Kurniawan said...

love the penmanship, die cut stickers and library :) so greaatt! :)

Ana F. said...

My favorites are Penmanship, the label stickers and Atmosphere. I can't wait to see everything in person!

AllyW said...

GREAT line!! I love the journaling cards, Fab Rips (of course) and the die cut stickers. Okay, i have to mention 4 things because i also really like the Show Your Work piece of paper :)

Alison said...

Fab rips, Label stickers, Atmosphere. So excited for this release! And since I have a baby girl who is 5 months old, I think the ruler will come in handy for her pages too! :)

Anonymous said...

How can I possibly pick 3 favorites from the line?? I love it all! But the journaling cards, the fabrips and the die cut papers are fabulous!!
Beth Ann

Vanessa said...

i LOVE the fabrips, the GREEN alphas (I'll need a ton of those!) and the Atmosphere paper

KathyChen said...

I love the journal cards, stickers, and die-cut paper; what a great collection. My fav of SC's releases so far!

katrina said...

i'm loving the journaling cards, alphas and the die cut papers.

Debbi Tehrani said...

How can we pick just 3? Love it all! If I have to pick--the labels, the fab rips, and the Harper's Rule paper

Ann-Marie said...

Fab rips, stickers and Nibbles!!!

Unknown said...

Now this kit made me finally jump off the fence and decide to subscribe to the kits!! can't wait to get them!

Angie Smith said...

I love the pink and blue die cut and the Penmanship papers!!! I think this Elementary Preview line will definitely be a hit!!! Thanks Studio Calico!!!!


Anonymous said...

what a great collection (not surprised, though, SC is always fabulous)!

I especially enjoyed reading all the behind-the-scenes tidbits about your designs. The Harper's rule paper is fantastic, Atmosphere is beautiful, and that squirrel label is adorable!! (and I would love to see the sheep card that didn't make it..)

I hope you pick me!!

Agnes C said...

Love this collection, my favorites are: the diecut papers, the fab strips & the label stickers. Thanks for the opportunity to win the collection!!

Pip Prosser said...

Love it all ... however is we are talking about top 3 I would have to say the following papers, Nibble, Penmanship and Library as I am a pattern paper junkie ... good luck at CHA ... cheers, Pip

Jenn said...

I know i am a bit biased but i love Harpers rule! The alphas are awesome as are the fab rips! Great job April!

Mom 2 Munchkinz said...

Love this line! The fab rips, Library paper and die cuts are FAB! Great Job!

Mindy Miller said...

The alpha stickers, the journaling cards and the patterned papers are my favorites. But, it's all so lovely!

Sarah said...

I love Atmosphere, the label stickers and of course, as an English teacher, I love Library.

Unknown said...

Love the die cuts, fab rips and stickers! Gorgeous! Thanks for the chance!

Francesca Di Leo said...

love it all but if i had to choose those adorable journal cards, the green alphas, and the diecut papers especially the pink! I MUST HAVE THESE!!!

kim bolyard said...

oh how I would love to win this....I love every piece of it but if I have to pick favorites it would be the label stickers, both the pink and the blue die cut papers and I love the library paper....but really I love it all....you guys amaze me everytime

Kim Bolyard

Scrappyjo said...

I love the journal cards, the new die cut papers and the Library paper..well, actually I pretty much like it all!

Karen B. said...

The journal cards, alphas and label stickers for sure, but when I gasped out loud included with a squeal, all these are fantastic!

Jill said...

The entire collection WILL BE MINE, oh yes! :) The Harper's Rule and Penmanship papers are my faves, and I am loving the idea of the vintage report cards. As a teacher, I will definitely be using SO MANY of the papers in this line. :) Love love love.

somebody who needs to love herself said...

ohhh ohhh I love the pink/blue die cut paper and the fab rips and penmanship!! this is such a great collection April! congratulations

Karen said...

love, love nibbles, harper's rule and the die cut papers....they are to die for!

Maria Eufemia said...

Wow - what a great collection. Love every part of it. My favorites (sure I can only choose 3?) are definitely Atmosphere, the journaling cards (love that fish!) and Harper's Rule.

Unknown said...

love this line! favorites are Show Your Work, the Journal cards, and the Fabrips - love them!

Anna Sigga said...

WOW - LOVE LOVE LOVE this line!!!!!

Best on yet and I have loved every single line! :D

My faves are the die-cut papers, the patterned papers and the stickers!! To be honest I love it all!

brooke said...

Awesome! Nibbles, sticker labels, and penmanship are my top 3.

Kelly said...

alphabet, label stickers, and Nibbles paper. I really really love this line.

BethW said...

Might be the best school collection ever. My favorites- the journal cards, die cut papers, and the Library paper. But I love it all!

Kelly said...

My faves are Atmosphere, Harpers Rule & the green alpha. Loving it all!

Jennifer said...

I LOVE the apples and the label stickers. Can't wait for them to be available!!

Lauren said...

I like the dog card, the fab rips and ruler paper. Yum!

Unknown said...

Oh Elementary how I love you!!! Penmanship, Harper's Rule and Atmosphere make my heart go pitter patter;-)

Unknown said...

Oh Elementary how I love you so and cannot wait to have you in my hands. I love Harper's Rule, penmanship and Atmosphere!!!

RebeccaE said...

My favorites are the fabrips, the green alpha stickers and the die cut papers. What a fabulous collection!

dolphin08 said...

It is tough to narrow to 3 but my favourites are the fabrips, die-cut stickers & nibbles!

Immi said...

Penmanship, Fabrips and Harper's Rule! All great stuff :)

ileesum said...

great great line and so hard to choose!! let's see ... i'll hoard penmanship, library and the label stickers! thanks for chance to win!

LiserC said...

I love it all, but I love Atmosphere paper, Fabrips and Journaling Cards the best. I can't wait!

Fabi Ormerod said...

Hey...i loved the fab ripes, the die-cut papers (blue and rose) and journaling cards...so cute!!!! congrats!

Lori Y. said...

Faves from today----label stickers, Nibbles, and Atmosphere! Really do love it all though. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!!

Michele said...

Fabrips, the blue/pink diecut papers & Nibbles. This whole collection is great.

Melanie said...

love hearing the names of everything and the story behind it - it adds such a personal touch!

top three faves =
- harper's rule paper
- alpha stickers
- nibbles paper

Lynn said...

Oh my....the alphabet stickets, penmanship and atmosphere papers!

Nancy (nanns01) said...

It's all great! Hard to narrow it down to three but...Label stickers, journaling cards and atmosphere (the *B* side) are at the top of my list! Elementary is a fabulous collection!

brigham said...

Love,love, love... can't wait to get my hands on it. Especially love that cute little puppy.... I think you were right about the sheep!

Renee Farley said...

So retro and thought evoking. Especially fond of the fab rips, those yummy green alphas (hands down my favorite font) and the sweet little journal cards just waiting to be framed in an oversized mount and white frame for some little boy bedroom art. Love your work. Renee

Vanessa, Florida, USA said...

It's all absolutely fabulous!!! GREAT job on this collection and the designs!!!
It's hard to choose, but I'd say my faves are the die cut papers, penmanship and nibbles!!! But of course I want everything!! :)

Valerie said...

I love penmanship and atmosphere, as well as that cute little dog

Gwendolyn said...

Love the Nibbles paper, the fabrips (of course) and the journaling cards are adorable! Love this line, it's super!

julie.schellin said...

love the blue of Atmosphere, and the B sides of Penmanship and Nibbles. This line looks FAB!

Anthonette said...

Ahhh...very cool! I like Harper's Rule, Penmanship, and FabRips the most. Thanks for a chance to win!

DeniseNoe said...

I love the FabRips, the green alphabet and, I agree, the squirrel sticker is beautiful!

Lindsay W said...

Love the alphas, the die-cut pp and Nibbles. Can't wait to get started with them.

Vera said...

I love library, penmanship and the die cut papers the most!

Mel said...

Adore the journal cards, and the penmanship paper. I'm kind of sorry you didn't bring out the poor sheep...I think it would have been FUN!

Nicole Michelle Gray said...

nope can't do it I cannot pick just one. I have to have then all.

Glenys said...

Everything looks beautiful. I love the green alpha, that little dog and the Atmosphere paper. Can't wait to see it IRL.

Lane said...

While I *adore* it all, I'm *most* excited to accquire that squirrel label sticker, the puppy journaling card (- I immediately used the puppy enclosure from Granny's cupboard on a card, so I'm delighted the pup is resurfacing, too! :) - ), the pink ledger paper, Harper's Rule, and the b-side of "Show Your Work" (no one else does grays quite like SC, and, since the Whodunnit kit I've become *obsessed* with gray! It's all your fault!!! :P )

ruth said...

The alphas, die cut stickers and the penmanship paper! :)

shann said...

hmm so hard to chose but at first glance my top 3 are:
journal cards, label stickers and show your work pp...but then 2nd glance is fabrips, alpha stickers and library...or 3rd would be penmanship, harpers rule pp and atmosphere. looks like i'll have to get it all

Summer Braxton said...

love Atmosphere, fabrips (of course!!) and Show Your Work.... so much fun!!

Wendy said...

I love the Library papers, the pink and blue die cut papers and the Fabrips best...thanks for this chance to win a fun collection!

my paper love studio said...

wow.. the collection is just amazing. i just love everything from the label stickers (i think i will need atleast 2 of these), to the super cute tags (the doggie and fish is just too too adorable) and the papers (can't ever have too many of these). can't wait to see what else you have instore for us...

Unknown said...

ATMOSPHERE is my #1 -- have notes & such saved just for that paper, lol...

#2 & #3 would have to be Penmanship & the pink die cut ledger -- yum!

Samantha said...

for SC!
I love the fab rips, labels and penmanship!

Sarah Pendergrast said...

holy cow - LOVE it all! Favourites are Harper's rule, Nibbles and die cut paper in blue. I wish you had done a sheep journalling card, just because of the "punny" possibilities with "ewe", but I'm wierd like that!

Anonymous said...

My favs are FabRips, Label Stickers and Haper's Rule - love this collection!
Heather B

Lexi said...

Adore the label stickers (love the clock!), library & penmanship papers, fabulous fab rips and that green alpha! Can't wait to see It In person :) and although a sheep would have been ok (i think nursery rhyme-ish) I like the fish, dog and composition notebook journaling cards just fine!

Suz said...

super collection love all of it!

you can't go wrong with your strips, diecut paper or sticker sheet

Diane B. said...


Victoria S. said...

I like the Fabric Rips, the Pink Die Cut ledger paper, and the Harper's Rule ruler paper.

Michelle said...

I love Elementary! Can't wait to get my hands on it!

Michelle said...

Okay I should read...as with the other releases I LOVE the Fabrips and the sticker sheets, and I am lovin' the new die cut papers!

Unknown said...

Library paper, penmanship paper and label stickers

Dani L. said...

Oh wow... such pure bliss here! I've been enjoying seeing all the new releases! It's so hard to decide, but I think my top threes are the journal cards, Nibbles, and the alphas! Thanks for sharing!!

Kate Anne said...

This is a fun collection!! Faves are: the fabrips (can never go wrong witht that), Harper's rule and Nibbles!!!

Erica W. said...

Library, penmanship and the journaling cards. Must have!

Amylucimar said...

OH NOOOOOO! i love everything about this kit! the journal cards are so cute. i don't know why but i love them. the fish is just like my fish, Gregory. and the dog is too cute. i agree with the sheep. good choice.

Abby Beard said...

Love this! Especially the composition note cards, "Nibbles" and "Harper's Rule".. Great collection!

Diane Payne said...

Love that Atmospheree paper, fabrips of course and the die cut paper.

Natalie Elphinstone said...

The stickers are fabulous, the fab-rips are fantastic, and as far as the papers go my favourites would have to be the pink die-cut, Harper's Rule and Penmenship (I know, I know that was more than 3!!)

ShoppingTamii said...

oh my gosh...just 3?! I love everything...okay, gonna try - - - - - Library paper, Fab rips, and Label stickers...whew, that was hard!

lelie76 said...

This new collection is wonderful...

Meredith said...

I love the FabRips, alphas and the label stickers!! Gorgeous range!

norine said...

Mmmm AWEsome collection!!! Love the Apple paper for starters! And the alpha stickers - ALWAYS love those and the fabrips are FAB!!

Darlene S. said...

These are so cute! Can each of us have just ONE as a tease?? Hehe!

My favorites are tough to choose.. let me try to pick..

::points down list:: Eni mini mini mo, catch a tiger by his toe. If you like him let him go. Eni mini mini mo!

I love both pink and blue die cut papers, especially because of the neat pattern.
The Rule paper is sooo fabulous! I just love the detail and retro feel!
The journaling cards are super duper cute! I think it was a more practical choice to use the puppy instead of sheep, because puppys seem to go better with a school theme overall. That is, unless you're Mary, and everywhere you went, your lamb was sure to go. Maybe that silly lamb follows you to school afterall!

Thanks for the chance! :)

Rhian said...

I love it all but I love the apple paper, blue die cut and atmosphere the most.

caroline hancock said...

OMG only 3, hard one lol. ok i think my 3 are Penmenship, pink die cut and show us your work.
Great line again

isabel scrap said...

I adore the journaling cards, the fabrips and the stickers (and everything !!!)

Vitoria B said...

I love all the pattern papers and the fabrips ...
So so so so beautiful

Béatrice said...

This collection is so perfect for my 2 little boys... I love the Show your work, the fabrips and the die cut paper (in blue)

the mustik said...

it's impossible to pick only 3 !! All the line is gorgeous, love the atmosphere... If I have to choose : the stickers, the die cut papers and the Penmanship

Paulo M said...

I'm a man, can I play too ? Your new collection rocks. My very favorites are Nibbles, the label stickers and the journaling cards...
Thanks for the chance to win

souDulce said...

The hole collection is so gorgeous, but if I have to pick one is the cards, LIbrary paper and the fab rips. Lovely!

Dao said...

Everything is so cute! This is definitely a hard decision. I'm loving the labels, green alphabet, and Penmanship. Thanks so much for the chance!

Unknown said...

I love it all but If I have to choose 3 it would be penmanship, haroers ruler and the label stickers.

zgagi said...

Love this collection. My top favs Nibble pp, Penmanship and the journaling cards. Can't wait to get my hands on those papers. One of the best CHA releases so far.

Sandy said...

absolutely love those journaling cards - I would've voted for the little sheep! =) Nibbles and the pretty pink die cut papers are awesome!

Melanie said...

Oh, the entire collection is fabulous! I particularly like the label stickers, the ruler paper and show your work. Cannot wait for the collection to hit the shops...

Amy Kim said...

the journal cards, the alpha, and harper's ruler are topping my list, but i really love everything! :]

Lydia said...

Loving this line!!! Especially the journal cards, fabrips and Harper's rule. So very nice! I would love, love, love to win! Thanks so much for all your beautiful products.

Trine Brandt-Lassen said...

My favorites are the journaling cards (that fish and dog are the cutest), Fabribs (I will be using those a lot) and the Pennmanship paper. You make such awesome collections, and I can't wait for this one to apprear in the shop :-)

Allison said...

My favorites are the fabrics, label stickers, and atmosphere paper.

ellen s. said...

i love the journaling stickers, fabrips and penmanship!

amyjk said...

so exciting-- love this line! my favorites are the fabrips, label stickers, and the alphas. can't wait to see the rest!

Mariannes gjenbruk said...

I LOVE Library, Penmanship and the cute journaling cards! But I could use everything ;-9

Carrie said...

It's all fabulous, but my faves are the fabrips, Penmanship and Nibbles.

milkcan said...

My faves are the blue ledger paper, fab rips, and the sheet of stickers! Can't wait to play with this line!

LisaDay said...

I love everything about this line! It's perfect. My 3 favs though are the ruler fab rip, the stickers and the diecut papers!

Julie said...

I love the fab rips, the journaling cards and the letters. Of course I love everything else too!

Sarah Lou said...

Oh my word. I think Im in love. Those journaling cards, that penmanship and library. Oh im in eye candy heaven!!!! Bring em on!!

smahrty said...

My top 3 faves are, die cut papers in pink and blue, label stickers and harpers rule!

Jenny said...

I love Penmanship, Library and the alphas!

kelly b said...

I love them all! My favorites are the Show your Work, Penmanship, and Nibbles. Thanks!

deb duty said...

I love the dog card (he looks like my dog as a puppy), the fab rips, and the penmanship paper.

angela said...

LOVE FabRips, Nibbles and Harper's Rule! sooo cute!

Mary Duffek said...

So totally cool! Love everything. Seriously pick only 3...that's crazy...(LOL!) But I'll try.
I really like the cards at the very top...and I love sheep, so I would have used it. (LOL!) The next thing I really like is the blue and pink die cut papers...I am a sucker for anything with a ledger. And the third thing that I like is...Show your work and I love the whole stinkn' kit..=) Thanks for a chance to win.

tammy g said...

Love the ruler page, and the apple page, and the fabric rips. Haven't tried the fabric rips but would love to make something with them soon.

Tiffany said...

the colors of this collection are so warm and beautiful!

i absolutely love the Harper's Rule paper, the green alphabet, and the label stickers!

Dori said...


'specially the fab-rips, die-cut papers (pink ledger!!!) and harper's rule (more ledger-y lines)

Lindsey said...

I love the FabRips, the pink and blue diecut paper, and label stickers!! It all looks great! :)

Vanessa said...

I love this line!
Especially Harpers, the green alpha & the label stickers!!

crazy4scrappin said...

Oh my gosh....I am in love and this line is perfect since I am working on my boys School albums. As for what I like most....the fabstrips are to die for as well as the labels and the Show your work paper!!!! Pick me please!!!!

MichelleB said...

Gorgeous colors in this release! Love, love, love those fabric strips!!!

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