March 29, 2010

Color Combo Challenge!

Good afternoon, SC friends! I hope you all had a great weekend. Davinie and I are hosting the blog this week and we thought we'd kick it off with a fun challenge. Since Spring is here and fun bright colors seem to be popping up everywhere in scrapping, home decor, about a color challenge?

There are no rules here...just make the majority of your layout/project using these colors:

***For some reason Blogger is acting up's the link to the color combo...hopefully the picture will show up here once things get worked out with Blogger.***

I'll post my challenge layout here on Friday. We'd love it if you would play along too! Be sure to upload your layout to the gallery and link us up here. We'll post a winner on Sunday and the winner will receive a $5 SC gift certificate. :)


Renee said...

Cant see your picture ???

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

i think there is a glitch in blogger today... most of the pictures on blogs aren't showing up. I recommend trying again later and maybe they will be there...

Betsy said...

I also can't see the picture.

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

if you go to, click on the combo gallery tab at the top. It is going to be on the 5th page, color combo 81 I believe. Since all you can see from the photo is color-scheme-85.html.png, this is going to be the color combo 81 from hovering over the photos. I did a little detective work to find it out. I hope I am right! :)

mprondzinski said...

Wow this will be a tough one for me....I panic if there is not yellow on my page!!! I might have to sneak in a little smidge of yellow, but will try to play along ;)

kathleen said...

Yummy!! Love the combo! Hope I can find the time to play along!!!

lindam said...

Love the color combo! I'm planning to play along!

Mindy said...

Here's mine and I used my Quilting Bee Kit.

Mindy said...
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Helsbells said...

Here's my interpretation of that colour scheme: Thanks for the challenge :)

Unknown said...

Here's my interpretation of the color combo. I thought it needed a yellow highlight!

katrina said...

here is mine.

lindam said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Here's mine:

sylv said...

Love the colors! Here's my go at it.

AllieH said...

Thanks for the great challenge. Here's mine

mprondzinski said...

Thanks for the fun challenge! Here is mine:

Jennifer Larson said...

Here's my layout:

Leah said...

thanks for the challenge!

penny said...

Here's mine, using some old Fancy Pants products (still love 'em)!

Christyn said...

hooray I finally finished a challenge and got it posted before the deadline.
3/29 Challenge The Silly Side

Hanna Long said...

here is my take -