September 13, 2010

Sneak Night Giveaway

Here's 2 chances to win a Halloween Collection by My Mind's Eye.

Just leave us a comment letting us know your favorite Halloween costume and you'll be entered to win. It's that simple!


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Unknown said...

I love the homemade costumes from stuff around the house...the best ones and my personal favorite are robots.

Bibi said...

Awesome giveaway! LOVE LOVE the MME Halloween lines! Ummm....I love theme costumes. I make our costumes every year, and this year we're going to be Dr. Seuss characters. :)

Lee Anne said...

As I grew up I remember my favorite costume being a Raggedy Ann costume. It had one of hose plastic masks with holes cut out; I could hardly breathe, but I loved the costume!

Wendy Sommers said...

I'm a traditionalist! I love the witches and the goblins and the grim reapers. :)

Barb said...

I love the funny things - One year a student dressed up as a man on a windy day. His hair and his outfit all looked like they were blowing.

amytangerine said...

how fun! one year i was a picnic table. had a dress made out of picnic table cloth & sewed a paper plate, knife and fork right onto the skirt part. then i took a sharpie and drew ants all over. i wore brown tights to represent the table legs. it was pretty awesome.

Sarah P. said...

AWESOME giveaway! My favourite costume was when I dressed up as Marge Simpson - I was quite the sight when I tried to bob for apples!

Kataroo said...

Witches!! so many possibilities good witch , bad witch, pretty witch, scary witch, sexy with :)

Andrea M. said...

Tape empty cereal boxes to a plain sweatshirt, "stab" them with plastic knives, and paint drippy white around the stab wounds to look like they're bleeding milk. Ta da - you're a Cereal Killer. Cheesy fun! :)

Anonymous said...

my husband and I dressed up as Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice last year, which was fabulous!

We love to make costumes each year :)

Stacey said...

One year my our little guy (he awas about 10 months at the time) was a pea pod - he had a green fleece snowsuit - so I attached green felt circles and leaves that I cut out - so cute! One of my favorites to date! :)

Anonymous said...

My husband and I dressed as Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World. It was his first time really dressing up and he really got into it!

Unknown said...

I have to break my halloweens into "kids" and "adult" lol. My absoulte favourite as a kid was a lamb costume my mom made- i even had little ears, hooves and a bell! My favourite "adult" costume would have to be my sailor costume! ....Mixing the kid with the adult hopefully this year = raggedy ann ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

Valerie said...

going to be a cupcake this year!!

Jennifer Crosby said...

My favorite was when my son and I dressed up as Alfalfa and Spanky. Pick me and I'll show you the picture!

Unknown said...

My favorite costume was a black and white French-style clown costume that my mother made for me when I was about 10. Oh, I wish I had pictures of that to scrap!

Katherine said...

My favority halloween costume was always Dorothy. I just loved wearing sparkly red shoes!

Kassie K said...

I was looking for a pattern to make some costumes and came across a set that took the cake---a gnome w/cute red hat & a mushroom--it was super cute!!!!

AnitaP said...

My favorite halloween costume I wore as a child was Strawberry Shortcake. Not just b/c I loved the dolls but because my mom made the entire costume herself. Everything from the big poofy strawberry hat to the cute red dress & green/white striped pants. My outfit matched my doll's exactly!

Joanna said...

I'm going to have to say the costume we're planning for my 2-year-old son for this year. He's going as Elvis. And it was his idea! (Though I don't think he actually knows who Elvis was). Makes me laugh every time!

Aubree said...

My favorite halloween costume was the elephant costume my mom wore when she was pregnant with my sister. I still remember that costume some 30+ years later!

Anna K. said...

I had SO many great Halloween costumes when I was a kid... most hand sewn or scrounged from dress-up boxes and thrift stores. One year my little brother and I were both pirates. That was a fun one!

sylvie leblond said...

I love witch costumes, they really are my favorites! Thanks for the great giveaway!

TeenaBugg38 said...

I love seeing the babies and toddlers dressed matter what they wear they are always adorable!

wendipooh13 said...

My fave costumes were the homemade ones that my mom made, esp a Minnie Mouse one that she made me. Last years my son was an eyeball monster that I made and I loved it

DeniseNoe said...

My favorite Halloween costume was when my then 3 year old was Winny the Pooh and my then 8 month old was the Honey Pot!

Erica Hettwer said...

I was an ostrich in college. And yes, I have pics and no, you can't see them. ;)

JanD said...

I still love the Holly Hobby and Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary costumes I made for my daughters 35 years ago!

Maria Eufemia said...

Fun giveaway!

I loved when my middle and littlest guy dressed up as Mario and Luigi (from Super Mario bros). They were too adorable. I still smile when I look at the scrapped pages. :)

Anonymous said...

I am all about anything homemade when it comes to costumes :) Creativity counts for sure. One that is sticking out ... a couple of girls were all ceran wrapped up. I asked them what they were... "left overs" ... thought that was thinking at least!

Unknown said...

Imagine that it's 1984. I was 10. I had my mom draw around my figure onto some fabric, and I sewed my own A-line princess dress, a conical hat with a wispy veil and a wand. I don't know exactly what I was trying to be, but it was fun. It was also in Kamloops, BC and we had snow already (unusually early). So I had to wear a jacket over it! Oh well...

LG said...

All time favorite costume is angels or devil costume

Mia said...

My favorite costume was one I quickly whipped up for work one year. I went as a Queen Fairy. Threw together the outfit with some fabric as my skirt, a sparkly shirt, oversized wings, a tiara & a scepter. Had a blast doing it too.

judyc said...

I love the Alice in Wonderland characters. My daughter dressed as Alice last year, and one of her friends as the Cheshire Cat.

Marsha LL said...

My absolute favorites are when the parents are dressed up as they walk through the neighborhood with their kids. Homemade is the way to go!!!

Melinda AKA medialady said...

I have two favorite costumes that I made for my sons; one was a tiger and the other was a zebra. They were so cute in these!

Melinda M. said...

Too hard to choose! I think I'd have to go with the matching cowboy and cowgirl costumes my children wore about 4-5 years ago. So cute!

Betsy said...

Probably dating myself, but one year in college I went as the Domino's pizza Noid. Funniest I have ever seen was Picasso's blue period - guy dressed all in blue with maxi pads stuck all over him. College party, so completely appropriate - not so much for trick or treating in the 'hood.

Michelle said...

I love homemade ones. I have made a few for my kids over the years. My fav tho was the one my mother made me when I was about 7 or 8. I was Raggedy Ann. She even bought a wring mop and dyed it red!!

Denyse Kritschgau said...

One year my bff and I went as a two-headed monster. We wore a HUGE mumu and green make up! Best costume EVER!

Kelly said...

Witches! I love witches. My oldest says she wants to be a witch again this year and I am so excited.

Sarah H said...

Definitely going with a witch. I've used the same costume for years but I look different every time. Love reusable costumes.

Shannon said...

I love Halloween so much! This years picks are Mario, Princess Peach, a Great White Shark and Nemo. (I guess I should add these are the picks as of today, who knows in a few days if their answers will be the same!)

jamie long said...

a few years ago my oldest son was Harry Potter, and it was perfect! He looks so much like harry already, and he still wears that robe and plays.

Jodi_E said...

My favorite costume year after year is the classic witch in black. You can changed up the hat, add a hint of glitter for some glam or a wart for some ugliness.

Diana Fisher said...

Classic witch costume and you can't go wrong! :)

brenda said...

I don't really remember a favorite costume. I do remember that we never, ever went shopping for anything. Anything we wore for a costume came from somewhere around the house.

Kelly Massman said...

My favorite Halloween costume is an angel... :-)

nailgirl said...

one of my favs: hot glued those miniature cereal boxes all over my daughters sweat pants and sweat shirt, poked plastic knives into each box and used fake blood oozing out of each one.....a "cereal" killer :)

thearthurz said...

We only have sweet little princesses around here right now. My favorite of my oldest daughter was when she went as tinkerbell - she had the sweet little blonde pony to match. Adorable!

Anonymous said...

Id have to say a witch!
some might say I wouldn't have to do much! LOL

Mandy said...

A new favorite is a fish bowl that I am trying to talk DD into being this's simple,homemade and cute!great giveaway !

Lane said...

My favorite Halloween costume was my "steggiesaur" costume - every day, prior to attending pre-school, I'd don it, in hopes that today would be the day that Susan would decide "Well, she's already dressed, so I might as well allow her to wear her steggiesaur costume to pre-school today..." Needless to say, this sequence of thoughts never actually occurred to her.

Lane said...

My favorite Halloween costume was my "steggiesaur" costume - every day, prior to attending pre-school, I'd don it, in hopes that today would be the day that Susan would decide "Well, she's already dressed, so I might as well allow her to wear her steggiesaur costume to pre-school today..." Needless to say, this sequence of thoughts never actually occurred to her.

Meghann Andrew said...

My favorite Halloween costume that I've worn was Snow White. I was 5 & my Grandma made me the dress & I wore a black wig. Loved it!

April said...

Very cool! My favorite Halloween costume was the year I dressed up my pregnant belly as a pumpkin. Everybody loved it! ;)

Thanks for the chance to win!
- April W

Unknown said...

witches, vampires, ghosts.. you know, the traditional stuff.

sarah said...

i once babysat for a couple, the wife was about 8 months pregnant with their second baby. they showed up at my door to drop of their daughter dressed as a pregnant nun and a devil. i thought that was pretty cute :)

Christi said...

My favorite costumes are those handmade ones that have been past down for years. I recall seeing pictures of myself in clown costume with large pom-pom buttons.

Jules! said...

teen pottery barn has a Frankenstein costume that I hope my 11 yr old will want!!!! Too Cool....Thank you for the chance to win such fab toys!!!!

MaryM said...

I LOVE Halloween and I love the idea of a costume, but I'm a plus size lady who's always HOT, so finding a comfortable costume was always a challenge. That's why I invested in a good black long cape a few years ago. I have used the cape to be a witch, vampire, alien and more by just changing my make-up while dressing comfortably under my cape in a black short sleeve t-shirt and dark jeans.

ZoezMom said...

My 5 year old has requested to go as Mothra for halloween this year. Yes, Mothra for any of you that may have seen a Godzilla movie in your time. She is obsessed with Godzilla movies, thanks to her Dad. :P

Anonymous said...

I just ordered new costumes for me & my DH - we are the Addams family couple. Can't get more Halloweenie than that! Can't wait!

Unknown said...

I was Raggedy Anne one year, and my at-the-time bf was Andy...Made from existing clothes redesigned--so fun!

Anonymous said...

my boys are so into superheroes--the fave this year is an Ironman costume with puffy arm muscles for my 4 year old! pretty funny.


shanley said...

my favourite was my DS (who loves cars) as a road - we put yellow electrical tape on his costume and attached matchbox cars to him. love the homemade ones.

Anthonette said...

I've never had a fun and cool costume, but a few years ago I made my son a robot costume. He loved it so much

Melissa Priest said...

I loved it when my twin and I went as 'Thing 1 and Thing 2' from Dr Suess! Awesome giveaway!

Sassy said...

My favorite costume is a witch

Cynthia Baldwin said...

My favorite costume is one my son wore when he was two: a construction worker. I made a tool belt from felt to hold his plastic tools, he wore overalls and a plaid shirt and a plastic construction hat. He was into Bob the Builder at the time too, so he was quite adorable!!

Paulette said...

My fav costume was not mine but my daughters when she was in 1st grade. She wanted to be a "HEX GIRL", not a witch. I look at her pics and laugh. She was adorable! Love, Love, Love the MME halloween embellishments! Cant't wait to use them!!

Alena said...

My husband and I were an 80's couple a few years ago. It was so fun!!

Sabr said...

This year I will be Mrs. Sherlock Holmes in a tweed jacket complete with hat and pipe. After seeing him played by Robert Downey Jr., my heart beats for no other man!!

shann said...

eeks i love love love halloween!! we are definitely a theme-y family and my fave year ever was when we dressed up as characters from avatar-last airbender 4years ago.

Lúcia Thomaz said...

eu gosto das fantasias de morcegos e vampiros.......
Gostaria de poder participar do sorteio.

clippergirl said...

My favorite still, was back in 1990, I made it myself, a fallen angel....had a cast, bandages, broken wings and friends got a kick out of it since they always called me the "sweet/innocent" one. I think it's still in the back of my closet some where....hee!

Regan said...

I went as Mallory Knox from Natural Born Killers ..that was cool!!

Anonymous said...

I have always loved Fall and especially Halloween. It became even better when I had my daughter, so I would have to say that her bunny costume from her first halloween is my favorite! What a fun time of year!!

tressa b

frances said...

definitely anything homemade. my mom always made my costumes, and they rocked! i don't make my costumes anymore because a 4-year-old can sew better than me. so ths year, i'm buying a dorothy costume. it'llbe great!

greekmama said...

What a great giveaway, thank you. I have to say the mini mouse costume my daughter wore on her firt Halloween home. She was 18 months old and after waiting 10 years to be a mom...I melted, she was adorable and loved every minute.

Terrie Allison said...

I remember my mom and dad dressing up as the Flintstones. I loved those costumes.

Thanks for giving me a chance at the giveway.


juls2000 said...

My favorite costume was when I made my 3 children each a different color of M&M. It was so cute! Now, I wouldn't be able to dress them coordinating if I tried!

lindam said...

My favorite costume is my daughter's Pea in a Pod costume which she wore at six months four years ago.

Lillian Child said...

I has to be a ghost!

meggers27 said...

my fav i went as sprout (i am 5 ft nothing) and my friend went as the jolly green giant (he is 6 ft +)

Rhonda said...

We dressed my 9 mo. old twin nephews up as monkeys. I like the tame costums.

Rahel said...

i love the unexpected costume, like for example the swiss tourist with the long woolen red sox and the huge mountain climbing schoes ;) and since i am actually swiss, this is exactly what makes it even the more funny ;)

Mernin said...

I had a homemade ewok costume that was awesome! I loved it. I still have it and the pattern to make it again when my daughter is older! Thanks for the chance to win...

Kim N. said...

As a kid, I always "made" my costume, while my sister always wanted a store bought one. I think my favorite was when I was Rocky(yes, it was the 80's :)).

Emily C said...

My favorite costume is actually the one my 2 youngest wore for their first Halloween. It was a hot dog on a bun baby bunting and they were both so stinkin cute in it. Thanks for the chance to win. I LOVE My Minds Eye and Halloween!!!!

Emily C
The Wonderful Insanity Called Life

Ashleigh said...

My favorite Halloween costume is the bumblebee, which is really ironic considering I have a major phobia of real bees LOL!

Jody said...

My favorite costume growing up was the year my mom made Raggedy Ann and Andy paper mache masks for me and my best friend :)

Lexi said...

I rocked a homemade pumpkin costume in elementary school ;D

Anita A. said...

My absolute favorite costume was my sons 1st halloween costume. He was the cutest duck you can imagine. I even dyed a onsie yellow and wrote "Quack." on the front. Awww, now I have to go back and look at those pics! :)

Unknown said...

the best costume i ever had was a "generic human" -- white sweats & a homemade barcode to wear around my neck :)

Somertime said...

The mummy costume I made my son by hand sewing strips of gauze to a white shirt and pants and then wrapping his head. As the night wore on the strips began to pull away waving in the breeze behind him as he ran from yard to yard.

Nitasha said...

My favorite costume ever was when I was Rainbow Bright! the 80s!

ChristyR said...

anything Star Wars!

Ms said...

My favorites were my oldest son when he was Johnny Appleseed (complete with a pot for his head!) and my youngest was Norman Bates when Norman was dressed as his mother.
When I was 4 I was Spider-man (much to my mother's chagrin as she wanted me to be a puppy!) of all the costumes I wore that was my favorite!

Katherine said...

My favorite adult costume was the green and purple gown that I wore as Ambassador Delenn of Babylon 5. My favorite kid costume was the Princess Leia white gown complete with my hair in side buns that my Mom made for me. My kids say they loved the princess and magician costumes I made for them several years ago.

Latrice said...

I love making my costumes from things we have already. My favorite was in college when the hubby was the hunchback of Notre Dame and I was a vampire. It was soooo fun.

Bianca said...

My favorite costume was the one my 1 year old son wore 2 years ago. He was the cutest skunk ever!!! But since we could not find a kids skunk costume we found a dog one and bought the largest one they made and altered it to fit him (kinda)...Anyway I loved it!

JennL said...

My fave costume was when my BFF & I dressed as Raggedy Ann & Raggedy Andy while we worked in the ER for a 12 hour shift on Halloween. We were a big hit with the kiddos and that duo even made encore appearances for two more years (by request). : )

ArlaMo said...

Our whole family always does some time of theme for Halloween - we've done Star Wars characters, Batman, Lord of the Ring, Dr. Seuss, types of food, jungle creatures. Last year, we all went as road signs - some of the easiest costumes I have made yet, but looked really cool.

Tam said...

We don't really do Halloween here, but when we dress up, my boys love being pirates!

Dawn said...

The pink bunny costume from "A Christmas Story". My daughter is 10 months old and this will be her first Halloween. I'd love to put her in that for trick or treating AND THEN again for Christmas card pictures! LOL!

g said...

My most recent favorite costume was when I was a PC and my husband was a Mac. :) It wasn't very obvious, but we amused ourselves with it. ;)


suzantzavala said...

I just scrapped some old high school halloween photos of me and some friends in 1974. We had hit the vintage store and had made up costumes from vintage clothing...very fun.

AllyW said...

When i was about 10yrs old my mom painted my face as a skeleton and i had these torn flowy ragged clothes on. She's a fabulous artist and painted my face so scarey looking that i literally could not look at myself in the mirror. It scared me to death at the time. But looking back at pictures, i would loooove to be painted up like that again!!

Tiffany said...

i loved being a safari explorer for halloween last year!
my best friend was a bear and we were matching

Scrapamum said...

My favourite costume was when I was a green martian. I think I was 9 years old and I thought it rocked green tin foil and all! : )

Altie said...

Last year, my son's first Halloween, he was a hot dog. He absolutely hated it, but he looked so cute :)

Christine Campbell said...

I don't think I've ever done a halloween layout. This would be fun!!

Laura Evangeline said...

My husband is mustard, I'm ketchup, and our little one is a hot dog!

Unknown said...

I loved the baby bird I made my little girl out of feather boas!

Colleen said...

I was a purple crayon when I was little. Love it and may make my 2 year old a pink crayon this year.

Denise said...

I have sewn costumes for niece, nephews and godsons for years. Hard decision, but I think my favorite was the twin cowboy complete with chaps for my godsons. would be the patchwork T-Rex that my nephew insisted had to be multi-colored and then refused to wear as it was embarrassing. HA HA HA!

JoanneK said...

My favorite was the one that made my DH really listen!!! He was watching baseball when I consulted him about matching costumes! "ya ya"!!! Well his face when he had to wear yellow leotards, duck feet, and a big plush Donald duck suit was priceless! We went out that year as Donald & Daisy duck! He pays attention now when I ask about costumes to purchase! :-)

sewnotmartha said...

Last year I saw a little girl dressed as Cotton Candy.
She was wrapped in pink dyed batting and then cellophane. So simple and so cute.

Jen L said...

my mom once made my brother and I elaborate Miss Piggy & Kermit the Frog costumes out of felt. They were awesome and have been used many, many times since then.

cindy said...

I have two snow white when I was 8 and snow white maid from last year. They were both made for me by my talented mama.

Anonymous said...


Michelle Frae Cummings said...

I love being a witch for Halloween. I'm forever inspired by the witches in "hocus pocus"!

*Monica B* said...

I love homemade costumes, especially ones from my childhood. For a while, I was really obsessed with being a princess. So one year my uncle made me a princess tiara out of foil! That was the best costume [accessory] ever!

Dao said...

Anything that is handmade or homemade. Gotta love the effort and orignality of costumes. :)

Chris said...

I love to make costumes, now my daughter (18yo) has the bug and makes costumes to dress all the younger cousins. My favorite was Cleopatra. Thanks for the chance to win.

Carri & Bob said...

One year my son dressed up as spaghetti and meatballs, that was cute

claudia shadler said...

oh gosh, haven't been out on halloween in ages, but i do remember being dressed as wonder woman when i was a kid :) hehe, it was fun!

C :)

Katherine said...

My favorite is when my hubby and I dressed from the seventies. We won a company contest and a free get away at a hotel. Maybe I will win tonight too. Thanks for the chance.

apron girls said...

My favorite costume was when I was a bumble bee and I used yellow electrical tape for the stripes and found some awesome bee wings at Old Navy.

Anonymous said...

I remeber being little and getting a new Wonder Woman costume complete with the plastic mask...oh boy did I feel cool!!! Thanks for the chance to win and for the memories!
Tracy D.

Michelle said...

My favorite costume was when I was a punk rock girl when I was about 10.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Spardha said...

my fave costume was that of a pretty fairy! :)

Anonymous said...

I love theme costumes too.... my fav is the witch !!! Love ME too !

Roberta said...

my favorite costume is the felt clown costume my mother made when I was 3. It matched a felt clown she sewed from a kit and she copied without a pattern. Both my girls wore it when they were the same age and my 2 year old son will wear it this year or definitely next. I still have the clown and have pictures of the girls posing with him in the costume.

Melinda said...

My favorite Halloween costumes were the ones my mother used to make us when I was a child. One of my favorite years was when she made all four of us(my siblings and I) Crayola Crayons. We were each a different color and even had our own color pointed hat. The body of it was much like a dress with overall type strapes we wore with coordinating pants and top of course! We won first prize for most original costumes at the school Halloween Party that year. I have actually seen "Crayola Costumes" you can buy now but they are not as cute or as well made as my moms originals.

asica.p said...

awesome giveaway!!witches of cors!!

Brittany said...

Last year my little 4 yr old son was Batman, my dad was his sidekick Robin, and the rest of the family were the villains (Joker, CatLady, HarleyQuinn...). I have to say that little Batman was my favorite--I'd be his villain anytime!!

BethW said...

My favorite was his and her outhouses made from appliance boxes!

Sarah said...

a pregnant nun

Cathy G said...

I've always liked going as a witch's black cat. Very easy to put together and all the black is very slimming!

Hope and Chances said...

It has got to be children in pumpkin outfits - so very lovable and cute :-)

Barb in AK said...

One year, our school librarian invited us to dress as a character to a favorite book. This was for students and staff.
I was the music teacher at the time, and I was reading a book about the Titanic-- "A Night to Remember" by Walter Lord.
On Halloween day, I wore a black skirt, white long-sleeved blouse, white apron and an orange life preserver!
The children were very interested in what I could possibly be. I explained that I was a maid to a very wealthy woman on board the Titanic. I showed them the book I was reading and gave a bit of historical background about the night of April 14, 1912.
Some of the boys and girls thought it was pretty lame (as I wasn't dressed as a witch or monster), and others found it interesting.
The music lesson was put on the back burner that day. It was my hope that some of the students would be motivated to find a book in the school library about the Titanic and read more about it.

Sheena said...

the home made ones are the best x
I'm quite traditional & I like the witches & goblins...

Unknown said...

I love the beetljuice costume ;-) tèhèhèhè... don't call him 3 times he will come : "beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice" LOL

The Mom said...

I love making my kids halloween costumes and last year I made my son a storm trooper costume and he loved it!!

Astrid said...

When I was a little kids my mom made me a fairy outfit, still my favorite =)

souDulce said...

I love a good tradicional witch costumes! It's the best!

Stacy said...

Awesome! We never had the chance to celebrate Halloween in Singapore, but I remembered once we had a Halloween party in school, and I got to wear this Dracula outfit made by my mom! The tomato sauce was tasty! :)

*a* said...

I have two. The coolest one was a naked couple with their private areas pixelated. They just had a bathing suit on (we were on a cruise), and had blocks of paper pieced together to look like pixels.

And I love the traditional ghost costume with the white sheet.

isabel scrap said...

I love bad witch !!! But in France we don't celebrate Halloween as much as in the Us

Vitoria B said...

I love beeing an angel and my DH a devil :-)

Olivia said...

I love wearing vampire costumes as you can glam them up so they're girly but still scary :)

Laci J said...

My favorite halloween costume was last year when I baked mustache cookies on a stick. So simple and AWESOME!!! Best Halloween pics I've ever had.

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway!
My favorit costumes are mummies and whitches...

crazy4scrappin said...

Love the give away....thanks so much. My favorite costumes were when we as a family dressed up as characters from the Wizard of Oz.

Martha galvez said...

I was maybe 3 or 4 and my mother made me a gypsy costume that i fell in love with!! I think it was more about getting to wear makeup!! I sooo love it!!! I have the only pic of that halloween in my treasured stash and I love pulling it out and just remembering how much fun I had being a GYPSY!!!!

Saneli said...

Witches and vampires and little kiddies in cute costumes are my faves.

Leah said...

I guess I'm a traditionalist... witches, gouls and and goblins are my favorite...thanks for the giveaway!

Lalunatique said...

When I was young I had a playing card costume and I really love it, it was my favorite costume !

Jude said...

Last year we dressed our (then) one year old as a pumpkin - classic and so cute. She had a wee orange tutu on, she looked adorable! The costume I remember from when I was little was a Teddy Bears Picnic - I wanted to be a fairy but my Mum was really inventive when it came to costumes so I was all kinds of unusual things - I had a red gingham tablecloth on with cups paper plates and teddies sewn on and a teddy bear mask on my arms got sore holding up the tablecloth but winning 1st prize at the Brownie Halloween party made up for that!!

Pam said...

We went to goodwill and bought ball gowns, gloves, tiara's and made sashes with "princess" in glitter.....we had so much fun that year !

Bridget Willis said...

I dont remember my costumes from when I was a young kid, but my favorite in my adult years has to be when my friend made herself up as a Bud Light Beer can! LOOKED ALMOST REAL! ONLY 10,000 TIMES BIGGER THAN THE REAL THING!
Thanks for the chance to win.

Genevieve said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win! Two years ago my friends and I dressed up as a box of Crayola crayons - each one of us was a different colour! We had so much fun making our costumes :)

Erika M. said...

My favorite is from growing up when mom would dress us like a hobo and we would look so cool!

Jennifer Larson said...

I think I was Wonder Woman once. I'm a mom, so I guess I still am. Ha!

Kathy said...

I only had one halloween costume growing up. It was made by my Mum from some "black out" material that had been used by my Nanna during WW2, to make a witches costume for a brownie ( girl guides) halloween party. I treasured it for years!

ruth said...

My fav costume was from childhood and my mom made the costume. I was a rabbit and she did the ears with a wire coat hanger to form them. :)

Cristina said...

My son had a scooby doo costume that he wore for 4 years straight! Boy was I glad to give that one away. :)

100drascrap said...

I simply love ghost costumes

Theresa Grdina said...

My favorite costume was when my oldest daughter was 5. She went as Glenda the Good Witch and sparkled everywhere! What girl doesn't love sparkles????? My second favorite is going as a table! That one always makes me laugh!!!

jlthore said...

My mom made me a Hershey's Kiss costume one year and I still have the pictures to prove it!!

Unknown said...

My oldest son would DIE if he saw this comment! Back in the very lean years when there were 3 at home to costume, I took a moving box and spray painted it to look like a die. Notice I did not say dice, due to only having one box, and he had outgrown his ninja costume, so that was passed to brother. His total humilation was not only was he going as a "box with circles on momma", he was not even a pair. Ugh, I am a bad mother....LOL! I love this memory now because it is a moment to laugh together as adults, since he has now forgiven me at 25....:)Thanks for a wonderful chance at a fabulous prize!

rhonda nickol said...

I don't remember my costumes as a child but I always handmade my daughter's and let me just say she made the cutest ladybug you ever seen!

Patricia said...

My favorite costume as a child was a panda bear, I have a photo with my two brothers from Halloween when I was little wearing it. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

My favorite Halloween costume would have to be when my son dressed up like a pirate and my daughter was a parrot. They were so cute together.

Vicki J. Wade said...

Bride of Frankenstein - she's my favorite!

lori said...

My favorite had to be the year my DD was a ladybug...."Tick or Treat- I'm a ladybug" she was 2 it was adorable...

deb duty said...

Many years ago I made robot costumes out of boxes for my two little boys using Martha Stewart directions. It was the only time I attempted homemade!

Jean said...

Always used to make the kid's costumes. My son has been a blue M & M and the Cat in the hat. I sewed a fancy dress for my daughter to be a princess and one year she was a shaggy dog made out of paper bags. I think each year was my favorite over the year before.

Anonymous said...

I loved the year my ds was Harry Potter - he looked amazing. I really need to scrap that photo!!
Beth Ann

Debbi Tehrani said...

My all-time favorite costume was when I dressed up as I Dream of Jeannie.

Lindsay W said...

I love the pumpkin costumes that babies and toddlers wear. It's a classic and almost everyone has been a pumpkin once.

Gracie said...

Marie Antoinette!

Heather Innusa said...

My fave costume was a cheerleader when I was 15. It was so out of character for me that it was super fun!!

Tammy said...

Almost all of our costumes have been handmade. My favorite was when I made a Superman costume for my oldest son. He wore it almost every day!

{VICKI} said...

My son usually wears homemade costumes---that makes it so much more enjoyable. One year he went as the hulk---it was great! Especially his hair colored black (he is blonde)

8bis said...

arghh it's hard to say, here in France, Halloween is not so much done...
but if I could, I'd make my own costume for my little 2 years old and she would be like a little green "sprite" ! i think that's the word for french lutin.

Erin M said...

My favorite costumes were the ones I made when our youngest was a baby. I made this blue gingham pinafore to be "Dorothy" my husband was coerced to wear a flannel shirt & sweatpants with raffia (straw) sewn into the cuffs as the "Scarecrow" and my baby boy (almost 1 yr.) was the "Cowardly Lion". Very Memorable!

kg said...

so favorite one was when my daughter who was 6months old at the time..was dressed as a little red chili pepper (she could not stand it!)

lpaigeb1984 said...

when I was little I dressed up as rainbow bright. Defiantly my favorite of all time.

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

My favorite was when both my daughter and I dressed up in the oriental 'Elizabeth' costume of Pirates of the Carribean. It was so fun! My son was a zombie.. Go figure.

Stéphanie said...

I have to start by saying how much I love MME new collections. they are amazing and I am totally crazy about Black Bird !!!!
As for the costume, I pretty much like the traditional (but handmade) witch costume !!

summer said...

I loved my hubby and I's Halloween costumes last year; not because they were so creative but because they were so fun and we were together (unusual since his deployments tend to be over the holidays). We were George W. Bush and Sarah Palin, and yes I practiced my accent!

Laney said...

I like period costumes, like Renaissance dresses...

odomfamily said...

I don't much care for dressing up, but I love to dress up my kids. This year we'll be Snow White and Spiderman. said...

I love any costume as long as a toddler is wearing it. They are so stinking cute in anything!! Especially when their heads are covered (not the face)) - so cute!!

Sarah said...

My favorite was my dd's French Fry costume last year. SO cute!

Marcy said...

I once saw a costume in which a large cardboard box was decorated to look like a stove. A person was in the box with their head sticking out through a hole on a burner with a pot around his head. they used dry ice to create the image of a human head cooking on the stove. UUUGGHHH. Very clever though.

psolano said...

Dressing up as a gypsy in grade school maybe age 7, putting on a wig, hoop earrings and makeup!

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